Martin Kadlec blogging

Smart RSS


Smart RSS is an extension that clones (in a bit mutated way) RSS reader from Opera 12.

Because extension API does NOT allow to add both button next to url field (to Open RSS reader) and to url field (to add RSS from current site). I had to create TWO extensions which communicates with each other!

Addons catalog:

Download links:

Note: Install them by downloading the file and then dragging it to opera:extensions tab

Screen of Smart RSS

  • You can use shorcuts as G,H,T,Y,CTRL+A,CTRL+SHIFT+A,K,D (for more info read O12 RSS/M2 docs)
  • Put ":" before text in search box for full text search
  • When new feed items are fetched the extension button turns blue/orange. To turn it to grey again you have to select all feeds with new items or explicitly select the All feeds item.
  • You can multi select feeds and change "update interval" and "autoremove" of all selected feeds at once. When multi-selecting feeds, their articles aren't automatically added to middle column. You must explicitly press enter (moves focus to middle column) or right arrow (doesn't move focus to middle column) to get articles from all selected feeds.
  • If you click on unread count of a feed, only unread articles are displayed. (You can also use alt+click on a feed item)

If you'd like to, you can make a donation :)

Happy testing!

Please login to post comments.
07.01.2018 08:38
To make Smart RSS work with Youtube, see this post:
05.12.2017 21:04
Hi there

I have three issues to mention

I use this plugin under vivaldi and love it! Unfortunately the right mouse button doesn't work so I cant delete feeds.

After an fresh install of vivaldi im not able to install the plugin

Can someone give me an hint what to do?

In the chrome Web-store your plugin seems to be hijacked by an turkish warez group -
It shows

Rss Reader

Probably not so good ;)
22.09.2017 14:42

Originally posted by lubor-slusny:

Originally posted by Citro12:Unfortunately, Smart RSS does not work with YouTube anymore still works fine for me. If your Youtube rss links are not fetched correctly, get new ones here

The Feed button in the Opera address line is missing from YouTube-site
17.09.2017 18:49

Originally posted by Citro12:

Unfortunately, Smart RSS does not work with YouTube anymore

still works fine for me. If your Youtube rss links are not fetched correctly, get new ones here
17.09.2017 13:36
Unfortunately, Smart RSS does not work with YouTube anymore
17.09.2017 03:02

Originally posted by martinkadlec0:

Originally posted by Knowitall66:Even if it's just a means to properly export list of feeds
Can you get to the extension's settings? If so there is an opml export button.

Thanks, yeah, I can still open the options menu and export.
17.09.2017 00:48

Originally posted by Knowitall66:

Even if it's just a means to properly export list of feeds

Can you get to the extension's settings? If so there is an opml export button.
21.08.2017 12:29
I'm in the same situation as martakowalik999 , I assume a recent chromium update broke the plugin. (Icon shows updating animation, clicking on it is unresponsive, the tab that it was open in just showed default extension gear symbol)
Currently I'm manually porting over some more important feeds (By digging through the IndexedDB log file), but there are over a hundred total so would appreciate any assistance (Even if it's just a means to properly export list of feeds).
20.04.2017 22:51

Originally posted by BS-Harou:

Just to confirm what was already said, Smart RSS is for quite some time now (years) not under development and - unless someone else takes over - is unlikely to get any new features or fixes. The main reason for that is that I myself moved on from RSS and don't use it anymore.

Anyhow, if anyone wants to take over you are very much welcome to do so, no strings attached.

Hi, I'm using your Smart RSS and I'm in love with can you help me, why my RSS stopped working today??? thanks....
19.04.2017 00:04
Just to confirm what was already said, Smart RSS is for quite some time now (years) not under development and - unless someone else takes over - is unlikely to get any new features or fixes. The main reason for that is that I myself moved on from RSS and don't use it anymore.

Anyhow, if anyone wants to take over you are very much welcome to do so, no strings attached.
13.04.2017 15:24

Originally posted by ykDu-CGCL:

Does Smart RSS support for subscription synchronizing?

No. I wouldn't get my hopes up in Smart RSS getting any new features. And to synchronize stuff you'll need a dedicated server/hosting. But there is an import/export feature in the options menu. You can "share" your subscriptions with posts included to all your devices via that.
13.04.2017 15:17

Originally posted by vidpablo:

One detail, would be posible to have a link to derectly dowload the files from a feed instead to go to the page and then download the file.

Whenever post's link leads to the file or to the full page with the links to that file fully depends on the RSS feed's contents. If RSS author does not include the link in the post, there is no way to get that link without going to the page the post links to. So just like unsernameisalreadytaken you misunderstand the purpose of Smart RSS and should direct your request to the RSS feed administrator in question.
13.04.2017 15:13

Originally posted by unsernameisalreadytaken:

YouTube doesn't give out more than last 15 videos by RSS.

You misunderstand greatly what Smart RSS actually is. It reads RSS feeds, converts them into readable web-pages, and shows them to you. As they are. So if you want YouTube's RSS feeds to give out more stuff with conditions like "all posts since" you should ask YouTube about it.
04.04.2017 12:18
Hello Martin,

I use your feeder to watch youtube videos without any account. And your rss is the best extension I found the whole opera/firefox/chrome selection. But there is still a future I miss:

If I adding a Channel/Adress he only shows the last 15 posts from that address (maximum) that were released. I would like to have a function to adjust this number to 99 or 50. So I can also watch/read older entries.

Or maybe an date option like "all posts since date xy" would be great.
08.10.2016 11:21
Excellent work!
I had time looking for something similar the original opera´s feeds program.
One detail, would be posible to have a link to derectly dowload the files from a feed instead to go to the page and then download the file.
I´ve got a picture to explain the idea if it helps (but I dont´t know how if it possible to upload it).

03.10.2016 11:54
Is it possible to somehow show if feed update was a failure, like if format is wrong or request had some errors (400, 503, etc.)? There is no way now to see if feed is still working, but to check the url directly.
11.08.2016 13:53

Originally posted by ykDu-CGCL:

Does Smart RSS support for subscription synchronizing?
I think sharing configuration of subscriptions is very important to users, who have more than one devices.
I hope subscriptions sharing feature would be implemented.

Did you find out if it's possible ? it looks not I think unhappy :(
29.04.2016 03:39
Does Smart RSS support for subscription synchronizing?

I think sharing configuration of subscriptions is very important to users, who have more than one devices.
I hope subscriptions sharing feature would be implemented.
24.04.2016 19:07
Thanks for this awesome RSS reader. Clean, efficient, integrated, open source. What else?
13.04.2016 15:31
small bug:

- when I clear all from SmartRSS (in settings, Clear Data section), toolbar button is not reset to zero, and more important, it doesn't sync with number of feeds any time later...

- importing SMART in already existing subscriptions didn't organize it by folders (from new imported file)
17.03.2016 14:09
I found myself changing sorting between title and date a lot. Would like to have that simplified a little. Hope Martin looks here sometimes, as I have a suggestion - sorting buttons for articles list, so instead of 3 clicks you'd change sorting in just 1.
16.03.2016 22:20
Please add checkbox "unread on top"
22.02.2016 10:33

can someone please tell me how to start this extension?

CRTL+SHIFT+R doesn't work
18.02.2016 22:35

Originally posted by Shionsan:

Oh wow. Looks like I've been using non-store version and it's 2 years old already. Thx.

:) np
18.02.2016 22:12

Originally posted by vux777:

on addons store is
Last update: Feb. 11, 2016

Oh wow. Looks like I've been using non-store version and it's 2 years old already. Thx.
18.02.2016 19:18

Originally posted by Shionsan:

I wonder if there will ever be a next release. Martin gone silent since august 2015.

on addons store is
Last update: Feb. 11, 2016
18.02.2016 17:23
I wonder if there will ever be a next release. Martin gone silent since august 2015.
18.02.2016 15:03
My screen configuration is 3 vertical columns.
The right hand column is set wide for comfortable text line width; this squeezes the middle column and truncates the title text lines.

I wish that middle column text mouseover would expand the title so truncated text would be fully exposed.

Please consider adding this feature in your next release.

thanks so much
17.02.2016 16:05
why i can't run Smart Rss with CTRL+SHIFT+R ?

is there any other way to start it?
12.02.2016 12:52
Yet I still get visible window x-scrollbar, when element is too long. Using 3-vertical-rows layout.
12.02.2016 10:03
Good job! Tested and works on my end using Opera 36 beta.

@BS-Harou: Looks like it's about time to update! ;-)

09.02.2016 15:02
I have changed rss.html to this:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en" dir="ltr">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Smart RSS</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="styles/main-compiled.css" />
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="images/icon16_v2.png" />
<!--<script data-main="scripts/main.js" src="scripts/libs/require.js"></script>-->
<script data-main="scripts/main-compiled.js" src="scripts/libs/require.js"></script>
<body class="loading">
<div class="regions" data-cols="250,*"> <!-- cols="350,*" -->
<div id="panel-toggle"></div>
<section class="region" id="region-feeds" tabindex="1" name="feeds"></section>
<div class="regions" data-cols="250,*" style="overflow: hidden;">
<section class="region" id="region-articles" tabindex="2" name="articles" style="margin:auto;width:100%;overflow:hidden;"></section>
<section class="region" id="region-content" tabindex="3" name="content" style="flex-basis:1px;margin:auto;width:100%;overflow:hidden;"></section>

Now everything displays as it should.
19.01.2016 13:49
No, can't find it I'm afraid. I've changed in main-compiled.css all the values that would be applicable to width / max width but nothing worked.

I've had a quick look in main-compiled.js and it's probably there. I suspect it's either (a) how it displays title / author / time within fixed columns in the list panel, or (b) fixed title column width in the main panel, but I'm straying beyond my comfort zone with .js so can't help any more (especially for a minor bug). Sorry!
16.01.2016 15:41

I think recent updates to the Chromium engine (certainly it's present on my two browsers after they went to v.48) problems like x2k13's second point when my display layout was the one with two large horizontal areas (and not the three vertical ones).

Instead of Shionsan's suggestion on 13.08.2015 20:26 of 100%, change the 'max-height:' to 50% instead. This prevents the list of items from extending beyond the bottom off the page, so locks the main content panel to half the page. However, this means the left hand feed list is chopped in half (if you've got a lot of them that is).

So, a little further down, add the fourth line to give it a max-height

#region-feeds {
-webkit-flex: 0 0 300px;
flex: 0 0 300px;
max-height: 200%;

I've also noticed long feed titles mean the panel needs scrolling horizontally but this only happens occasionally. If I remember the next time it happens I'll have a look.
30.10.2015 16:12
Will there be any official updates soon? Looks like the development of this Add-On has stopped...?
Opera 33.x is doing things differently as it seems, so this Add-On is behaving weird lately:

- Certain RSS feeds show as blank lines, but have content when you click on them
- The layout is messed up, vertical view makes the whole page become scrollable when there are many feeds, right pane gets resized over the browser window borders when feed titles are too long and horizontal view gets pushed to the right sometimes when the feed title is long.
- Sometimes feeds can't get deleted/moved to trash on the same session, the window must be closed and reopened to refresh the view.

Ah well, switched to "The RSS Aggregator" from the Chrome Web Store via "Download Chrome Extension" Add-On as long as there is no update to this ...
06.10.2015 22:44
If browser://flags/#tab-hibernation set to enabled - counter of messages in the feed stops update. Checked in Opera v32,33.

26.09.2015 18:22
good greatings team
i used rss in google browser at that it automatically detects i.e., feed of that website url when url is placed in url locater
but itnot occur ike that in opera
19.09.2015 11:25
In list of feeds only the "All feeds" number refreshes on mass shift+delete. Other counters aren't updating.
30.08.2015 22:06

Originally posted by BS-Harou:

And when I am at it, there is one more update. I changed the option to ask before complete removal of pinned items to multiple choice option, so that it can ask you even when just moving article to trash.

Another format! Previous version - v2.2.1
30.08.2015 19:59
And when I am at it, there is one more update. I changed the option to ask before complete removal of pinned items to multiple choice option, so that it can ask you even when just moving article to trash.
30.08.2015 14:25
So I have played a bit with the scrollbar bug:

Now the vertical layout works more like the horizontal layout - that means that there can be now vertical scrollbar by design if the article content view is made too small.

Let me know if it is okay like this or if it needs a bit more fiddling :)
13.08.2015 20:26

Originally posted by x2k13:

That doesn't fix the problem with the first view though. The width isn't affected at all and setting the width to a certain value results in the right panel window to not be dynamically adjusted anymore. Hmmm...

Strange, it works fine for me in both layouts with changing height to max-height. Why would you touch the width? Isn't it changable with the mouse from extension itself? You can "drag" it by the border and it's value is remembered.

.region {
min-width: 100px;
border-right: 1px solid #a6a6a6;
display: -webkit-flex;
display: flex;
-webkit-flex-flow: column;
flex-flow: column;
-webkit-align-items: stretch;
align-items: stretch;
max-height: 100% }
13.08.2015 14:28
That doesn't fix the problem with the first view though. The width isn't affected at all and setting the width to a certain value results in the right panel window to not be dynamically adjusted anymore. Hmmm...
08.08.2015 10:02
Screw that. Managed to fix the bug on my own. Here's how:

Go to the file %APPDATA%\Opera Software\Opera Stable\Extensions\nncgmpcdlilgbepbfpeidpjlcdfhmcfp\2.2_0\styles\main-compiled.css
Open it with some text editor and search for this block:

.region {
min-width: 100px;
/*width: 350px;
max-height: 100%;*/
border-right: 1px solid #a6a6a6;
/*border: 0;
border-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #eee 0, #a6a6a6 30px);
border-image-width: 1px;
border-image-slice: 1 1 1 1;*/
display: -webkit-flex;
display: flex;
-webkit-flex-flow: column;
flex-flow: column;
-webkit-align-items: stretch;
align-items: stretch;
height: 100%;

You'll have to change last line to max-height:100%, and that would wonderfully fix the problem. The funny thing is that I don't even understand why. I suppose you can even delete the line. Anyway that should work as a hotfix. Hope Martin would fix it properly soon.
08.08.2015 09:54

Originally posted by x2k13:

Please fix this soon, since there is no other good RSS reader addon for Opera!

I'd say there is. Mentioned it below - The RSS Aggregator from Chrome store. Not as comfortable as Smart RSS but does what it should and so far bugless. OPML import/export supported. Temporarely switching to that.
06.08.2015 08:37

Originally posted by Shionsan:

Bad people, who call themselves Opera developers, broke your extension a bit. In 2nd layout, when you select something in the topics list, window height gets increased by topic list height. Whole page becomes scrollable.

This happens in both layouts! Using the default layout here. The RSS Reader frame gets resized inside the main Opera window with a scrollbar at the bottom. Please fix this soon, since there is no other good RSS reader addon for Opera!
05.08.2015 16:04
Bad people, who call themselves Opera developers, broke your extension a bit. In 2nd layout, when you select something in the topics list, window height gets increased by topic list height. Whole page becomes scrollable.
14.06.2015 13:43

Originally posted by Shionsan:

Originally posted by bkaye2:Have saved (marked as read) 40 or so RSS msgs in an Opera Developer install. Would like to move them to the Opera Stable install....have copied over the appropriate Extension folder, but it doesn't contain the there some other folder where the msgs are kept?
Browsers "Local storage" it is. But instead of trying to move that, you'd better use export/import feature of Smart RSS. Can find it in it's options menu.

Thanks for the response....I thought that function only exported the Feed details....but now I see that the two formats(OPML and Smart) are different and that the Smart format contains both the Feeds and messages...

Thanks again...
13.06.2015 05:39

Originally posted by bkaye2:

Have saved (marked as read) 40 or so RSS msgs in an Opera Developer install. Would like to move them to the Opera Stable install....have copied over the appropriate Extension folder, but it doesn't contain the there some other folder where the msgs are kept?

