Smart RSS is an extension that clones (in a bit mutated way) RSS reader from Opera 12.
Because extension API does NOT allow to add both button next to url field (to Open RSS reader) and to url field (to add RSS from current site). I had to create TWO extensions which communicates with each other!
Addons catalog:
Download links:
- Smart RSS (main extension, latest build):
- RSS Detector (adds page button to address field):
- Source:
Note: Install them by downloading the file and then dragging it to opera:extensions tab

- You can use shorcuts as G,H,T,Y,CTRL+A,CTRL+SHIFT+A,K,D (for more info read O12 RSS/M2 docs)
- Put ":" before text in search box for full text search
- When new feed items are fetched the extension button turns blue/orange. To turn it to grey again you have to select all feeds with new items or explicitly select the All feeds item.
- You can multi select feeds and change "update interval" and "autoremove" of all selected feeds at once. When multi-selecting feeds, their articles aren't automatically added to middle column. You must explicitly press enter (moves focus to middle column) or right arrow (doesn't move focus to middle column) to get articles from all selected feeds.
- If you click on unread count of a feed, only unread articles are displayed. (You can also use alt+click on a feed item)
If you'd like to, you can make a donation

Happy testing!
I have three issues to mention
I use this plugin under vivaldi and love it! Unfortunately the right mouse button doesn't work so I cant delete feeds.
After an fresh install of vivaldi im not able to install the plugin
Can someone give me an hint what to do?
In the chrome Web-store your plugin seems to be hijacked by an turkish warez group -
It shows
Rss Reader
Probably not so good
Originally posted by lubor-slusny:
Originally posted by Citro12:Unfortunately, Smart RSS does not work with YouTube anymore still works fine for me. If your Youtube rss links are not fetched correctly, get new ones here
The Feed button in the Opera address line is missing from YouTube-site
Originally posted by Citro12:
Unfortunately, Smart RSS does not work with YouTube anymore
still works fine for me. If your Youtube rss links are not fetched correctly, get new ones here posted by martinkadlec0:
Originally posted by Knowitall66:Even if it's just a means to properly export list of feeds
Can you get to the extension's settings? If so there is an opml export button.
Thanks, yeah, I can still open the options menu and export.
Originally posted by Knowitall66:
Even if it's just a means to properly export list of feeds
Can you get to the extension's settings? If so there is an opml export button.
Currently I'm manually porting over some more important feeds (By digging through the IndexedDB log file), but there are over a hundred total so would appreciate any assistance (Even if it's just a means to properly export list of feeds).
Originally posted by BS-Harou:
Just to confirm what was already said, Smart RSS is for quite some time now (years) not under development and - unless someone else takes over - is unlikely to get any new features or fixes. The main reason for that is that I myself moved on from RSS and don't use it anymore.
Anyhow, if anyone wants to take over you are very much welcome to do so, no strings attached.
Hi, I'm using your Smart RSS and I'm in love with can you help me, why my RSS stopped working today??? thanks....
Anyhow, if anyone wants to take over you are very much welcome to do so, no strings attached.
Originally posted by ykDu-CGCL:
Does Smart RSS support for subscription synchronizing?
No. I wouldn't get my hopes up in Smart RSS getting any new features. And to synchronize stuff you'll need a dedicated server/hosting. But there is an import/export feature in the options menu. You can "share" your subscriptions with posts included to all your devices via that.
Originally posted by vidpablo:
One detail, would be posible to have a link to derectly dowload the files from a feed instead to go to the page and then download the file.
Whenever post's link leads to the file or to the full page with the links to that file fully depends on the RSS feed's contents. If RSS author does not include the link in the post, there is no way to get that link without going to the page the post links to. So just like unsernameisalreadytaken you misunderstand the purpose of Smart RSS and should direct your request to the RSS feed administrator in question.
Originally posted by unsernameisalreadytaken:
YouTube doesn't give out more than last 15 videos by RSS.
You misunderstand greatly what Smart RSS actually is. It reads RSS feeds, converts them into readable web-pages, and shows them to you. As they are. So if you want YouTube's RSS feeds to give out more stuff with conditions like "all posts since" you should ask YouTube about it.