Browsers "Local storage" it is. But instead of trying to move that, you'd better use export/import feature of Smart RSS. Can find it in it's options menu.
13.06.2015 00:27
Have saved (marked as read) 40 or so RSS msgs in an Opera Developer install. Would like to move them to the Opera Stable install....have copied over the appropriate Extension folder, but it doesn't contain the there some other folder where the msgs are kept?

Thanks for any help....
11.06.2015 18:17
How can I import list of feeds from opera 12?
05.05.2015 20:01
@Zlitus: perhaps time to do some cleaning? :)

@janzaka: you can only import list of feeds, not the downloaded articles form Opera 12. There should be in some context menu option to export the list in opml format. You can then import it in Smart RSS options page.

@naith: to vypada bud na nejaky netypicky rss zdroj, nebo tam je nekde chybka :)
27.04.2015 22:51
How can I import my feeds from Opera 12.
Thank you for your help
20.04.2015 15:44
SmartRSS is my favorite RSS feed reader, thank you to the creator!

I have a BIG datastore in my Smart RSS (at present, 98 932 items). That I have some problems:

1) Smart RSS is slow and take a lot of ram.
It does not offer "virtual list" when many items are displayed, it is very slow. Now, Smart RSS take 1,2Gb of RAM.
To counter that, I made bookmarklet to remove from the dom all items already visited. But research is unusable and it is difficult to change source in the left panel.

2) .smart export is broken.
Probably because of too large datastore. My last .smart exported file (1 week ago) weighed 269,8Mb.

PS: Sorry for my bad English :( .
21.03.2015 12:12
Zdravím poslední dobou zaznamenávám problém s řazením zpráv. Po načtení se stává už pravidelně, že se zprávy ze včerejška nadřadí nad zprávy z dneška a zdá se, že dokonce se promíchávají zprávy z různých adresářů. Ty ze včerejška nemají titulek, ty z dneška ano. Po znovu načtení zdrojů se následně promíchají zprávy ze včerejška a dneška v oblasti bez titulku. Dnes jsem pro změnu zaznamenal asi 10 prázdných políček v různých adresářích nad zprávami z dneška.

Omlouvám se za češtinu, ale chci aby to bylo pochopitelné (i tak to vypadá divoce) a do angličtiny to prostě nedostanu.

Opera Dev 29, Linux Xubuntu

Doplnění: Chaos je v déle otevřené záložce a nepomůže ani znovu načtení Opery. Zavření záložky a opětovné načtení ano.
07.03.2015 17:49

Originally posted by Shionsan:

Interesting. Someone made a similar extension for Chrome: . Not trying to recommend it, yours is better in many ways, remove the link when you're done. But you should definetly check it. Some things you had problems with are realised nicely there:
- single extension (build-in detector)
- counter goes higher than 99
- dat UI has separate edit-forms

Plus it automatically recognizes and adds the RSS feeds from various sites that can't be recognized by this one, like

and you can choose directly on the badge icon which RSS with new news to read. Time to improve it? :P
07.03.2015 17:35
Proposition: Can you make it remembering the last RSS feed visited, or having the ability to choose a starting one (pinned feed to show first etc..)? Because every time I click on the notification icon, "All feeds" is highlighted which contains hundreds of different entries mixed together, looking really messy.
23.02.2015 19:04

Originally posted by Shionsan:

Interesting. Someone made a similar extension for Chrome

Yep, I know about this one. It actually exists for quite some time already. I've personally never really minded that Detector is separated since it can be use as a stand-alone extension for another aggregator. The rest is nice :)
16.02.2015 10:49
Interesting. Someone made a similar extension for Chrome: . Not trying to recommend it, yours is better in many ways, remove the link when you're done. But you should definetly check it. Some things you had problems with are realised nicely there:
- single extension (build-in detector)
- counter goes higher than 99
- dat UI has separate edit-forms
30.01.2015 16:33

Originally posted by raddyst:

Originally posted by fg750:Does not work with any RSS from
RSS Detector not working, but Smart RSS ok - add this feed manual.

Thanks, I'd appreciate it though to be working automatically without much hassle since it does concern not tech savvy users in my circle who can't think about it and do it on their own.
30.01.2015 09:29

Originally posted by fg750:

Does not work with any RSS from

RSS Detector not working, but Smart RSS ok - add this feed manual.


ps. Smart RSS(smartrss.2014-10-05.1) not working with any elcomsoft feeds -, but rss detector -
30.01.2015 07:16
Does not work with any RSS from
01.01.2015 11:35
If rss-feed contains last year's records from monday on current week, date groups not working (ie. 2014)




PS. Happy New Year )
21.12.2014 00:44
Can you mark feeds in some way (making them red maybe) if retrieval or parsing has failed?

Proposition for deletion system:
instead of moving an article to trash can - make it invisible. Then add two buttons to the toolbar: one to toggle visibility of deleted articles, and another to completly remove them ("Empty trash").
+ Less clicks.
+ Avoidance of big pile of random stuff in trash.
+ Autodeletion would have a proper use now.

Well, at least for me. As I do not use 'looked' and 'watched' flags, and usually delete articles right after reading (Opera has bookmarks now, so there is no use to keep 'short version' anymore).
08.12.2014 11:57
@ zhivik thanks for feedback!

Kvieh, Dime2: both features are planned, however as you can see, I haven't been actively developing Smart RSS recently because of work and school. Hopefully I'll be able to get to it again soon :)
08.12.2014 08:45
Good work. Usefull extension, that made my switch to new opera possible.
Can you store position of last read post for each feed? I uses ascending date sorting and each time only first (and oldest) post in list is selected. Its disorienting.
06.12.2014 15:45
Hey. Love your extension, thanks for that! In the original Opera RSS reader I was able to create a group/folder with a filter on it, so only the posts which contained certain keywords were shown in this folder. Do you plan on implementing such an option?
06.12.2014 08:39
I'm a little bit late adopter, but it's a really great add-on, which will finally let me transition to newer versions of Opera (I use the Opera RSS feeder in my work, so it's quite important for me). A couple of suggestions, though:

- consider putting a "Properties" button above the feed list. I know that you can now select multiple feeds, even folders, but it would be still easier to access a feed's properties thank right-clicking on the feed itself;

- the two "Mark As (Un)Read buttons that appear - one in the feed title list and one in the preview for a single feed - tend to be somewhat confusing. I propose getting rid of the button in the preview pane. The reason is that when you select multiple feed titles and want to mark them as "Read", you may instinctively click only the button below, which applies only to the feed that is being previewed.

That's all that comes to my mind, at least at this point. I'd like to congratulate you for your outstanding work on this add-on, it will be of great help, so you have my eternal gratitude :)
07.11.2014 18:30
thank you for your awesome extension! It rocks.
05.11.2014 14:46

Originally posted by Shionsan:

But the most "correct" method would be to Import/Export all feeds and articles, just check the extension settings.

Correct call, that did it beautifully thanks (and Harou :) )
02.11.2014 22:57
Shionsan: thanks :)
01.11.2014 10:59

Originally posted by fg750:

Another thing that comes to mind... where are all these feeds being saved so that for example you can move them from one Opera stream to another?

All Opera userfiles are placed here: c:\Users\%username%\AppData\Roaming\Opera Software\ (Windows 8.1)
RSS extension data is probably here: ...\Opera Stable\IndexedDB\chrome-extension_nncgmpcdlilgbepbfpeidpjlcdfhmcfp_0.indexeddb.leveldb\
If you're not using both Opera streams simultaneously, you might link their DB dirs with "mdlink" ("mdlink /?" into cmd console for help).
But the most "correct" method would be to Import/Export all feeds and articles, just check the extension settings.
01.11.2014 04:01

Originally posted by Shionsan:

Originally posted by fg750:I'd also like that, to be able to put old feeds into folders so that I don't have to look at dozens of feeds at the left, when I want only to focus on a few.
Folders are already there. Drag&drop works. Feature of hiding the list of all feeds in it is also there. Context menu (RMB) works for all feeds in the folder, and clicking on folder shows all articles from all feeds in it.

Originally posted by fg750:Some kind of sorting for the feeds, like not only from A->Z but for Z->A or by Date would be nice as well I think.
Why would you need Z>A sorting for feed list? And what Date do you mean: the last feed's article date?

Holy crap I must be blind or something. You are absolutely right about folders, thanks! About "by date" I mean "by date of added feed", so that you know which feed is older than the other in case you want to track comments for example.

Another thing that comes to mind... where are all these feeds being saved so that for example you can move them from one Opera stream to another?
01.11.2014 02:06

Originally posted by fg750:

I'd also like that, to be able to put old feeds into folders so that I don't have to look at dozens of feeds at the left, when I want only to focus on a few.

Folders are already there. Drag&drop works. Feature of hiding the list of all feeds in it is also there. Context menu (RMB) works for all feeds in the folder, and clicking on folder shows all articles from all feeds in it.

Originally posted by fg750:

Some kind of sorting for the feeds, like not only from A->Z but for Z->A or by Date would be nice as well I think.

Why would you need Z>A sorting for feed list? And what Date do you mean: the last feed's article date?
31.10.2014 23:47

Originally posted by BS-Harou:

Originally posted by rpsgc:Have you considered including an option to archive old feeds instead of outright deleting them? Or would that not make a difference in terms of how fast/slow Smart RSS loads?
It wouldn"t make Smart RSS atrt faster, but it would make loading articles of individual feeds faster. It is not a bad idea, thanks

I'd also like that, to be able to put old feeds into folders so that I don't have to look at dozens of feeds at the left, when I want only to focus on a few.

Some kind of sorting for the feeds, like not only from A->Z but for Z->A or by Date would be nice as well I think.

Also like I requested below, any plans for making .rdf work as well?
27.10.2014 14:11

Originally posted by rpsgc:

Have you considered including an option to archive old feeds instead of outright deleting them? Or would that not make a difference in terms of how fast/slow Smart RSS loads?

It wouldn't make Smart RSS start faster, but it would make loading articles of individual feeds faster. It is not a bad idea, thanks :)
25.10.2014 00:17
Hi BS-Harou,

Have you considered including an option to archive old feeds instead of outright deleting them? Or would that not make a difference in terms of how fast/slow Smart RSS loads?
21.10.2014 11:38
Tried both applications/addons with this link: (Audio->mp3)
Opens fine in IE but needs app in Chrome.
06.10.2014 23:13
I'm looking for feeds with podcast. The more the better. (Both audio and video)
06.10.2014 17:11
Smart RSS was updated on to v2.2 (last dev build + 2 little fixes)
23.09.2014 22:59

Originally posted by raddyst:

Originally posted by fg750:Thx for your work. 2 issues:
- It does not recognize anything from, except if you add the urls manually.

H-mm, what version of your browser & rss detector?

Sorry, I forgot to mention that, also I forgot that Martin does not need to get it working with the developer versions :D.
Was working in 24 dev, not working in 25 and now 26... Stable 24 works fine though. Detector 2.0.2 and Smart 2.0.5
23.09.2014 21:45

Originally posted by fg750:

Thx for your work. 2 issues:
- It does not recognize anything from, except if you add the urls manually.

H-mm, what version of your browser & rss detector?
23.09.2014 19:50
Thx for your work. 2 issues:

- It does not recognize anything from, except if you add the urls manually.
- It does not work with rdf. For example:
Both are working fine in Opera 12
22.09.2014 23:12

Originally posted by Shionsan:

How do I get to that one?

Go the the list of Opera extensions and enable the developer mode. Then there should be a blue link to 'index.html' in the Smart RSS section of the list. When you click on the link, new window with developers tools will appear. On top there will be "Console" tab that will bring you to console. There might be more logs than just errors, but errors are usually in red.

I still have plans to to store these errors automatically, but free productive time is a very rare thing lately.
22.09.2014 22:28

Originally posted by BS-Harou:

bg process console

How do I get to that one?
22.09.2014 20:26

Originally posted by Shionsan:

Had this strange bug again: icon is running animation like it's updating and while it does som no UI comes out.

Always check the bg process console for errors please, otherwise I have no way of finding where the problem is.
22.09.2014 16:53
Had this strange bug again: icon is running animation like it's updating and while it does som no UI comes out. Had to export/clear/import again.

Suggestion: add fast-sotring buttons to article lists, at least date and title ones. Or make sorting to be settable for each feed separately.
06.09.2014 19:00

Originally posted by Shionsan:

Seems like it has different ID

omebjechjecckkfgmlicbeijbebpkpaf id is used if you install detector from
bapgmlbcgpjchlknifefodolincoocgb id is used when you install the dev. builds :)

Also since there is basically no settings, it shouldn't matter as much as with Smart RSS
06.09.2014 16:43

Originally posted by BS-Harou:

Seems like it has different ID (bapgmlbcgpjchlknifefodolincoocgb) than the previous one (omebjechjecckkfgmlicbeijbebpkpaf), so it haven't replaced it. Is that normal? Integration with Smart RSS (ejccalkadfpjaipfldcmpmnklmloaeeg) works fine.
06.09.2014 14:34

- If there is only one feed, it is opened automatically (instead of showing list with one item in popup)
- xml file opened from the popup will be always treated as rss
- Images in th previews (very very basic implementation that won't always work)
- The extensions now remembers last selected feed reader
31.08.2014 14:39

Originally posted by BS-Harou:

When you restart the extension/browser after this happens, are the folders still missing? Is the Smart RSS tab opened during the import?

1. When restart extension or browser after "failed import" - all ok. Maybe "question" closed...
2. If starting import - smart rss tab close automatically.

ps. today's "unique" failed import attempts ("played" with options, clear log, after restart - all ok):

1. options tab - [IMG][/IMG], smart rss - [IMG][/IMG]
2. options tab - [IMG][/IMG], smart rss - [IMG][/IMG]
31.08.2014 02:11
When you restart the extension/browser after this happens, are the folders still missing? Is the Smart RSS tab opened during the import?
30.08.2014 23:04

Originally posted by BS-Harou:

Let's hope it was just a one-time thing
If it happens again, don't close the options, but open the developers tool there (CTRL+SHIFT+I) and look into console if there is some red text (an error). If so, it might help knowing what is says.

Clear log [IMG][/IMG] & same result [IMG][/IMG]
30.08.2014 21:32

Originally posted by raddyst:

Heh, i try to import today current .smart file(~28MB) on opera 24.0.1558.51/Smart RSS (2014-17-19), and folders completely imported. Don't know \

Let's hope it was just a one-time thing :)
If it happens again, don't close the options, but open the developers tool there (CTRL+SHIFT+I) and look into console if there is some red text (an error). If so, it might help knowing what is says.
30.08.2014 18:41

Originally posted by BS-Harou:

Hm, I tried to import the *.smart file to clean Smart RSS (2014-17-19) in Opera 24.0.1558.51 and the folders are there.

I try to import that .smart file on new chrome version (39.0.2138.3) & folders imported, but on opera 24.0.1558.51 - [IMG][/IMG]

Originally posted by BS-Harou:

Did you import to clean smart rss or were some folders/feeds already there? (It shouldn't matter, but it might help to find the problem). I'm not aware of any changes to the import/export in the last two builds..

Of course, after "Remove ALL extension data" & browser restart.

ps. Heh, i try to import today current .smart file(~28MB) on opera 24.0.1558.51/Smart RSS (2014-17-19), and folders completely imported. Don't know \
30.08.2014 16:32

Originally posted by raddyst:

Link sent through Smart RSS "bug-report"

Hm, I tried to import the *.smart file to clean Smart RSS (2014-17-19) in Opera 24.0.1558.51 and the folders are there.

Did you import to clean smart rss or were some folders/feeds already there? (It shouldn't matter, but it might help to find the problem).
I'm not aware of any changes to the import/export in the last two builds..
30.08.2014 15:53

Originally posted by BS-Harou:

Can you upload somewhere the ~26MB import?

Link sent through Smart RSS "bug-report"
30.08.2014 14:29

Originally posted by raddyst:

Import from ~26 MB "" passes excluding folders on.

Can you upload somewhere the ~26MB import?
29.08.2014 02:20
Import from ~26 MB "" (exported file from smartrss.2014-07-19.1/Chrome 38.0.2125.24) passes excluding folders on (smartrss.2014-07-19.1 or smartrss.2014-07-15.1/Opera Next 24.0.1558.51).., but import normally work (with folders) on smartrss.2014-06-18.1/Opera Next 24.0.1558.51.

ps. Importing from ~7 MB "" (export/import on smartrss.2014-07-19.1/Opera Next 24.0.1558.51) goes without errors.
13.08.2014 21:25

Originally posted by Shionsan:

So, do we get updates through Opera now, or through here? Or both?

It still works the same, I update addons.opera only once in a while with a stable build ... dev. builds will be still posted here.
13.08.2014 16:04

Originally posted by BS-Harou:

Is there something, except localization, that should stop me from updating the latest build on addons.opera? I've got some features in-progress but since I don't see them being finished soon I think I should do an update.

Nothing I know of. So, do we get updates through Opera now, or through here? Or both?
13.08.2014 13:41
Is there something, except localization, that should stop me from updating the latest build on addons.opera? I've got some features in-progress but since I don't see them being finished soon I think I should do an update.
26.07.2014 11:35
@Lenchik: You can already do that in the options page.
26.07.2014 08:26
Feature request: import OPML list of rss feeds (from Opera 12, for example).
20.07.2014 21:08

Originally posted by Shionsan:

Maybe you should say something about it in the tips

Done :)
20.07.2014 20:28
OMFG! Just now I happened to find out, that you can change update time for the whole pack of feeds in a group. All this damn time... Nice feature. Maybe you should say something about it in the tips?
19.07.2014 21:07
Yes, it is.

19.07.2014 15:56
Should be fixed in here:
19.07.2014 10:39
Thanks for the report. I think I broke this in the last build.
19.07.2014 00:19
Hi Martin,

I'm using the latest build (from your last post) and I've encountered the following bug (can't say it's from that build specifically):

When I'm browsing through the new feeds, pressing 'G' (to mark as read and move to the next one) and I reach the last one, the right pane (the one that contains the feed's text and URL) becomes blank. If I select it it shows the text again, of course, but still, it seems like a bug.
15.07.2014 22:00

I really need to start logging errors in bg process to prevent these problems :P
15.07.2014 18:57
Not sure of the reason, but Smart RSS tab is not opening anymore. The button loops in "Updating" animation endlessly. Is clickable but do nothing. There is a 2kb/s traffic based on Opera's task manager. Opera restart doesn't help.

Able to get into options interface. Clearing all extension data helps. Temporarily solves the problem, but the source must be that unparsable RSS feed.

Update coming anytime soon?
14.07.2014 19:31
I plan to seperate the properties into flaoting dialog - i don't think it would work well with that
14.07.2014 17:44
Suggestion about feed properties editor: make it's visibility switchable via button on the top. When edit mode is on: dialogue is always up, shows properties of currently selected feed and there is only save button. To dismiss all the changes just press the mode toggle button again.

Less clicks are better, I suppose.
13.07.2014 22:55

Originally posted by Shionsan:

Smart RSS is unable to parse this feed - while RSS Detector is able to.

Thx, it is fixed on github. I will upload a new build once I get to my laptop with my build script :)
13.07.2014 21:03
Smart RSS is unable to parse this feed - while RSS Detector is able to.
Log says "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of null (Line: 123, File: scripts/bgprocess/modules/RSSParser.js)".
This error also halts "Update all feeds" process, which is very very bad.
28.06.2014 22:53
Nothing to thank me for yet. There is a way to get around this (by parsing it as html instead of xml), however it will require a bit of thinking because it might cause some security issues.

btw, it seems like behance fixed the issue (or just simply added enough new content so that the invalid item is no longer there)
28.06.2014 18:30
Thank you, Martin.
27.06.2014 17:13

Originally posted by nikola6:

Indeed, thats because the rss xml file isn't valid.
27.06.2014 08:07

Originally posted by BS-Harou: What other feeds are not working in Smart RSS? The more you send me, the better will my parser work.
18.06.2014 13:59
Thank you.
18.06.2014 12:37

Originally posted by offhub:

Date parsing not working correctly

The date is indeed missing (no matter what headers are sent). However it should use current date instead of 1970. Fix:

@Shionsan: The problem is not all dates are exactly human readable. It would also be hard to create "short" dates in middle column for recent articles. I'll study a bit more what Opera 12 is doing exactly :)
17.06.2014 22:54
For all the mess dates are making here's the suggestion: keep it as text and show it as it is. Language barrier won't be a problem here as noone would try to read feeds in a language they do not understand. For sorting and grouping do the same thing you did in Detector - use the "recieved" date. At least that seems to be the best logic solution to the problem in my opinion (pretty sure late 12th Opera did the same). Second best would be to use recieved date only if given date is unparsable (text-like).
17.06.2014 21:26
Edit: I've checked the source and feed does not contain any date information, so i think this is not a parsing problem. Maybe it's related to the request header removal?

Date parsing not working correctly: 01.01.1970 02:00:00

15.06.2014 13:09

Originally posted by ShurkistaN:

Please, add the display mode "List only"

Hi, I'm sorry but this is not currently planned. However, I will add it to possible future additions anyway.
15.06.2014 12:32
Please, add the display mode "List only"
14.06.2014 08:44
Martin, thank you very much for the info and 2014-06-13.2 update. It's fixed! I'm grateful to you.
13.06.2014 18:40

Originally posted by BS-Harou:

The latest version of RSS Detector no longer relies on default id (or other id set by user) but instead access list of installed extensions and gets the id from there. If there is no option to set id of Smart RSS in Detector's options page you should have new enough version. If you install it from " " it should show version 2.0.2. The 2.0.0 still relies on preset id.

And that was it. Thank you.
13.06.2014 16:42
The latest version of RSS Detector no longer relies on default id (or other id set by user) but instead it accesses the list of installed extensions and gets the id from there. If there is no option to set id of Smart RSS in Detector's options page you should have new enough version. If you install it from " " it should show version 2.0.2. The 2.0.0 still relies on preset id.
13.06.2014 13:19

Originally posted by BS-Harou:

I assume you use the latest version of Detector? (v2.0.2) ... Also do you have more than one version of Smart RSS insatlled (disbaled or not)? I personally cannot reproduce this. Subscribing by RSS Detector seems to be working here.

Looks like I was on the older versions from Opera site. But even after clean installation of latest ones it still shows version 2.0. And still doesn't work. Smart RSS ID wrong again? Mine current one is nncgmpcdlilgbepbfpeidpjlcdfhmcfp

Liked the "Show spinner during update" option ^_^
13.06.2014 13:12
I assume you use the latest addons version of Detector? (v2.0.2) ... Also do you have more than one version of Smart RSS insatlled (disbaled or not)? I personally cannot reproduce this. Subscribing by RSS Detector seems to be working here.
13.06.2014 13:09

Originally posted by BS-Harou:

What other feeds are not working in Smart RSS? The more you send me, the better will my parser work

All of them. Looks like RSS Detector cannot interact with Smart RSS anymore for some reason. Parsing in RSS Detector works fine, but unable to add feeds via it: subscribe button does nothing.
13.06.2014 12:48

- The server doesn't like requests with If-Modified-Since header so I removed it. It should update feeds fine now.
- The feed uses Turkish names of months and days. Unless I check for translations in all languages such dates are impossible to parse. Other readers (like InoReader or theolderader) can't parse the date as well. At least I modified Smart RSS so that it wouldn't show lots of "NaN"s but date of the update instead. Of course, it will still show "NaN"s in RSS Detector.

@Shionsan: What other feeds are not working in Smart RSS? The more you send me, the better will my parser work :)
13.06.2014 12:33

Originally posted by pureocean:

SmartRSS can't take the feeds from this site:

Second that. Subscribe button does nothing, while RSS detector recognises the feed. Not only this one btw. Must be another "feature" by retarded Opera developers. Using the version 22.0.1471.50.
13.06.2014 11:21
Martin, thanks for last update.

SmartRSS can't take the feeds from this site:

But Opera 12.x and other RSS softwares can display it.
05.06.2014 03:24
Thanks for the advise and the great extension!
04.06.2014 11:51

Originally posted by naob:

Hi. How do I hide the header (the title bar above the article on the far right pane)? Or can I at least make it narrower? I peeked at the css file but couldn't figure it out...

There isn't any user-friendly way to do it, but as you said you can always edit the css file. In main-compiled.css change padding in "header" selector (line 732*) to "padding: 5px 15px 5px 30px;" and in "h1" selector (line 744*) change margin-bottom to "margin-bottom: 0px;" and font-size to "font-size: 1.3rem;". It doesn't look exactly beautiful but it should do the trick.

* Note that the above mentioned line numbers work for the latest build.
04.06.2014 07:59
Hi. How do I hide the header (the title bar above the article on the far right pane)? Or can I at least make it narrower? I peeked at the css file but couldn't figure it out...
29.05.2014 11:34

Sorry for lack of updates lately, it is the exam-time of semester again :(

  • Some default sounds for notifications
  • Settings for volume of notifications
  • Clicking on the unread count in left column will display only unread articles
  • Unread count for "All feeds" item
  • Fix for broken column resizing when window is too small
  • Updated hr localization
  • I replaced the iframe sandbox with content-security-policy so you can finally use some shortcuts even when the content of the article is focused (this will also fix the broken links and context menu in Opera Developer)
  • shift+4 will focus content of selected article
  • when no <link> element is provided and <guid> contains url use it as url for the article (fix for issue reported by snalim@*)
  • Prefer <content> element over <summary> element for article content (fix for
  • Prefer <link> over <atom:link> (fix for

Note that the last fixes might have broken some other feeds so let me know if the content or "full article" links are broken now somewhere.
24.05.2014 21:15

Originally posted by Citro12:

This Build works only by Opera Stable 21.0.1432.67 but not Version 2.0.

I've installed Detector 2.0.2 from in latest Opera Developer build (clean installation). It seems to work fine.
21.05.2014 03:57
Hello, first of all thanks for the addition to the opera;-)
a very useful thing if you use the portable version of Opera, and in addition if you disable the creaks in windows
ask you to let the opportunity to build - a button that would allow for reading feeds off (do not see) already read messages, and so the opportunity was on each tape.
Yours - mangmang akpa
18.05.2014 17:43

Originally posted by Citro12:

Originally posted by BS-Harou:Originally posted by Citro12:The subscribe-button doesn't work .
Can you try this build?

It should find id of Smart RSS from installed extensions list instead of relying on some preset.

Thank you very much , this Build works correctly .

Hello :)

This Build works only by Opera Stable 21.0.1432.67 but not Version 2.0.2
02.05.2014 00:13

Originally posted by DataKeeper:

<pubDate>29 Tuesday, Apr 2014 13:13</pubDate> is not recognized as valid date format at

I use the native javascript date parse which can't parse this date. I guess I should use some JS library to deal better deal with it.
29.04.2014 13:11
<pubDate>29 Tuesday, Apr 2014 13:13</pubDate> is not recognized as valid date format at
13.04.2014 19:19

Originally posted by o1spamer1o:

RSS Detector 2.0.2 don`t work this feed

Works here. Is this in Chromium again? If so have you tried older Chromium? And what do you mean by "not work", the xml is not transformed into previews?
13.04.2014 18:12
RSS Detector 2.0.2 don`t work this feed
12.04.2014 23:05

This build contains an in-app bug reporting. There is a button next to the "Settings" button in top right corner. I'd like to add some little popup on first start to notify new users about it.

Note that I still prefer reports here in comments, but the in-app reporting might help reduce the amount of bug reports in Opera addons catalog reviews.
11.04.2014 20:31
It seems it is caused by the sandbox iframe attribute. The question is whether it is an error in the latest Chromium or an updated behavior. I checked latest html spec. and there aren't any changes to the sandbox attribute so imo it is an error.

11.04.2014 20:18

Originally posted by o1spamer1o:

Thx, with this Chromium build I can confirm the problem. I will investigate further.
11.04.2014 19:38

Sorry :). Sources.css file in v1.4 Smart RSS (i`m using), but in v2.0 ".has-unread" has to.
11.04.2014 18:06

Originally posted by o1spamer1o:

Chromium 36.0.1933.0 (262830)

Is there a portable version of this build? Can't find any :( I'd rather not use Installer for Chrome/Chromium as it has tendencies to install to strange places.

Originally posted by o1spamer1o:

I changed for me style in sources.css:

There is no sources.css file in v2 Smart RSS. Only main-compiled.css. Am I missing something?
11.04.2014 16:57
Perhaps I was mistaken in versions. Does not work Chromium 36.0.1933.0 (262830), last Smart RSS,
Win 8.1 update 1 x32.

PS. I changed for me style in sources.css:

.has-unread .source-title {
font-weight: bold;
color: rgb(0, 0, 255);
font-style: italic;}.

It looks more noticeable. May be you change their styles like this?
11.04.2014 16:42

Originally posted by o1spamer1o:

On versions after 35.1900 does not work opening links from feed text and does not work native context menu in feed text.

Hi and thank you for the report!

Unfortunately, I wasn't able to reproduce the issues you mentioned using Chromium version 35.0.1916.0 (260135) on Win7 x64. Both opening links and context menu seems to be working just fine. I used the latest Smart RSS build ( ).

What version of Chromium and Smart RSS are you using?
11.04.2014 13:23
Hey. I use your extension to Chromium. On versions after 35.1900 does not work opening links from feed text and does not work native context menu in feed text.
07.04.2014 14:37

Originally posted by Shionsan:

Maybe a feature of custom order for tree items is in order?

Someone actually requested this recently on addons catalog site, I'll add it to my todo
07.04.2014 13:23
Folders have bugs:

- Newly created and empty folders show up articles from other folders (usually the one above)
- Renaming a folder does not trigger folder sorting (if you rename "Z" folder to "B" it should go up, isn't it? Maybe a feature of custom order for tree items is in order?).
06.04.2014 16:39
Native API unfortunately doesn't allow to change font size, however for some time now I have a plan to create my own api to generate icons with much more customizable badges. Not sure when I get to it though.
06.04.2014 15:28
I wonder if there is a way to show a number over 100 on extension button? Most of the time I see + instead, so meaning of showing a number is somewhat amiss.
06.04.2014 01:03

Originally posted by BS-Harou:

- secondary 'sort by'/'sort order' (the overlay dialog will need a bit more polishing to make it more obvious why there are two select boxes for each option)

Why not just use single asc/desc choice with theese:

I think that covers all usefull choices.
05.04.2014 22:57

- native context menu in content header ;)
- on first run the localization is set according to the browser settings (if such localization is supported, else en)
- secondary 'sort by'/'sort order' (the overlay dialog will need a bit more polishing to make it more obvious why there are two select boxes for each option)
05.04.2014 13:45
There is an option to make article title not a link but simple text. That is good. You can select part of it to copy it into buffer. BUT! You can only do it with CTRL+C. Mouse context menu does not appear. So, if you're able to bring back this menu, or add a custom one that could "Copy" and send selected text to one of Opera's custom search engines, that would be soooo awesome. ^_^
02.04.2014 22:35

Originally posted by Shionsan:

Now everything works.

Glad to hear that :)
02.04.2014 21:54

Originally posted by BS-Harou:


HTTP Switchboard extension is the reason. Turning it off allowed to preview and subscribe to this feed. But why does it screw up only this feed...

And after some digging in the options, found a subscription, that had blocked. Removed it. Now everything works.
02.04.2014 21:12
aaand? (if it works from this link then it must some server config., which will be hard to test since I can subscribe to it without problems)
02.04.2014 20:57

Originally posted by BS-Harou:

Can you try to subscribe to it from here?:

02.04.2014 19:03

Originally posted by Shionsan:

Just in case, here's the full original

Still can't reproduce :(
Can you try to subscribe to it from here?:
02.04.2014 18:39

Originally posted by BS-Harou:

Is it possible that if im not logged in I get different feed or something?