I use your feeder to watch youtube videos without any account. And your rss is the best extension I found the whole opera/firefox/chrome selection. But there is still a future I miss:
If I adding a Channel/Adress he only shows the last 15 posts from that address (maximum) that were released. I would like to have a function to adjust this number to 99 or 50. So I can also watch/read older entries.
Or maybe an date option like "all posts since date xy" would be great.
I had time looking for something similar the original opera´s feeds program.
One detail, would be posible to have a link to derectly dowload the files from a feed instead to go to the page and then download the file.
I´ve got a picture to explain the idea if it helps (but I dont´t know how if it possible to upload it).
Originally posted by ykDu-CGCL:
Does Smart RSS support for subscription synchronizing?
I think sharing configuration of subscriptions is very important to users, who have more than one devices.
I hope subscriptions sharing feature would be implemented.
Did you find out if it's possible ? it looks not I think unhappy
I think sharing configuration of subscriptions is very important to users, who have more than one devices.
I hope subscriptions sharing feature would be implemented.
- when I clear all from SmartRSS (in settings, Clear Data section), toolbar button is not reset to zero, and more important, it doesn't sync with number of feeds any time later...
- importing SMART in already existing subscriptions didn't organize it by folders (from new imported file)
can someone please tell me how to start this extension?
CRTL+SHIFT+R doesn't work
Originally posted by Shionsan:
Oh wow. Looks like I've been using non-store version and it's 2 years old already. Thx.
Originally posted by vux777:
on addons store is
Last update: Feb. 11, 2016
Oh wow. Looks like I've been using non-store version and it's 2 years old already. Thx.
Originally posted by Shionsan:
I wonder if there will ever be a next release. Martin gone silent since august 2015.
on addons store is
Last update: Feb. 11, 2016
The right hand column is set wide for comfortable text line width; this squeezes the middle column and truncates the title text lines.
I wish that middle column text mouseover would expand the title so truncated text would be fully exposed.
Please consider adding this feature in your next release.
thanks so much
is there any other way to start it?
Good job! Tested and works on my end using Opera 36 beta.
@BS-Harou: Looks like it's about time to update! ;-)
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en" dir="ltr">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Smart RSS</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="styles/main-compiled.css" />
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="images/icon16_v2.png" />
<!--<script data-main="scripts/main.js" src="scripts/libs/require.js"></script>-->
<script data-main="scripts/main-compiled.js" src="scripts/libs/require.js"></script>
<body class="loading">
<div class="regions" data-cols="250,*"> <!-- cols="350,*" -->
<div id="panel-toggle"></div>
<section class="region" id="region-feeds" tabindex="1" name="feeds"></section>
<div class="regions" data-cols="250,*" style="overflow: hidden;">
<section class="region" id="region-articles" tabindex="2" name="articles" style="margin:auto;width:100%;overflow:hidden;"></section>
<section class="region" id="region-content" tabindex="3" name="content" style="flex-basis:1px;margin:auto;width:100%;overflow:hidden;"></section>
Now everything displays as it should.
I've had a quick look in main-compiled.js and it's probably there. I suspect it's either (a) how it displays title / author / time within fixed columns in the list panel, or (b) fixed title column width in the main panel, but I'm straying beyond my comfort zone with .js so can't help any more (especially for a minor bug). Sorry!
I think recent updates to the Chromium engine (certainly it's present on my two browsers after they went to v.48) problems like x2k13's second point when my display layout was the one with two large horizontal areas (and not the three vertical ones).
Instead of Shionsan's suggestion on 13.08.2015 20:26 of 100%, change the 'max-height:' to 50% instead. This prevents the list of items from extending beyond the bottom off the page, so locks the main content panel to half the page. However, this means the left hand feed list is chopped in half (if you've got a lot of them that is).
So, a little further down, add the fourth line to give it a max-height
#region-feeds {
-webkit-flex: 0 0 300px;
flex: 0 0 300px;
max-height: 200%;
I've also noticed long feed titles mean the panel needs scrolling horizontally but this only happens occasionally. If I remember the next time it happens I'll have a look.