Yes, that's why I posted part of "logged-in" feed below. Just in case, here's the full original:
02.04.2014 18:34
Is it possible that if im not logged in I get different feed or something? :D
02.04.2014 18:12

Originally posted by BS-Harou:

Originally posted by Shionsan:But here's a bug right away: - this feed is not recognized for some reason
What do you mean by not recognized? Detector won't change it to preview? Seems to work fine here, so does subscribing.

Yep, no preview, just plain text like I posted below. And it doesn't get updated. Refetch doesn't bring up anything either. Deleting and adding it again doesn't help.

Using rssdetector.2014-04-01.1.nex and smartrss.2014-04-02.1.nex here.
02.04.2014 17:38

Originally posted by Shionsan:

But here's a bug right away: - this feed is not recognized for some reason

What do you mean by not recognized? Detector won't change it to preview? Seems to work fine here, so does subscribing.
02.04.2014 15:21

Originally posted by BS-Harou:

Originally posted by Shionsan:see this garbage added to the link - ... %22
I subscribed to the feed burner rss of my blog but can't repro

Must have been the feedburner's fault. It's ok now. Nice updates.
02.04.2014 15:09
Thx for Refetch. But here's a bug right away: - this feed is not recognized for some reason. Link contents could be inaccessible for you (registration might be required) so here's first few lines:

02.04.2014 01:32

- When you subscribe to feed it is automatically selected
- You can't add same feed twice (if you try, the original one is selected instead)
- Refetch context menu item (works like removing the feed and adding it again)
01.04.2014 10:53

Originally posted by BS-Harou:

Originally posted by Citro12:The subscribe-button doesn't work .
Can you try this build?

It should find id of Smart RSS from installed extensions list instead of relying on some preset.

Thank you very much :) , this Build works correctly .
01.04.2014 01:13

Originally posted by Citro12:

The subscribe-button doesn't work .

Can you try this build?

It should find id of Smart RSS from installed extensions list instead of relying on some preset.
31.03.2014 22:29

Originally posted by BS-Harou:

So the previews are displayd just fine and only the subscribe button doesn't work? Thanks, i will look into it.

Yes but by the new Opera 22 Developer the same problem, too
The subscribe-button doesn't work .

31.03.2014 14:59

Originally posted by Shionsan:

see this garbage added to the link - ... %22

I subscribed to the feed burner rss of my blog but can't repro :(
31.03.2014 14:13

Originally posted by Shionsan:

Little request: Opera can't into selecting letters from links, so in the article view frame please, remove <a> from the title so it would become a simple text.

- Added option to "Behavior" section to disable the title link :)
- Modified state buttons in middle column (the little round think in front of author name) - pinned/unseen/unread/read
- Added "stop" button to update progress indicator
- Sound notifications WP1
24.03.2014 18:38

Originally posted by BS-Harou:

Originally posted by pureocean:I tried that setting. Unfortunately, SmartRSS again update to all feeds when every startup. Heya, sorry I forgot to fix this one. Try this build . Set the update interval to never and it shouldn't be updated on start.

I'm sorry for replying late, Martin. I just now tried last version. Finally, it's fixed. Thank you very much Martin!
22.03.2014 13:43
Little request: Opera can't into selecting letters from links, so in the article view frame please, remove <a> from the title so it would become a simple text.

Also an error, not sure if extension related:
- subscribe to your blog
- find any link inside any article
- see this garbage added to the link - ... %22
21.03.2014 16:55
So the previews are displayd just fine and only the subscribe button doesn't work? Thanks, i will look into it.
21.03.2014 16:44

Originally posted by BS-Harou:

Originally posted by Citro12: Hello BS-Harou
rss.detector no longer works with Opera Developer .
Can they repair ?
I need you to giv me more info.

What exactly doesn't work?
- The button in address bar doesn't appear?
- The XML is displayed only as text and not converted to visual previews?
- The subscribe button doesn't do anything after clicking on it?

Is the problem with all websites or only with some? If only some, can you give me their urls?

If the problem is that the rss files are displayed only as plaintext, can you try to go to this rss feed and tell me if it works for you?:

Sorry, my English is bad.

All websits no function with subscribe-button included your Blog ( .

The problem is known

Test it yourself

21.03.2014 16:30

Originally posted by Citro12:

Hello BS-Harou
rss.detector no longer works with Opera Developer .
Can they repair ?

I need you to giv me more info.

What exactly doesn't work?
- The button in address bar doesn't appear?
- The XML is displayed only as text and not converted to visual previews?
- The subscribe button doesn't do anything after clicking on it?

Is the problem with all websites or only with some? If only some, can you give me their urls?

If the problem is that the rss files are displayed only as plaintext, can you try to go to this rss feed and tell me if it works for you?:
21.03.2014 12:34
Hello BS-Harou

rss.detector no longer works with Opera Developer .
Can they repair ?

20.03.2014 20:03

Fixed. However, it will only work for newly downloaded articles (in both feeds). This build might also produce some duplicates if there are still some items from v1 version that are also still in the feed website.
20.03.2014 19:35

Originally posted by Shionsan:

It seems that when two feeds have the same article, it only shows up in one.

That is probably because they both have same guid. However, it is still a bug as I shouldn't expect all feeds to have unique guids. Will fix.
20.03.2014 19:17
Do you have a global list of already downloaded articles or there is such a list for each feed? It seems that when two feeds have the same article, it only shows up in one. Ex: both and should have all horriblesubs releases of 720p resolution, but second one doesn't show 720p ones, when they are in the first.
17.03.2014 20:18
Both should be fixed:
17.03.2014 19:39

Originally posted by Shionsan:

With sort-by-title option this "[NIF Team]..." is above of this "[cloaknsmoke-raws]..." for some reason.

I always forget that I have to convert text strings to lower case before comparison, thanks
17.03.2014 19:28
Right click on All Feeds > Update all - not working.

With sort-by-title option this "[NIF Team]..." is above of this "[cloaknsmoke-raws]..." for some reason.
17.03.2014 16:47

Originally posted by zdenekvecera:

Could you add the ability to "upload your own css styles" somewhere in the settings, please?

I'll think about it ;)
17.03.2014 12:37

Originally posted by BS-Harou:

I added this to my todo, however before It is done you can actually change this if you know at least a bit about CSS...

Great, thanks a lot. I would like to accomplish this looks like in the old Opera (it is a habit :)). Gradually, I had to edit the attributes for multiple classes - paddings, font-familys, colors. etc. This all changed via the settings would be unnecessarily complicated.

Could you add the ability to "upload your own css styles" somewhere in the settings, please? Of course that styles are preserved even after updating extensions. That would be perfect!
17.03.2014 11:46

Originally posted by zdenekvecera:

how can I set the font type for the left panel, right panel, preview, etc.

I added this to my todo, however before It is done you can actually change this if you know at least a bit about CSS

For Smart RSS from (v1.0.4):
  • Feed list: sources.css - .list-item { font-family: ... }
  • Article list: items.css - #list { font-family: ... }, .date-group { font-family: ... }
  • Article preview header: item.css - header { font-family: ... }
  • Article preview content: ../profile/data/Extensions/nncgmpcdlilgbepbfpeidpjlcdfhmcfp/1.0.4_0/rss_content.html - body { font-family: ... }

For dev. version
  • Feed list: .list-item { font-family: ... }
  • Article list: .item { font-family: ... }, .date-group { font-family: ... }
  • Article preview header: header { font-family: ... }
  • Article preview content: ../profile/data/Extensions/ejccalkadfpjaipfldcmpmnklmloaeeg/1.0_0/rss_content.html - body { font-family: ... }

Note that it will reset to defaults when you update the extension (or it is auto updated). The addons.opera version should be updated quite soon (all it waits for are Opera mods)
17.03.2014 10:24
Hello, Martin,

how can I set the font type for the left panel, right panel, preview, etc.? The settings can only be set font size, not the type (Segoe UI, Verdana, Arial, etc.). I would be happy if it was set font of the original Opera.

Thanks for the great extension!

16.03.2014 23:31

Originally posted by Shionsan:

Imagine a PC that works 24 hours a day. Browser is on. If feed is set to be updated every 5 hours...

I see. I understand you, but I personally don't see this as a real problem. And as it would require quite a lot of changes to the updating mechanism I'm probably going to keep using the existing way of updating. Sorry :P

This build of RSS Detector should work with the previously mentioned feed :)
16.03.2014 23:17

Originally posted by BS-Harou:

The right id for dev. version should be "ejccalkadfpjaipfldcmpmnklmloaeeg".

It works.
16.03.2014 23:12

Originally posted by Shionsan:

Maybe "Smart RSS ID" have something to do with it?

The right id for dev. version should be "ejccalkadfpjaipfldcmpmnklmloaeeg". You probably need to enable developer mode to see the IDs of extensions.
16.03.2014 22:07

Originally posted by BS-Harou:

I read this five times and I'm still not sure what you exactly mean, can you perhaps reformulate it a bit?

Imagine a PC that works 24 hours a day. Browser is on. If feed is set to be updated every 5 hours, the update event will fire up at 0, 5, 10, 20, 1, 6, 11, 21, etc. And that seems wrong to me. So I suggested values, that would update the feed at the same times without this time shift. If I were to rephrase it... "Update this feed 4 times a day" = "Update every 6 hours", "...2 times" = "...12 hours", etc. Only the values of x in "24/x=y" where y is an integer are correct (in my opinion).

As for RSS-Detector: - it does "detect" this, but is unable to subscribe (new feed is not being added). Maybe "Smart RSS ID" have something to do with it? But I don't know what to type there and "nncgmpcdlilgbepbfpeidpjlcdfhmcfp" seems to be a wrong value.

And I edited my last message a few times... You might want to re-read it.
16.03.2014 21:58

Originally posted by Shionsan:

Yeah, I missed few months worth of articles, and I'm mad about it

I'm really sorry about this, but I guess that goes in hand with using dev. versions O:-)

Originally posted by Shionsan:

All database changes should not be applied instantly (if they are)

They are, however getting this improved isn't so simple. Lot's of people won't close the tab but instead just quit the browser. Doing anything when the browser is quiting is troublesome. Also, this kind of optimization should be imo done in the engine. Still, I will add this to my "think about" todo!

Originally posted by Shionsan:

Button's drag-drop function - still unable to comprehend it's purpose.

This was just a start. The plan is to add possibility to add/remove more buttons (e.g. the actions in context menu). The sorting will make more sense then.

Originally posted by Shionsan:

There should be more sorting options like for the second step, like "Author-Date" and "Author-Title".

Added to todo.

Originally posted by Shionsan:

Will look into this.

Originally posted by Shionsan:

Feed update values should divide 24hr into integer...

I read this five times and I'm still not sure what you exactly mean, can you perhaps reformulate it a bit?
16.03.2014 21:34
Looks fixed. Thanks. But I still have some stuff to say:

- This autocleaner function should be either removed or remade to clean up stuff in trash can. With a 1-3-7-30 days option since the deletion date. While I do prefer deleting "used" articles by myself, I'm not used to wiping the trash can, so it's usually stuffed. Autocleaner would be of help here.
- Some simple way to reset a feed/database, so old articles were to be loaded, would be nice. OPML export>all-clean-option>OPML import is fine too, but...
- Being SSD-friendly is a path every developer should follow. All database changes should not be applied instantly (if they are). Autosave on RSS tab being closed in case of changes was made should suffice.
- Button's drag-drop function - still unable to comprehend it's purpose.
- There should be more sorting options like for the second step, like "Author-Date" and "Author-Title".
- RSS detector fails to detect this feed: "". The one on Opera's site was able to detect it but was unable to subscribe to it (nothing happened on button click).
- Feed update values should divide 24hr into integer (dunno how to properly say it in english). Example: 5m, 15m, 30m, 1hr, 2hr, 3hr, 6hr, 12hr, 24hr. This way feed update times would be fixed and would not "move along" in case the PC is always on and update timer set to like 5 or 10 hours.

Well, there you go. And thanks for the sorting by title. For me it's a major improvement here XD I wonder if you could make sorting option be custom for every feed..
16.03.2014 20:50
Try this, I think it should fix the problem :)
16.03.2014 20:39

Originally posted by Shionsan:

EDIT: New version inherited this bug. On update all(?) old articles are being deleted and only(?) new are left.

By "old" you mean articles downlaoded in prev. build or articles downloaded last update?

Edit: I think I found the problem, thanks for the report!
16.03.2014 20:31
Noticed just now: previous version (smartrss.2014-03-07.6 (c4eeb8793ccf3c2a1761d78335cc461c357fa6b3)) deletes previous articles on manual update even with auto-erase set to "Never" everywhere. Specific conditions unknown. Never touched that option before, but noticed values being like "OPT_NEVER" etc.

Oh shi... now I've realised that I missed a lot of stuff thanks to that bug... Please, remove this "feature". Fixed or not it creates more problems that it solves.

EDIT: New version inherited this bug. On update all(?) old articles are being deleted and only(?) new are left.
16.03.2014 14:24

- option to sort articles by date/title/author (it is in the overlay menu when you click on the wrench button)
- option on options page to enable/disable asking when completely deleting pinned items
- version number in separate file
- no timeout for loading dependencies
15.03.2014 20:02

Originally posted by bubuzon:

Thank you ))) and when you press update - results should be filtered automatically (now need to re-enter criteria)

Noted :)
15.03.2014 19:01
Thank you ))) and when you press update - results should be filtered automatically (now need to re-enter criteria)
Thank you very much!
15.03.2014 18:51

Originally posted by bubuzon:

Hello. can you to add button "save search" for faster search in the future? for example
Thank you!

In next version I will have to rewrite the search so I hope I will get to this as well :)
15.03.2014 17:38
Hello. can you to add button "save search" for faster search in the future? for example
Thank you!
13.03.2014 17:35

Originally posted by rpsgc:

RSS Detector now says 'version 2' but Smart RSS still says 'version 1'.

For Smart RSS version go to Options page and scroll down. There is a version string. Opera addons catalog automatically changes the version number in manifest file so once you install it from there the version number should be ok :)

They still haven't approved though :(
13.03.2014 17:32

RSS Detector now says 'version 2' but Smart RSS still says 'version 1'. Since you posted these builds as v2 final I thought you should know.
13.03.2014 16:49

Originally posted by zahek:

Share pls final v2 direct install link

Smart RSS v2 final:
RSS Detector v2 final:

Originally posted by erniehh:

What about a new Posting from time to time so your Extension has something to show me while observing your rss-feed

There isn't much to write about lately. Or do you have something in mind you'd like me to write about? :D
13.03.2014 16:02
What about a new Posting from time to time so your Extension has something to show me while observing your rss-feed ;)
13.03.2014 12:15
Share pls final v2 direct install link :)
13.03.2014 10:53

Originally posted by diletantEG:

Please add service

Done :)
13.03.2014 03:22
Please add service
12.03.2014 20:42
New build of RSS Detector:

- Option to choose Feedly or Smart RSS
- Url in addressbar is kept same as for the regular rss page
- You can lick on title to view the original rss page
12.03.2014 19:36
While we are waiting for Opera mods to approve v2 version of Smart RSS, what other services except Smart RSS and Feedly would you like to have in RSS Detector select box?
07.03.2014 13:54
Ok, I decided the v2 is taking too long to be released so I fixed the remaining showstoppers I knew about a created v2 RC1 build :)

Let me know if you find any showstopper I might missed. Otherwise I will publish this build on addons.opera.

05.03.2014 02:31

Originally posted by BS-Harou:

you can use drag and drop to move buttons on toolbars

What the reason of making this feature could be? A start for Presto-style customisation for a single extension? Looks meaningless to me unless there will be like 50 more buttons for each frame. Current button order is perfect.

Still, works fine so far.
04.03.2014 16:37
Ok, it is time to release a bit less stable build again :)

In this build you can use drag and drop to move buttons on toolbars.
Note that you can't yet remove or add buttons nor move buttons between different toolbars. It also isn't possible to move with the search box.

When you drag some button all hidden buttons are displayed as well (e.g. the undelete button).

This feature required some changes to the background script so I decided it is time to modularize it as well (and that is why this build might be less stable). Please report any bugs and regressions.

I also split the localization file so that each language has its own file now. This should make it easier for translators to pull requests on github.
03.03.2014 00:40

Originally posted by Shionsan:

Any approximate date of this happening?

I'm now slowly working on last bigger task for v2, then I'll move into beta state and fix what remaining bugs were reported. After v2 final I'd like to do few updates to RSS Detector and then I'll move on v3. The actual time it will take depends on how much energy I will have to put to school and how many other distractions will there be :P
02.03.2014 23:15

Originally posted by BS-Harou:

...however I pack them with the same pem key every time so theoretically dnd'ing the file should install it over the last build...

I've been jumping from the version at Opera's site to dev one, that's why I've never seen it being updated (seems like sources do matter). Dev on dev update works as it should.

Originally posted by BS-Harou:

Sorting by title will be implemented in v3.

Any approximate date of this happening?

Originally posted by BS-Harou:

The reason why properties work as they work is because I originally used frames and couldn't make overlay over two or more columns. It should be possible now and I will probably do it if I add any more options to it.

"If" is a bad word here. You should do it anyway!

Originally posted by BS-Harou:

The &amp problem when using Enter should be fixed

It is. This last update is nice. Wanted CTRL+A for a long time there.
02.03.2014 16:29

- The &amp problem when using Enter should be fixed
- Shift+Enter should again open the tab on background
02.03.2014 16:09

Originally posted by Mioni:

Hey Martin you can put a 1 minute interval in feeds?

I could, but I'm not sure if it is such a good idea. If someone would set e.g. 20 feeds to one minute interval it could seriously affect browser performance.

Originally posted by Shionsan:

Do you update Smart RSS on Opera extensions site or should I update it manually from here?

I don't upload dev. version on addons.opera as they might contain serious bugs, however I pack them with the same pem key every time so theoretically dnd'ing the file should install it over the last build. (If it is not working you should report it as an Opera bug).

Sorting by title will be implemented in v3.

The reason why properties work as they work is because I originally used frames and couldn't make overlay over two or more columns. It should be possible now and I will probably do it if I add any more options to it.
02.03.2014 13:17
Hey Martin you can put a 1 minute interval in feeds?
02.03.2014 12:31
Do you update Smart RSS on Opera extensions site or should I update it manually from here?

Extension on Opera's site says it's version is 1.0.4, the one from this page is 1.0. You're not updating version number? You should. Otherwise updates are hard to keep with. And this export/import every time...

Will sorting by title be implented? I want it so bad.

Unicode symbols in titles seem to make lags on lists with 100+ posts (ex: ). Same if nubmer of articles is large (1000+). Optimisation possible?

Can you make feed properties to appear at the bottom or in the middle of screen (overlay?). Or have an option for it? Whould be nice.

The problem with & -> &amp; in URL's is still there. When you "Enter" (press key) on a post that leads to an url with & in it, conversion happens, breaking the URL.

>What time intervals do you want in properties. (Right now you can set to remove articles older than 1/7/30 days)
Typing in the number of days maybe? 30 days if not a number is entered.

>Should the items be deleted completely/moved to trash or should there be option to do one or the other.

>Should It delete all articles older than X days (now) or should it delete only unread/unvisited articles?
"Automatically mark articles as read" option suggests "All articles" is the correct answer.

>Should It measure the time interval between now and when the article was downloaded by Smart RSS or between now and the date specified in RSS feed?
The post date (date specified in RSS feed) would be logical, but this might lead to an empty RSS feed even with articles on it. So the download date it is.

Questions like this make me wondef if there is any need for auto-removal function at all? Maybe some button to "Delete posts older than ..." would make more sense? Why do you want it to be automatic?

Anyway, I do delete all unwanted posts manually, so I'm on "can live without auto-removal function" side.
27.02.2014 18:14

Originally posted by pureocean:

I tried that setting. Unfortunately, SmartRSS again update to all feeds when every startup.

Heya, sorry I forgot to fix this one. Try this build . Set the update interval to never and it shouldn't be updated on start.
27.02.2014 17:07
Hello Martin,

Firstly, thanks Martin for tip and try news in

I tried that setting. Unfortunately, SmartRSS again update to all feeds when every startup.

P.S.: Uptaded to smartrss.2014-02-26.1.nex
26.02.2014 18:53
Fix for the date issue mentioned below:
26.02.2014 18:19

Originally posted by MilanSL:

look at this RSS feed:
All items have time shown as NaN.NaN.NaN NaN:NaN:NaN

I can confirm the problem. It seems javascript date parser cannot convert "CET" to correct time zone. I'll look into it.
26.02.2014 17:27
Hi Martin,

could you pls. look at this RSS feed:
All items have time shown as NaN.NaN.NaN NaN:NaN:NaN.
I tried to delete the feed, add again, no change.

Opera 12.16 displays all time and date correctly.


24.02.2014 17:28

Originally posted by erniehh:

if i press "k" could you move the highlight to the next unread post

Pressing "G" does exactly that :)

Originally posted by erniehh:

* a click on the header lines "today", "yesterday", "last week" could collapse the range

I think this is planned for v3
24.02.2014 13:08

i have two little points for the wishlist:

* if i press "k" could you move the highlight to the next unread post
* a click on the header lines "today", "yesterday", "last week" could collapse the range

Both are features from O12...
01.02.2014 21:02
I began to work on the _autoremove_ feature.

This build contains only very simple initial implementation and is meant to start some discussion on how it should work.

How it works now:
  • Right now the autoremove script runs together with the Update All Feeds action. The Update All action runs 30s after the extension is started or when you click on the Update All button in left column. In future I plan to make the autoremove script run on start and probably every midnight.
  • It removes articles older than X days, however there are two kinds of date. The date specified in the feed and the date when the article was downloaded by Smart RSS. The extension did not save the second kind of date until now so with articles downloaded in this build it uses the second date and with older articles downloaded by previous builds it uses the first kind of date.
  • You can set how old articles should be deleted in Feed properties. You have to click on "More" to display the select box.
  • It is not yet possible to change the value for more feeds at once. It is also not yet possible to set it on Trash/Folders.
  • Items are deleted completely (not moved to trash).
  • The new string are not yet localized. I will ask the translators for it when the v2.0 will get to beta state.

Some questions to discuss
  • What time intervals do you want in properties. (Right now you can set to remove articles older than 1/7/30 days)
  • Should the items be deleted completely/moved to trash or should there be option to do one or the other.
  • Should It delete all articles older than X days (now) or should it delete only unread/unvisited articles?
  • Should It measure the time interval between now and when the article was downloaded by Smart RSS or between now and the date specified in RSS feed?
  • Any other ideas? :)
31.01.2014 00:01
Hi Martin!

Great little plugin you've got here, I'm very happy to have my RSS feeds working in Opera again. =)

Two quick issues I have:

1. Some feeds update the entire feed, every time. For example, everything from Yahoo Japan. Here's a sample:

2. In Opera 12, I could hold SHIFT and press the down arrow to batch select feeds as I read them. Then I could press delete, and they'd all be erased. Each selected feed would display the content, but yours only displays the first one, so I can't read as I go. Maybe you could make this work?

Those two things are the only reasons I can't yet use this as my main reader. ^_^
31.01.2014 00:01
Hi Lawrence,

thanks for the reports. I will look into them :)
29.01.2014 13:01

Originally posted by Shionsan:

& gets changed into & in urls of

Did the my.opera comments removed some part of the "&"? Because "&" seems the same as "&"?

Nevermind, I think I see the problem .)
29.01.2014 13:01
Try this and let me know if it helps or if it breaks something else. I was able to reproduce the issue only with OPML (so feed source urls only), so that is what I tried to fix.

It should also load the older "broken" exported opml files and import them correctly.
29.01.2014 00:01
& gets changed into & in urls of full article and RSS-source during import/export.

If that is already fixed, do I need to recreate all RSS feeds again?
27.01.2014 10:01
Hi Martin
I have couple of feature requests for ver. 2 (when it comes out :) ). It's from my personal experience, but I think it would improve this already cool extension :cool:

- favicons in middle column (list of all feeds)
it's hard to see which article belongs to particular feed

-different font size or color or weight (or whatever)
between article name and feed name/author

-maybe button for "mark all as read" on main toolbar

I can see now when I increase UI font to 150% in options that there is a difference between article and feed name...but on normal it's hard to differentiate them
26.01.2014 16:01
meme writes:

Hi MArtin, great extension, but I got a problem. My 2 colmuns on the left are vanishrd. I can see them but they are very small and I can't drag the wider. The cursor changes it's shape when I hover over them but I can't click anything nor drag anything.

Any pointers?
26.01.2014 16:01
meme writes:

Nevermind, found the problem the moment I sent that previous post;reports#feedback-container
26.01.2014 15:01
great :up:
it works fine now

vs. old

26.01.2014 14:01
I tried to solve the title issues (html tags and html-escaped characters):
23.01.2014 12:01

Originally posted by anonymous:

Anonymous writes:

Smart RSS is an SSD-friendly extension?

I did some improvements regarding disk usage, but it still isn't exactly perfect. So I'm not really sure how to answer.
22.01.2014 21:01
Anonymous writes:

Smart RSS is an SSD-friendly extension?
22.01.2014 12:01

Originally posted by anonymous:

try the feed in Opera 12 and see that it's working fine.

No, it doesn't. Look at the title tag:
<title>DriverPack DP_Telephone_13115/title>
It is not properly closed (missing "<").
22.01.2014 07:01
Kay writes:

try the feed in Opera 12 and see that it's working fine. I can't find anything wrong at those lines in order to break it.
21.01.2014 18:01
Anonymous writes:

Line 144
20.01.2014 13:01

Originally posted by anonymous:

I can't find anything wrong in XML but it doesn't load any feeds

There is a XML error:

error on line 146 at column 8: Opening and ending tag mismatch: title line 0 and item
20.01.2014 08:01
Kay writes:

I'm having trouble with this RSS I can't find anything wrong in XML but it doesn't load any feeds. thanks
19.01.2014 18:01
Calinhorely writes:

I use this version: smartrss.2013-09-15.1

I backed up my RSS feeds there a month and I've imported again to see if the problem persisted loading and continues to block and to me the same message quoted above.

I'll try with the version you talk to me.
19.01.2014 18:01
Calinhorely writes:

It seems to work.
Thank you very much for your help!
19.01.2014 17:01
Calinhorely writes:


I have a problem since today, RSS feeds no longer charge.
The update still hangs at the same number of RSS feeds.

I have a message at the bottom of the page that says:
"Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'querySelectorAll' of null (Line: 942)"

I always have to restart Opera, but it is not practical.

What should I do?

Where is the problem?

Many thanks for your help !!!
19.01.2014 17:01

Originally posted by anonymous:

What should I do?

Where is the problem?

What version of Smart RSS are you using? The one on addons.opera? Try the latest dev build mentioned few posts above.
17.01.2014 17:01

Originally posted by pe73:

Is this version the same with the last one released last year? Or something new is inside thus being worth to update?

It is still the same *old* build.
17.01.2014 16:01
Jackall writes:

Dobrý den, Martin,

I've been using Smart RSS just for couple of days so far, but I like it very much. Thank you for developing it!

I think I have found a small bug:
Despite I set an update interval as "Never" for a specific RSS thread, it seems it is still being updated :)

17.01.2014 16:01

Originally posted by anonymous:

Dobrý den, Martin,
I've been using Smart RSS just for couple of days so far, but I like it very much. Thank you for developing it!
I think I have found a small bug:
Despite I set an update interval as "Never" for a specific RSS thread, it seems it is still being updated :)

There is a bug in the "stable" version of Smart RSS, try the dev. version:

If you are using RSS Detector you will have to change the ID of Smart RSS in Detector's options page to make the Subscribe button work.
17.01.2014 16:01

Originally posted by BS-Harou:

try the dev. version:

Hi Martin!
Is this version the same with the last one released last year? Or something new is inside thus being worth to update?
15.01.2014 14:01
Martin, I never asked for sync ...
:jester: :jester: :jester: wrong quote :smurf:

....about html tags in title
yea, looks messy
15.01.2014 13:01

Originally posted by vux777:

Tell me whether you are planning on adding the ability to synchronize with online services

This isn't currently planned. Sorry

Originally posted by vux777:

Could you remove BBC and html tags from feeds name?

The same problems is with feeds of my.opera comments. I probably should do something about it.

Originally posted by anonymous:

wbgenetic writes:
Any chance you can tweak this for ... e-mails :P

Nope :P
15.01.2014 13:01

Originally posted by BS-Harou:

Originally posted by anonymous:
wbgenetic writes:
Any chance you can tweak this for ... e-mails

Nope :P

At least not this week... :lol:
15.01.2014 07:01
wbgenetic writes:

Any chance you can tweak this for ... e-mails :P
13.01.2014 09:01
Hi Martin, I have a little (!?) feature request for upcoming versions

Could you remove BBC and html tags from feeds name?
13.01.2014 04:01
diletantEG writes:

Hi Martin!
Thanks for a great Manager feed.
Tell me whether you are planning on adding the ability to synchronize with online services? For Example, "The Old Reader"
08.01.2014 04:01

Originally posted by BS-Harou:


07.01.2014 08:01

Originally posted by BS-Harou:

Did you put the right ID of Smart RSS extension to Detector's settings?

Sry, my bad. I forgot to copy the ID to Detector. Thx for the hint :)
06.01.2014 21:01

Originally posted by vux777:

smartrss.2013-11-29.1 is latest dev?

06.01.2014 20:01
just to ask...
smartrss.2013-11-29.1 is latest dev?
06.01.2014 16:01

Originally posted by pe73:

I tried RSS Detector with the latest dev build of Smart RSS and I successfully got on a page with the Subscribe button but clicking on that button does nothing. A bug or ...?

Did you put the right ID of Smart RSS extension to Detector's settings?
06.01.2014 12:01
Hi Martin.

Foremost Best wishes for 2014! :)

I tried RSS Detector with the latest dev build of Smart RSS and I successfully got on a page with the Subscribe button but clicking on that button does nothing. A bug or ...?
20.12.2013 06:12
How about add feedly syncing?
19.12.2013 11:12
Miguk writes:

Atom feeds work now, thanks!
Two small bugs:
1) The links by the feet title and by article are different.
I suppose they must be the same.
2) The preview windows shows the last feet even if the list is empty.
14.12.2013 11:12
DxRx writes:

I did it and still don't work ... this is a big WTF.

I have a Opera Dev (20) and Opera Stable (18).

I copied everything Local / Roaming from Opera Dev to Opera Stable.

All is ok with other extensions, speeddial, passwords, etc.. but the smartRSS feeds dissapear.

Maybe your extension have something to deal with the folder names of the profiles? The only different is the folder name of profiles (Opera Developer -> Opera Stable in AppData).
11.12.2013 20:12
If you copy Local Cache then SmartRSS works? If not, then probably some other folder is needed. Unfortunately, my knowledge of profile folders isn't that great. :P
11.12.2013 17:12
DxRx writes:

Looks like your extension is using LocalCache in some way, that's right?

Because if copy only the Roaming folder for one instalation to another (fresh install) all work fine (other extensions too) but not smartrss.

Can you confirm this? Is a bug?

Other extensions works fine just copying the Roaming Folder.

Sorry for me english.
11.12.2013 16:12
there should be IndexedDB folder in your profile.
11.12.2013 16:12
DxRx writes:

If copy "IndexedDB" folder and "Extensions" folder to other Opera installation all feeds disappear. Other extensions seems to work..

Any idea?

I need do this with this method (no import & export)

I'm using SmartRSS (latest dev v2)
11.12.2013 15:12
DxRx writes:

Hi Martin,

Can you tell me where is the extension data saved? In what file/folder of Opera profile?