Opera 33.x is doing things differently as it seems, so this Add-On is behaving weird lately:
- Certain RSS feeds show as blank lines, but have content when you click on them
- The layout is messed up, vertical view makes the whole page become scrollable when there are many feeds, right pane gets resized over the browser window borders when feed titles are too long and horizontal view gets pushed to the right sometimes when the feed title is long.
- Sometimes feeds can't get deleted/moved to trash on the same session, the window must be closed and reopened to refresh the view.
Ah well, switched to "The RSS Aggregator" from the Chrome Web Store via "Download Chrome Extension" Add-On as long as there is no update to this ...
i used rss in google browser at that it automatically detects i.e., feed of that website url when url is placed in url locater
but itnot occur ike that in opera
Originally posted by BS-Harou:
And when I am at it, there is one more update. I changed the option to ask before complete removal of pinned items to multiple choice option, so that it can ask you even when just moving article to trash.
Another format! Previous version - v2.2.1
Now the vertical layout works more like the horizontal layout - that means that there can be now vertical scrollbar by design if the article content view is made too small.
Let me know if it is okay like this or if it needs a bit more fiddling
Originally posted by x2k13:
That doesn't fix the problem with the first view though. The width isn't affected at all and setting the width to a certain value results in the right panel window to not be dynamically adjusted anymore. Hmmm...
Strange, it works fine for me in both layouts with changing height to max-height. Why would you touch the width? Isn't it changable with the mouse from extension itself? You can "drag" it by the border and it's value is remembered.
.region {
min-width: 100px;
border-right: 1px solid #a6a6a6;
display: -webkit-flex;
display: flex;
-webkit-flex-flow: column;
flex-flow: column;
-webkit-align-items: stretch;
align-items: stretch;
max-height: 100% }
Go to the file %APPDATA%\Opera Software\Opera Stable\Extensions\nncgmpcdlilgbepbfpeidpjlcdfhmcfp\2.2_0\styles\main-compiled.css
Open it with some text editor and search for this block:
.region {
min-width: 100px;
/*width: 350px;
max-height: 100%;*/
border-right: 1px solid #a6a6a6;
/*border: 0;
border-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #eee 0, #a6a6a6 30px);
border-image-width: 1px;
border-image-slice: 1 1 1 1;*/
display: -webkit-flex;
display: flex;
-webkit-flex-flow: column;
flex-flow: column;
-webkit-align-items: stretch;
align-items: stretch;
height: 100%;
You'll have to change last line to max-height:100%, and that would wonderfully fix the problem. The funny thing is that I don't even understand why. I suppose you can even delete the line. Anyway that should work as a hotfix. Hope Martin would fix it properly soon.
Originally posted by x2k13:
Please fix this soon, since there is no other good RSS reader addon for Opera!
I'd say there is. Mentioned it below - The RSS Aggregator from Chrome store. Not as comfortable as Smart RSS but does what it should and so far bugless. OPML import/export supported. Temporarely switching to that.
Originally posted by Shionsan:
Bad people, who call themselves Opera developers, broke your extension a bit. In 2nd layout, when you select something in the topics list, window height gets increased by topic list height. Whole page becomes scrollable.
This happens in both layouts! Using the default layout here. The RSS Reader frame gets resized inside the main Opera window with a scrollbar at the bottom. Please fix this soon, since there is no other good RSS reader addon for Opera!
Originally posted by Shionsan:
Originally posted by bkaye2:Have saved (marked as read) 40 or so RSS msgs in an Opera Developer install. Would like to move them to the Opera Stable install....have copied over the appropriate Extension folder, but it doesn't contain the there some other folder where the msgs are kept?
Browsers "Local storage" it is. But instead of trying to move that, you'd better use export/import feature of Smart RSS. Can find it in it's options menu.
Thanks for the response....I thought that function only exported the Feed details....but now I see that the two formats(OPML and Smart) are different and that the Smart format contains both the Feeds and messages...
Thanks again...
Originally posted by bkaye2:
Have saved (marked as read) 40 or so RSS msgs in an Opera Developer install. Would like to move them to the Opera Stable install....have copied over the appropriate Extension folder, but it doesn't contain the there some other folder where the msgs are kept?
Browsers "Local storage" it is. But instead of trying to move that, you'd better use export/import feature of Smart RSS. Can find it in it's options menu.
Thanks for any help....
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