Thank you!
10.12.2013 13:12
Anonymous writes:

"Při každém updatu RSS se kontroluje zda *smazané položky* se v RSS souboru vyskytují. Pokud ne, tak se smažou z IndexedDB úplně. To je proto, aby když smažeš zprávu, tak aby se při dalším updatu znovu nevytvořila. Smazané zprávy už nemají obsah článku, ale jenom ostatní metadata, takže by neměli zabírat tolik místa"

Ale casom sa ich tam nazbiera vela, je tam niekde spravene, ze sa casom vymazu vsetky, ktore uz nemaju zmysel? Osobne by som cakal, ze sa bude kontrolovat aktualnost clankov voci casu posledneho obnovenia daneho rss kanala. A vsetky clanky, ktore su starsie ako je tento cas sa vobec nezpracuju a teda sa zobrazia len tie, ktore su novsie.

A este jedna vec by bola vhodna. Ked sa klikne mysou na "Full article" a z kontextoveho menu sa vyberie otvorit v novom okne, stale by bola moznost stlacit Delete na klavesnici a vymaze sa dany clanok zo zoznamu clankov. Teraz je potrebne kliknut na nadpis alebo na konkretny clanok v zozname alebo na tlacidlo delete v toolbare. Ja som bol zvyknuty z opery, ze sa pohybujem po clankoch klavesami. Alebo by bolo fajn mat nejaku klavesovu skratku pre otvorenie clanku v novom okne.

Za odpoved dakujem.
10.12.2013 11:12

Originally posted by Shionsan:

Will you update it via Opera's addons site or should we look for new versions here?

The dev builds will be here. Once it will reach v2 final I will upload it to addons catalog.

Originally posted by anonymous:

Ale rad by som videl pridanu funkcionalitu, kedy pri vymazani clanku z kosa by sa tento clanok vymazal aj z indexedDB. Teraz tam vsetky ostavaju.

Při každém updatu RSS se kontroluje zda *smazané položky* se v RSS souboru vyskytují. Pokud ne, tak se smažou z IndexedDB úplně. To je proto, aby když smažeš zprávu, tak aby se při dalším updatu znovu nevytvořila. Smazané zprávy už nemají obsah článku, ale jenom ostatní metadata, takže by neměli zabírat tolik místa :)
10.12.2013 00:12
Anonymous writes:

Super praca. Velmi sa mi paci to co si vytvoril. Ale rad by som videl pridanu funkcionalitu, kedy pri vymazani clanku z kosa by sa tento clanok vymazal aj z indexedDB. Teraz tam vsetky ostavaju.
09.12.2013 23:12
Glad to hear. Will you update it via Opera's addons site or should we look for new versions here?
09.12.2013 18:12
You're not going to improve it anymore?
09.12.2013 18:12

Originally posted by Shionsan:

You're not going to improve it anymore?

I am! This is still my No.1 personal project and I won't start another until I'm satisfied with this one :)
29.11.2013 19:11

Originally posted by BS-Harou:

Originally posted by anonymous:

Hi. Still an issue with your new bulid I am afraid. 14:55:14: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'querySelectorAll' of null (Line: 942)

Are you sure you did the update corretly? Check the bottom of the options page if the version string contains today's date. There is no longer querySelectorAll on line 942.

Originally posted by ZAHEK:

Sorry my fault now sorted

29.11.2013 17:11

Originally posted by anonymous:

Hi. Still an issue with your new bulid I am afraid. 14:55:14: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'querySelectorAll' of null (Line: 942)

Are you sure you did the update corretly? Check the bottom of the options page if the version string contains today's date. There is no longer querySelectorAll on line 942.

Originally posted by ZAHEK:

When the next major build, martin?

No idea ... there might be build with some new feature during Christmas :)
29.11.2013 15:11
When the next major build, martin? :)
29.11.2013 15:11
Anonymous writes:


Still an issue with your new bulid I am afraid.

14:55:14: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'querySelectorAll' of null (Line: 942)
29.11.2013 13:11

Originally posted by anonymous:

Anonymous writes:

Running 18 and just started having problems

23:03:55: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'querySelectorAll' of null (Line: 942)

REload not working, tried disabel and enable, works once then fails again, any idead?

Look what Martin says about this bug in his reply (the second post) on this page (12).
29.11.2013 13:11
strange that it happens suddenly to so many people.... I will release build with fix today.
29.11.2013 13:11

Originally posted by BS-Harou:

strange that it happens suddenly to so many people.... I will release build with fix today.

Sweet :)
29.11.2013 13:11
fix for the querySelectorAll bug
29.11.2013 00:11
Anonymous writes:

Running 18 and just started having problems

23:03:55: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'querySelectorAll' of null (Line: 942)

REload not working, tried disabel and enable, works once then fails again, any idead?
28.11.2013 17:11

Originally posted by DitherSky:

Strange on Opera 19 with developer install of the extension it is possible to use allow-scripts in iframe properties and then to add keydown listener to the contentDocument. Here is testing example: that do the job for me.

The whole reason I use sandboxed iframe is to disallow scripts. Allowing them would ruin the whole purpose.
28.11.2013 16:11
Strange on Opera 19 with developer install of the extension it is possible to use allow-scripts in iframe properties and then to add keydown listener to the contentDocument. Here is testing example: that do the job for me.
28.11.2013 11:11
The iframe is sandboxed so that no javascript can be executed there, so it is not possible. Or at least I have not yet figured out how.
28.11.2013 08:11
Is it possible to make keyboard shortcuts work from inside message body frame? For example if I want to delete message when I already clicked inside of it. Currently if I press Del in those conditions I get zero reaction from the extension (I use github version).
26.11.2013 20:11
Eryk writes:

Thanks for advice, I have deleted and reinstalled recent feeds, an it helped.
26.11.2013 12:11
Awesome. Version smartrss.2013-11-17.1 (7b447134e91cf5a1c323eec3ce16b335d79512c9) works correctly for me. Thanks!
It was an old bug, then?
26.11.2013 12:11

Originally posted by Strathos:

It was an old bug, then?

I don't remember myself fixing it, but I fixed so many bugs already it is possible. Or It got fixed with the first v2 builds which has many parts rewritten. The main thing is it works now :)
26.11.2013 11:11

Originally posted by Strathos:

Selecting multiple articles and pressing Enter opens just the first one, as opposed to selecting them, right clicking and then clicking "full article".

What version do you use? I an oen multiple articles with enter as well.

Originally posted by Strathos:

Related to that, do you think you could add an option to "auto-delete opened articles" or otherwise one button to "delete all articles marked as read"?

The auto-removal is planned :)
26.11.2013 11:11

Originally posted by pe73:

Strange, in my case selecting more articles and pressing Enter opens all selected articles.

Yeah, weird. It might be version dependent, then. I should have clarified I'm using the latest Developer version (19.0.1326.0). Anyone else getting it?
26.11.2013 11:11

Originally posted by Strathos:

I'm using the latest Developer version (19.0.1326.0).

I meant what version the extension are you using. The one from addons catalog or some of the dev builds?
26.11.2013 11:11
Happy to see it's a planned feature :D
I'm using the one from the addons catalog: smartrss.2013-09-15.1 (064a795577c8e7daf41d06ad6b25bb3c5f10843a).
I'll give a try to the dev build.

Edit: the dev build ( opens all the selected articles.
26.11.2013 11:11

Originally posted by Strathos:

Happy to see it's a planned feature :D
I'm using the one from the addons catalog: smartrss.2013-09-15.1 (064a795577c8e7daf41d06ad6b25bb3c5f10843a).
I'll give a try to the dev build.

Be sure to use the latest
26.11.2013 10:11

Originally posted by Strathos:

Selecting multiple articles and pressing Enter opens just the first one, as opposed to selecting them, right clicking and then clicking "full article".

Strange, in my case selecting more articles and pressing Enter opens all selected articles. I am glad it works by this way, it is very handy.
26.11.2013 01:11
Excellent extension, Martin Kadlec. It feels like a native implementation!

I've got a little glitch and a likewise sized request :)

Selecting multiple articles and pressing Enter opens just the first one, as opposed to selecting them, right clicking and then clicking "full article".

Related to that, do you think you could add an option to "auto-delete opened articles" or otherwise one button to "delete all articles marked as read"?

Thanks a lot for your work!
25.11.2013 14:11

Originally posted by anonymous:

Neither Opera restart nor disabling/enabling the extension have helped.
There is an error message: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'querySelectorAll' of null (Line: 942)

Thx, I will look into that. You might have added some RSS that can't be parsed. Try deleting some of the last feeds you have added.
25.11.2013 13:11
Eryk writes:

Neither Opera restart nor disabling/enabling the extension have helped.
There is an error message: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'querySelectorAll' of null (Line: 942)
25.11.2013 12:11
Eryk writes:


I have a problem - in Opera 18 the Smart RSS stops in the middle of feed update. It updates some feeds, betweeen 10 and 25, but stops then. It shows the message "Updating feeds" in the lower left corner, but no progress happens.
25.11.2013 12:11

Originally posted by anonymous:

It shows the message "Updating feeds" in the lower left corner, but no progress happens.

DIsabling/Enabling the extenson should fix that. (Or restarting Opera). Was there any message in bottom right corner (below the article content)?
23.11.2013 00:11
I've tried using the rss detector, and it looks pretty cool, just as it was before, but i switched to the oldreader, and i imported feeds there, however the address i get here, in the url field (i guess obviously) doesn't work there. Is it possible to get the actual feed url? Can i do something about it, or does it need to get changed in the code?
22.11.2013 17:11
Hi Martin,

Here's error message I got:

(Current time) Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'querySelectorAll' of null (Line 893, File: scripts/bgprocess/bg.js)

and the update of feeds stopped and there was no other workaround than to restart Opera 18.
22.11.2013 17:11

Originally posted by pe73:

Here's error message I got:

Hi, thanks for the report.

I changed the code so that it wouldn't break the extension. (Will be in next build). If this happens you can jsut disbale/enable the extension and it should *fix* it as well.
22.11.2013 08:11

Originally posted by Shionsan:

For Delete key to work when focus is on the post frame.
For post frame to become empty if curently selected feed has no posts.

I can do the second, but the first one is a bit troublesome a probaly can't be done.
22.11.2013 02:11
Besides the sorting option (date/subject), these few fixes would be great:

For Delete key to work when focus is on the post frame.
For post frame to become empty if curently selected feed has no posts.

Can you do that?
21.11.2013 23:11
It's working now :D
21.11.2013 16:11
The strangest thing just happened today.

All of the feeds in Smart RSS lost their favicons. I still have the icons in my bookmarks though, so I'm assuming it's something to do with Smart RSS.

Deleting all the data, re-installing, removing the extension and installing from scratch didn't help.

Any thoughts?
21.11.2013 16:11

Originally posted by rpsgc:

Any thoughts?

Same here. I use to get the favicons. It seems google did something :( ... I'll wait a day or two if it get fixed, and if it won't I'll start thinking about different solution.
21.11.2013 14:11
This is awesome, sir!
If i know this before maybe i will not much complain with new opera. lolz
You should try apply job to opera, sir.
replacing some of their incompetence and unresponsive developer. lolz

keep up the great works! :wizard:

20.11.2013 19:11
thanks for replies ;) i'll donate later, after i'll get something on my paypal.

how about putting sources on git? i personally never used git, but it's probably simplier to share it there than creating svn server [and im using svn every day - as commiting and stuff seems simplier on svn], anyway - i'd like to help you with this one, especially with my #1 - remembering highlighted item.

today it's my 2nd day of using Smart RSS, and i think another thing i'd like to have remembered last channel i highlighted - currently i see all feeds when opening feeds tab
20.11.2013 19:11

Originally posted by dzek69:

how about putting sources on git?

I do use git & github: . The in-source documentation isn't finished yet though.
20.11.2013 12:11

Originally posted by dzek69:

after clicking each channel - this extensions highlights first item - it should remember highlighted item, like in O12

Yep, we discussed this here several times and it is on my todo for v3.

Originally posted by dzek69:

popup-from-bottom notifications (DHTML injected to each tab, like in old "Song Notifier" extension) would be cool [edit: when Opera will support desktop notifications API DHTML notifications could be dropped]

I have some very bad expereince with adding aything to websites, there are always some sites that manages to break it. So I'll probably just wait for the Web Notifications to get implemented. It will be hopefully soon.

Originally posted by dzek69:

sound on new rss (this wasn't on Opera 12 but would be cool)

You are acutally not the first one to ask me that. So it is also already on my todo for v3.

Originally posted by dzek69:

4) Already requested - "Mark as read after ### seconds" - very handy thing

This will be the first think I'll be working on once I'll have a bit more of free time. Planned for v2.

Originally posted by dzek69:

5) where's DONATE button?

I was thinking about it, but never really get to it. I guess it would be another good motivation :) Edit: (fixed)
20.11.2013 11:11

Could you provide some info on these things:

1) after clicking each channel - this extensions highlights first item - it should remember highlighted item, like in O12

2) popup-from-bottom notifications (DHTML injected to each tab, like in old "Song Notifier" extension) would be cool [edit: when Opera will support desktop notifications API DHTML notifications could be dropped]

3) sound on new rss (this wasn't on Opera 12 but would be cool)

4) Already requested - "Mark as read after ### seconds" - very handy thing

5) where's DONATE button? :D This is awesome extension, first step to my real try to migrate to new Opera! (still much other things exist (or.. don't exist) prevents me from it)
17.11.2013 17:11

Originally posted by BS-Harou:

Originally posted by pe73:

It seems that using home/end/pgup/pgdown in middle column looses focus and when there is let's say only 3 news home/end doesn't work.

the home/end/pg buttons don't move the focus (they do only scrolling) same as in v1. But you are right that in Opera 12 it moves the focus as well. That will be a bit harder to do, but I will add it to my todo.

Thanks for clarification. No problem Martin, we can live just with scrolling for the time being.
17.11.2013 16:11

- home/end/pgup/pgdown in middle column
- option to enable/disable circular navigation - if arrow up when first item is selected will select last item and visa versa (enabled by default)
17.11.2013 16:11

Originally posted by BS-Harou:

- home/end/pgup/pgdown in middle column
- option to enable/disable circular navigation - if arrow up when first item is selected will select last item and visa versa (enabled by default)

Thanks Martin.

It seems that using home/end/pgup/pgdown in middle column looses focus and when there is let's say only 3 news home/end doesn't work.
17.11.2013 16:11

Originally posted by pe73:

It seems that using home/end/pgup/pgdown in middle column looses focus and when there is let's say only 3 news home/end doesn't work.

the home/end/pg buttons don't move the focus (they do only scrolling) same as in v1. But you are right that in Opera 12 it moves the focus as well. That will be a bit harder to do, but I will add it to my todo.
17.11.2013 13:11

Originally posted by Shionsan:

Most of them have [Type/Group/Theme] in the beginning.

Well, that is a good rationale for sorting alphabetically :)

I think nobody of us did think about RSS feeds that actually have some hints at the start of the title, at least I didn't ...

OK, let us get some additional (crazy) ideas for v3, may be some of them make sense too:

How about adding something like stored searches in the left column too?
Not meaning the actual search results but something like an instant search for terms you look up often.
Additionally it could show the number of the unread items that match the search in the left column (urgh, I hope that will be no performance hog).
Those searches could make deleting certain kinds of Items easier too.
I wouldn't know of any other RSS client that has that but I can imagine it could be quite handy.

Hm ...
... didn't that sound like the first step that has to be taken to implement filters like they were in M2?
Yeah! Regexp support for RSS filtering :whistle:
17.11.2013 13:11
Yes, it sounds like a good idea. For v3 I plan to do some backend changes (don't load all articles to RAM, but only the metadata and load the articles only when one of them is selected). This will make searching harder/sllower as I will have to load the data from IndexedDB for every full-text search. Once this is done and working I might look into search-saving and filters :)
16.11.2013 23:11
Ice, Quhno, imagine the situation: RSS feed with hundreds of posts. Most of them have [Type/Group/Theme] in the beginning. If sorted by title - I'll have each type grouped somewhere in the list while now I have a completly unsorted list.

Yes, I could type [SomeGroup] every damn time, but I didn't have to in Opera 12, so I'd like not to in Opera 17+ too.

Easiest example of a "problem" would be any anime torrent tracker (

Everything has it's uses. All I'm asking for - is an option to sort posts not only by date.
16.11.2013 17:11
"date" and "from" make sense - title? Not really. I use the search for that.
16.11.2013 17:11

Originally posted by BS-Harou:

Good :) ... I just fixed my build-making script, so if everything goes right all new builds should finally have build numbers in the options page.

Great news! :up:
16.11.2013 16:11

Originally posted by Shionsan:

they maybe should be sorted by title?

Sorted by title?
Perhaps I´m wrong, but that wouldn´t be helpfull anyway.

e.g. The title is: "The UNO meets in New York"
You don´t find it under "UNO" and also not under "New York" but under "The...".
Not realy helpfull, or?
That would only be helpful if you could keep in mind all titles alphabetically.
16.11.2013 15:11
Awesome exstension. But you're missing one feature: when you turn off date grouping, posts are still sorted by date, while they maybe should be sorted by title? Sorting option is a must.
16.11.2013 14:11

Originally posted by Ice007:

Hey - we don´t even want to know what dirty things you're doing with the broads.

Are you sure? :devil:
16.11.2013 01:11

Originally posted by BS-Harou:

I'm sorry, but I just need my energy elsewhere right now.

Hey - we don´t even want to know what dirty things you're doing with the broads.
16.11.2013 00:11
Good :) ... I just fixed my build-making script, so if everything goes right all new builds should finally have build numbers in the options page.
15.11.2013 23:11

Originally posted by niyawa:

Not sure if someone asked about this, but it would be cool to have an option for auto-deleting articles (in a specific time frame e.g every week). I have about a thousand now so it might start to slow down my system soon enough.

Yes, this is actually planned as one of the main features of v2. I might be able to do a bit more work during Christmas or after the final exams (start of February). I know this is all taking a lot of time, and I'm sorry, but I just need my energy elsewhere right now.
15.11.2013 23:11
No problem. Smart RSS is by far the best RSS reader for Opera 15+ as well as Chrome. Most users use v1 (offered in Opera catalogue) that is stable and works flawlessly. The rest using these alpha builds will patiently wait for every new build regardless of what and when it will bring. :)
15.11.2013 22:11
Not sure if someone asked about this, but it would be cool to have an option for auto-deleting articles (in a specific time frame e.g every week). I have about a thousand now so it might start to slow down my system soon enough.

Yes, I'm aware I can do that manually, but an auto solution would be a a life-saver.
15.11.2013 22:11
Good idea!
13.11.2013 18:11

Originally posted by pe73:

Why buttons Home, End, Page Up & Page Down don't work in the middle column (where news are listed)?

Probably because I don't use frames anymore. It's a bug, thanks for reporting it :)
13.11.2013 15:11
Why buttons Home, End, Page Up & Page Down don't work in the middle column (where news are listed)? Only arrows up and down work there. Is it a bug or intentionally?
12.11.2013 16:11
... it should open the RSS article in a stand-alone view so that you can save it.
12.11.2013 16:11

Originally posted by pe73:

The right column, what does do the icon Download (just beside Print)? I thought this command is the same like Full Article but it doesn't open the article. In fact it does nothing.

It is broken in the v2 builds. I haven't noticed it because I never use it :P. As QuHno said, it should open the article in special template so that you could save the article as a mhtml file. Unfortunately, Opera doesn't allow saving blob-sites so it was never really fully functional. Also in future, I'd like to add possibility to create mhtml file from several articles, but this has currently very low priority.
12.11.2013 16:11

Originally posted by BS-Harou:

It is broken in the v2 builds.

That's what I thought ... a dead button. Anyway thx Martin for the clarification.

However don't you mind to remove it if it doesn't work? It is a bit confusing.
12.11.2013 15:11
The right column, what does do the icon Download (just beside Print)? I thought this command is the same like Full Article but it doesn't open the article. In fact it does nothing.
12.11.2013 13:11

Originally posted by pe73:

I asked as some news are reoccurring two or three times and I wondered if marking them as read will help.

Article reoccurring can happen when the title of the article or the date is changed.

Originally posted by pe73:

BTW, sunny day here in CR, how about to celebrate it with a new dev build?

Or I could just continue learning how lighting in WebGL works so I could finish my PGR project and pass this semester :)
12.11.2013 13:11

Originally posted by BS-Harou:

Or I could just continue learning how lighting in WebGL works so I could finish my PGR project and pass this semester :)

Sure. Disregard my comment. Education takes precedence. :doh:
12.11.2013 12:11
Sorry for lame question ... Does marking news as read (K) transmit on the server or is it just a local marking in Smart RSS without feedback to the server?
12.11.2013 12:11

Originally posted by pe73:

Sorry for lame question ... Does marking news as read (K) transmit on the server or is it just a local marking in Smart RSS without feedback to the server?

Only local.
12.11.2013 12:11

Originally posted by BS-Harou:

Originally posted by pe73:

Sorry for lame question ... Does marking news as read (K) transmit on the server or is it just a local marking in Smart RSS without feedback to the server?

Only local.

Thanks Martin for the fast reply. I asked as some news are reoccurring two or three times and I wondered if marking them as read will help.

BTW, sunny day here in CR, how about to celebrate it with a new dev build? :whistle:
12.11.2013 03:11
Anonymous writes:

I'm using your extension both in Opera and Chrome (just renamed to .crx) and it's GREAT. You should upload it to Chrome web store, it's the best offline RSS out there
10.11.2013 00:11
I've figured out what the problem was! For some reason, opera has some weird issue with page layouts at anything other than 100% zoom.

I had my default zoom set to 90%, which was crewing up the "width drag cursor" for some reason. I set it to 100% zoom and now I can drag the columns to set their normal widths.
09.11.2013 23:11

Originally posted by BS-Harou:

Originally posted by leonmcg:

Reinstalling the extension doesn't solve the problem.

Are you using installation from addons catalog or the v2 dev builds?

I'm using the standard one from the addons catalogue. On opera 19.
09.11.2013 21:11

Originally posted by leonmcg:

Reinstalling the extension doesn't solve the problem.

Are you using installation from addons catalog or the v2 dev builds?
09.11.2013 18:11
I've got something wierd happening here, on the latest opera developer release. Not sure if it's the buggy dev version or the extension having problems.

Column Width cannot be changed, and the columns keep making themselves wider, to the point that the first column, the feeds and folders one, shunts the other columns off the screen.

Reinstalling the extension doesn't solve the problem.

Any ideas?
09.11.2013 13:11

Originally posted by anonymous:

I would like to backup all my rss-data and /or export it to a file for future us if I need to reinstall my computer.

Click on the wrench icon > Options > scroll down until you see "Export" and pick one of the export options:

OPML exports the list of subscribed feeds without content.
OPML Files can be imported in other RSS readers too.

SMART exports the feeds and all of the downloaded items but only SMART RSS can reimport them again.
09.11.2013 11:11
Tom H. writes:

I would like to backup all my rss-data and /or export it to a file for future us if I need to reinstall my computer. Some of my feeds where hard to find, so I'm anxious not to loose them..


08.11.2013 09:11
it used to be shift+click, but because I use it for multi selection now it is alt+click.
08.11.2013 07:11
I don't know of a shortcut for that too - and as I can see it was a setting in M2, not a shortcut ...
08.11.2013 06:11
For a start look here:
08.11.2013 06:11

Originally posted by QuHno:

For a start look here:

Its not there
08.11.2013 02:11
is there some place where I could look up all the short cuts that work in smartrss? I've forgotten how to show only unread feed in all feed
07.11.2013 21:11
I don't think there is any way t stop the update. If I remember correctly there should be 30s timeout for one feed after which it should continue. However, if some javascript error happens during the update it will be stuck completely. In that case it would be better to fix the error :)
07.11.2013 20:11
@ Martin
Is there any key shortcut or other way to stop updating feeds during the update process? In Opera Presto there was "X" that has stopped feeds update immediately. It was useful especially when update process has frozen on one feed and the update could not go on.

I have encountered this problem with your extension where the update process has stopped (stuck) on one feed and the update didn't proceed to the end. I had to restart extension to let finish the update process.
07.11.2013 20:11
I did not yet run into that case, but does hitting the ESC key several times help?
Normally that should just stop almost everything in Opera—at least it works for websites and the request mechanism on several websites for e.g. ads is extremely similar to the mechanism by which feeds are updated ...
07.11.2013 20:11

Originally posted by QuHno:

I did not yet run into that case, but does hitting the ESC key several times help?
Normally that should just stop almost everything in Opera—at least it works for websites and the request mechanism on several websites for e.g. ads is extremely similar to the mechanism by which feeds are updated ...

I am not sure, I was pushing ESC like a hell but it did nothing. It stopped on 29th feed from 60 and didn't finish update until I restarted the extension.
07.11.2013 09:11
It could be a feed with b0rked encoding set ...
06.11.2013 23:11

Originally posted by BS-Harou:

Originally posted by anonymous:

could you please add support for middle-europe characters? (like ę,ą,ł etc.)

Can you give me link to some RSS using those?

I can't see any problems with those. Example:
06.11.2013 22:11
szo writes:

could you please add support for middle-europe characters? (like ę,ą,ł etc.)
06.11.2013 22:11

Originally posted by anonymous:

could you please add support for middle-europe characters? (like ę,ą,ł etc.)

Can you give me link to some RSS using those?
06.11.2013 20:11

Originally posted by pe73:

Sorry being lame but how do you update your extension? Maybe there is a trick we didn't discover yet.

I use just simple drag'n'drop of the file to the extension manager.
06.11.2013 20:11

Originally posted by BS-Harou:

Originally posted by pe73:

Sorry being lame but how do you update your extension? Maybe there is a trick we didn't discover yet.

I use just simple drag'n'drop of the file to the extension manager.

Does make difference dropping the file exactly onto smart RSS extension or you can drop the file everywhere in the extension manager?
06.11.2013 20:11

Originally posted by pe73:

Does make difference dropping the file exactly onto smart RSS extension or you can drop the file everywhere in the extension manager?

I don't think it should matter.
06.11.2013 20:11

Originally posted by BS-Harou:

Originally posted by pe73:

Does make difference dropping the file exactly onto smart RSS extension or you can drop the file everywhere in the extension manager?

I don't think it should matter.

OK Martin, will wait for your next update to see how it goes. An inclusion of the version marking would be great.
06.11.2013 19:11

Originally posted by pe73:

It would be great to mark dev builds by a number, character or whatever else.

In v1 I used special script to make builds which automatically added the version number, but the script doesn't work with the v2 version, I should probably rewrite it again to make it work :)

Originally posted by rpsgc:

I can confirm this. The dev builds don't replace the existing ones and thus I must add all feeds again and update them.

Strange, all the builds have the same id, so it should work (and it does on my pc), I don't know what is wrong :(
06.11.2013 19:11

Originally posted by BS-Harou:

Originally posted by pe73:

It would be great to mark dev builds by a number, character or whatever else.

In v1 I used special script to make builds which automatically added the version number, but the script doesn't work with the v2 version, I should probably rewrite it again to make it work :)

That's great Martin! For the sake of clarity and considering the frequency of updates we should know what version we have installed.

Originally posted by BS-Harou:

Originally posted by rpsgc:

I can confirm this. The dev builds don't replace the existing ones and thus I must add all feeds again and update them.

Strange, all the builds have the same id, so it should work (and it does on my pc), I don't know what is wrong :(

Sorry being lame but how do you update your extension? Maybe there is a trick we didn't discover yet.
06.11.2013 18:11

Originally posted by pe73:

Would it be possible a new developer build will overwrite the existing (last installed) developer build? The reason is that the developer builds actually install separately meaning you have to load all feeds again and update them what downloads all news from the scratch amounting to hundreds old (already read) news. Quite annoying.

I can confirm this. The dev builds don't replace the existing ones and thus I must add all feeds again and update them.
06.11.2013 17:11

Originally posted by BS-Harou:

Originally posted by pe73:

Martin, do you have any new build? I will try to update over the existing again.

Not right now, but you should be able to update to older build and back :)

Yes but it is hard to found whether it was downgraded/upgraded because in dev builds there is no number or any other sign of builds. So you cannot distinguish between dev builds.

It would be great to mark dev builds by a number, character or whatever else. You have in options the sub-section "Version" where is now only dev build without any other identification. It's pity. What do you think?
06.11.2013 16:11

Originally posted by pe73:

Would it be possible a new developer build will overwrite the existing (last installed) developer build?

When I drag new dev build to the extension manager, it installs over the last one and all data are still there. (Latest 18 Next build).
06.11.2013 16:11

Originally posted by BS-Harou:

Originally posted by pe73:

Would it be possible a new developer build will overwrite the existing (last installed) developer build?

When I drag new dev build to the extension manager, it installs over the last one and all data are still there. (Latest 18 Next build).

Hmmm, strange in Opera 17 it doesn't install over the last one ?!?
06.11.2013 16:11
Martin, do you have any new build? I will try to update over the existing again.
06.11.2013 16:11

Originally posted by pe73:

Martin, do you have any new build? I will try to update over the existing again.

Not right now, but you should be able to update to older build and back :)
06.11.2013 15:11
Would it be possible a new developer build will overwrite the existing (last installed) developer build? The reason is that the developer builds actually install separately meaning you have to load all feeds again and update them what downloads all news from the scratch amounting to hundreds old (already read) news. Quite annoying.
06.11.2013 14:11

Originally posted by rpsgc:

Can you do the same here?

I think this should be possible.
06.11.2013 12:11
I might as well ask:

In Opera 12 if you click on Feed #1 and then Feed #4, and you press the Back/Forward shortcut on your keyboard or mouse, you can move back and forth between those two feeds.

Can you do the same here? I'm not sure if I'm explaining myself well.

Thanks in advance.
06.11.2013 09:11
hey Martin
it would be nice to have icon for marking all articles from particular feed in that middle column (not just an active one)
I know that there is an option on right click in left list, but this seems more convenient
05.11.2013 16:11
Have noticed that the shortcuts abbreviations don't show when hovering over buttons. For instance Reload - (R) is missing. It was very handy, imo.
05.11.2013 13:11

Originally posted by BS-Harou:

Originally posted by pe73:

So why not allow most users to use the v2? Surely only when you're sure that it is stable.

Because it is not stable yet :) I was thinking about creating a developer channel on addons opera, but I'm not sure if Opera mods would allow that :)

Originally posted by pe73:

If you delete new messages at once(for instance using Ctrl+A and then Shift+Delete) there is always stuck one news in the right column.

I know about this one, however the message is not really stuck, once you select some other message (if new is downloaded or if you have any left in trash) it works just fine, so I don't think it is really an issue. I will probably fix it nonetheless.

Thanks Martin for commenting of my both posts. Everything's clear now ... for a while ... until my next question :D

EDIT: I forgot how it looks with a fix of the loop in messages we were talking about it recently?
05.11.2013 13:11

Originally posted by pe73:

EDIT: I forgot how it looks with a fix of the loop in messages we were talking about it recently?

I haven't managed to get to it yet, but I've got it noted and will add an optino to disable the loop before v2 release :)
05.11.2013 13:11

Originally posted by BS-Harou:

Originally posted by pe73:

EDIT: I forgot how it looks with a fix of the loop in messages we were talking about it recently?

I haven't managed to get to it yet, but I've got it noted and will add an optino to disable the loop before v2 release :)

05.11.2013 12:11

Originally posted by BS-Harou:

If you delete new messages at once(for instance using Ctrl+A and then Shift+Delete) there is always stuck one news in the right column. You have to refresh feeds (F5) to get it cleared. Probably a bug.
05.11.2013 12:11

Originally posted by pe73:

So why not allow most users to use the v2? Surely only when you're sure that it is stable.

Because it is not stable yet :) I was thinking about creating a developer channel on addons opera, but I'm not sure if Opera mods would allow that :)

Originally posted by pe73:

If you delete new messages at once(for instance using Ctrl+A and then Shift+Delete) there is always stuck one news in the right column.

I know about this one, however the message is not really stuck, once you select some other message (if new is downloaded or if you have any left in trash) it works just fine, so I don't think it is really an issue. I will probably fix it nonetheless.
05.11.2013 10:11

Originally posted by BS-Harou:

I will probably update the v1 branch only if serious bugs will be found.

Why that? Users following this your blog are surely in minority whereas the most users install extensions from the store. So why not allow most users to use the v2? Surely only when you're sure that it is stable. Just curious.
04.11.2013 19:11

Originally posted by Ice007:

I´ve got a problem or question:

Opera 18.0.1284.11 (Next)
Opera 19.0.1310.0 (Developer)

RSS Detector Version 1.0
Smart RSS Version 1.0.4 (Options says: smartrss.2013-09-15.1)
(Both installed via Opera-Addons-Pool)

...don´t subscribes new feeds via RSS Detector.

I don´t use Opera Blink daily in this stadium, so i can´t say since when. Did I miss any news or updates?
If I'm in the process: Will the extensions be automatically updated by the Opera Addons service? (because that was my guess)

Ice, I was having the same issue but then I had a light bulb moment...

* Go to the Extensions page and enable Developer Mode.
* Copy Smart RSS's ID number.
* Go to RSS Detector options and paste that ID number, replacing whatever is there.

Somehow your Smart RSS's ID must have changed.
04.11.2013 19:11

Originally posted by Ice007:

If I'm in the process: Will the extensions be automatically updated by the Opera Addons service? (because that was my guess)

I have two branches of the extension. One for v1 updates and one for v2 updates. I upload the v1 builds to addons catalog and your installations should be automatically updated as well. However, the v2 builds are uploaded only here to my opera file storage and you have to update them manually. Most of the new builds are from the v2 branch and I will probably update the v1 branch only if serious bugs will be found.
04.11.2013 18:11
I´ve got a problem or question:

Opera 18.0.1284.11 (Next)
Opera 19.0.1310.0 (Developer)

RSS Detector Version 1.0
Smart RSS Version 1.0.4 (Options says: smartrss.2013-09-15.1)
(Both installed via Opera-Addons-Pool)

...don´t subscribes new feeds via RSS Detector.

I don´t use Opera Blink daily in this stadium, so i can´t say since when. Did I miss any news or updates?
If I'm in the process: Will the extensions be automatically updated by the Opera Addons service? (because that was my guess)
04.11.2013 12:11

Originally posted by anonymous:

Miguk writes:
This Feed
shows the topic headers, but each try to read the whole topic brings a 'Zero byte reply' error.

Hi, thanks for the report, try this new build :)

You will need to update the feed and if you have already some article from it selected you will have to swap to another and back to rerender the url link. It should work fine with any similar feed in the future without a problem :)
04.11.2013 11:11
Miguk writes:

This Feed

shows the topic headers, but each try to read the whole topic brings a 'Zero byte reply' error.

I suppose the generated link (for example)

is false.

The feed works like a charm in Opera 12 :-)
04.11.2013 01:11

Originally posted by BS-Harou:

Originally posted by rpsgc:

I've sent the e-mail.

I think I just fixed the feed sorting issue :)

Indeed you have :up:

03.11.2013 15:11

Originally posted by rpsgc:

I've sent the e-mail.

I think I just fixed the feed sorting issue :)
03.11.2013 13:11
Heh :doh:

This new Opera feels so alien to me I didn't even saw the wrench there.

03.11.2013 04:11

Originally posted by rpsgc:

Might I ask, is it possible to add an option to place the newest feeds on the bottom, instead of at the top, like in Opera 12?

You should find the option if you click on the wrench symbol in the top-right corner of the article pane (right or bottom right pane, depending on your settings):

The lower select box, "Sort order" Ascending/Descending ...
03.11.2013 01:11

Might I ask, is it possible to add an option to place the newest feeds on the bottom, instead of at the top, like in Opera 12?

01.11.2013 23:11

Originally posted by rpsgc:

I've sent the e-mail.

Great! Thanks :)

Originally posted by Ice007:

We will assuredly miss this communication with the community, when MyOpera finally is history.

Yeah, notifications on My Opera are the only kind of notifications I really like. :) Somewhere else I'm always afraid what it's gonna be...

Originally posted by Ice007:

Let us enjoy this time, a bit like a class graduation trip...

I wish my class would be full of awesome people like you all :cheers:
01.11.2013 22:11

Originally posted by BS-Harou:

Can you please do an OPML export and send the exported file on bs-harou (at) :)

I've sent the e-mail.

Maybe it's user error and I'm wasting your time :nervous:
01.11.2013 22:11
While I follow your conversation I feel a bit nostalgic...:love:

We will assuredly miss this communication with the community, when MyOpera finally is history.
Let us enjoy this time, a bit like a class graduation trip...:cheers:
01.11.2013 20:11

Originally posted by BS-Harou:

Do you have the right id in Detector preferences?

yes, that was the problem
01.11.2013 20:11

Originally posted by rpsgc:

It's always the same group that remain at the bottom of the list no matter what.

Can you please do an OPML export and send the exported file on bs-harou (at) :)
01.11.2013 19:11

Originally posted by vux777:

I can't add any subscription in new version (2013-11-01.2)
after this:

Do you have the right id in Detector preferences? The ID of Smart RSS from addons catalog and the ID of the builds I'm posting here are different.

# of unread in badge also seems to work fine here.
01.11.2013 19:11

Originally posted by BS-Harou:

Reopening the Smart RSS tab or the whole Opera doesn't help?

Sadly, no.

It's always the same group that remain at the bottom of the list no matter what.
01.11.2013 18:11
I can't add any subscription in new version (2013-11-01.2)
after this:

nothing happens :confused:
is it just me, or new version bugged something?
ps. badge not showing number of unread
01.11.2013 17:11

Originally posted by pe73:

In this build doesn't work the key shortcuts ... D, Shift+Delete etc.

How about in this one? :)
01.11.2013 16:11

- Portuguese and Croatian localization
- Fixed undelete button and context menu item
01.11.2013 16:11

Originally posted by BS-Harou:

- Portuguese and Croatian localization
- Fixed undelete button and context menu item

In this build doesn't work the key shortcuts ... D, Shift+Delete etc.
01.11.2013 15:11

Originally posted by BS-Harou:

I was already thinking about it, but I'm afraid there is no good way to do this.

:cry: :cry: :cry:
I did Croatian translation for Smart RSS
Should I paste it here like that French guy or...?
01.11.2013 15:11
Most of my feeds are correctly ordered (alphabetically) but some of them appear at the bottom of the list for some reason.


Any way to force them to sort alphabetically?
01.11.2013 15:11

Originally posted by vux777:

I did Croatian translation for Smart RSS
Should I paste it here like that French guy or...?

Yes, or send it on bs-harou (at) Thanks! :)

Originally posted by rpsgc:

Any way to force them to sort alphabetically?

Reopening the Smart RSS tab or the whole Opera doesn't help?
01.11.2013 15:11
Croatian (hrvatski) translation

hr: {
MARK_AS_READ: 'Označi kao (ne)pročitano',
DELETE: 'Obriši',
UPDATE: 'Ažuriraj',
PRINT: 'Isprintaj',
SEARCH: 'Pretraži za...',
SEARCH_TIP: 'Pretraži članke. Koristi ':' za pretragu u sadržaju.',
NEVER: 'Nikada',
EVERY_5_MINUTES: 'Svakih 5 minuta',
EVERY_15_MINUTES: 'Svakih 15 minuta',
EVERY_30_MINUTES: 'Svakih 30 minuta',
EVERY_HOUR: 'Svaki sat',
EVERY_2_HOURS: 'Svaka 2 sata',
EVERY_3_HOURS: 'Svaka 3 sata',
EVERY_5_HOURS: 'Svakih 5 sati',
EVERY_10_HOURS: 'Svakih 10 sati',
EVERY_24_HOURS: 'Svaka 24 sata',
EVERY_WEEK: 'Svaki tjedan',
USERNAME: 'Korisničko ime',
PASSWORD: 'Lozinka',
CANCEL: 'Poništi',
OK: 'OK',
LAYOUT: 'Raspored',
LINES: 'Linije',
SORT_ORDER: 'Sortiranje',
DESCENDING: 'Silazno',
ASCENDING: 'Uzlazno',
ONE_LINE: 'Jedno-linijski',
TWO_LINES: 'Dvo-linijski',
AUTO: 'Auto',
FULL_ARTICLE: 'Cijeli članak',
REALLY_DELETE: 'Dali stvarno želite obrisati ovaj feed?',
ALL_FEEDS: 'Svi feedovi',
PINNED: 'Zakačeno',
TRASH: 'Koš',
MARK_ALL_AS_READ: 'Označi sve kao pročitano',
PROPERTIES: 'Svojstva',
UNDELETE: 'Povrat',
NEXT_UNREAD: 'Sljedeće nepročitano',
PREV_UNREAD: 'Predhodno nepročitano',
MARK_AND_NEXT_UNREAD: 'Označi i idi na sljedeći nepročitan',
MARK_AND_PREV_UNREAD: 'Označi i idi na prethodni nepročitan',
PIN: '(Un)Pin',
PIN_QUESTION_A: 'Stavka "',
PIN_QUESTION_B: '" je zakačena. Dali je stvarno želite obrisati?',
MARK_ALL_QUESTION: 'Dali stvaro želite označiti SVE članke kao pročitane?',
ADD_RSS_SOURCE: 'Dodaj RSS izvor',
UPDATE_ALL: 'Ažuriraj sve',
FETCH_TITLE_TIP: 'U slučaju praznog polja, koristit će se naziv feeda.',
NAME: 'Naziv',
ADDRESS: 'Adresa',
JANUARY: 'Siječanj',
FEBRUARY: 'Veljača',
MARCH: 'Ožujak',
APRIL: 'Travanj',
MAY: 'Svibanj',
JUNE: 'Lipanj',
JULY: 'Srpanj',
AUGUST: 'Kolovoz',
OCTOBER: 'Listopad',
NOVEMBER: 'Studeni',
DECEMBER: 'Prosinac',
MONDAY: 'Ponedjeljak',
TUESDAY: 'Utorak',
WEDNESDAY: 'Srijeda',
THURSDAY: 'Četvrtak',
FRIDAY: 'Petak',
SATURDAY: 'Subota',
SUNDAY: 'Nedjelja',
TODAY: 'Danas',
LAST_WEEK: 'Prošli tjedan',
EARLIER_THIS_MONTH: 'Ranije ovoga mjeseca',
MORE: 'Više',
SETTINGS: 'Postavke',
EMPTY_TRASH: 'Isprazni koš',
OPTIONS: 'Opcije',
UPDATING_FEEDS: 'Ažuriram feedove',

UNREAD: 'Nepročitano',
TOTAL: 'Ukupno',
NEW_FOLDER: 'Nova mapa',
DOWNLOAD: 'Preuzmi',
DELETE_ALL_ARTICLES: 'Obriši sve članke',
DELETE_ALL_Q: 'Dali stvarno želite potpuno obrisati SVE članke?',
REALLY_EMPTY_TRASH: 'Dali stvarno želite potpuno obrisati sve članke iz koša?',
RENAME: 'Preimenuj',
FOLDER_NAME: 'Ime mape'
01.11.2013 14:11

Originally posted by vux777:

NOTES!!!!same, identical, copy, ripped off.... notes from Opera PrestoHallvord started to work on them here, but left.

Good that you mentioned it. I'll have to make a copy of this and Hallvord's blog before they vanishes at March, 1st 2014 like all other blogs because the leaders of Opera decided in their wisdom, that we are no longer needed here.
01.11.2013 14:11

Originally posted by vux777:

Is there any possibility to "inject" that behavior in every new tab opened?
Basically creating opera presto sidebar...

I was already thinking about it, but I'm afraid there is no good way to do this.
01.11.2013 13:11
Hi Martin
I have a question (maybe it's been asked already)

1) So far I didn't noticed any glitches or bugs with sidebar in "Smart RSS" extension and it works very good. Is there any possibility to "inject" that behavior in every new tab opened?
Basically creating opera presto sidebar...

2) If I may suggest idea
same, identical, copy, ripped off.... notes from Opera Presto
Hallvord started to work on them here, but left. It's buggy at this stage.
And if they can be placed into that sidebar from 1)...
(with bookmarks, history...)
awwww :wizard: it would be a win-win combo
30.10.2013 13:10
I thought that F5 updates all feeds at once as it was in the old Presto Opera but it doesn't work in this extension. However tapping on the left top corner on my laptop's touch pad updates all feeds (I have set this command as Reload the current page). It seems only F5 key doesn't work.
24.10.2013 14:10

Originally posted by BS-Harou:

Originally posted by pe73:

Nevertheless, how about an IRC chat extension? Would it be feasible to do that and if so are you going to create one?

It might be possible with some flash plugin or external server running in the pc. But right now I don't have time even for Smart RSS so it is very unlikely I'll be able to work on another larger extension any time soon.

OK, never mind I know at least that it would be possible and maybe one day ...
24.10.2013 13:10
@ Martin
Your Smart RSS completely replaced the original one from Presto Opera and filled at least one hole in almost naked Opera Chromium. Great! Thanks a lot!

Nevertheless, how about an IRC chat extension? Would it be feasible to do that and if so are you going to create one?
24.10.2013 13:10

Originally posted by pe73:

Nevertheless, how about an IRC chat extension? Would it be feasible to do that and if so are you going to create one?

It might be possible with some flash plugin or external server running in the pc. But right now I don't have time even for Smart RSS so it is very unlikely I'll be able to work on another larger extension any time soon.
23.10.2013 18:10

Originally posted by anonymous:

Анонимно writes: Thanks for the very useful extension. I would like to be able to store a subscription as a folder in the bookmarks. You can do that?

Some simple implementation might be actually possible, however it is unlikely I'll get to it any time soon. I will note it for some future version though :)
23.10.2013 18:10
Анонимно writes:

subscription as a folder in the bookmarks for example:
23.10.2013 17:10
Анонимно writes:

Thanks for the very useful extension. I would like to be able to store a subscription as a folder in the bookmarks. You can do that?
23.10.2013 09:10

Originally posted by whuang:

Would like to have "mark as read after 1 second", which is quite convenient.

You find that in the options! (Not 1 second but immediately, but it´s there under "Behaviour";)
23.10.2013 08:10
Thanks for the very useful extension.
Would like to have "mark as read after 1 second", which is quite convenient.
20.10.2013 17:10

Originally posted by pe73:

BTW, how to handle the builds you're publishing here and not via the extension official channel? I thought that these builds always will update already installed extension but it seems that they install along the official ones rather than update them.

Only the v 1.x builds are uplaoded and udpated from addon catalog. The new v2 builds are not ready yet :)
20.10.2013 17:10

Originally posted by BS-Harou:

Originally posted by pe73:

BTW, how to handle the builds you're publishing here and not via the extension official channel? I thought that these builds always will update already installed extension but it seems that they install along the official ones rather than update them.

Only the v 1.x builds are uplaoded and udpated from addon catalog. The new v2 builds are not ready yet :)

OK, thanks. Yeah, you know I am a newbee yet as regards your extension ...
20.10.2013 15:10
Well done Martin! Keep up the good job!

BTW, how to handle the builds you're publishing here and not via the extension official channel? I thought that these builds always will update already installed extension but it seems that they install along the official ones rather than update them.
20.10.2013 15:10
They are not fakat as Martin:-)
20.10.2013 13:10

Originally posted by BS-Harou:

After Smart RSS being the #1 top rated extension, RSS Detector is now #2 :D
Thank you all :hat:

of course :up:
20.10.2013 13:10
We appreciate, man !! :up:
19.10.2013 18:10
After Smart RSS being the #1 top rated extension, RSS Detector is now #2 :D
Thank you all :hat:
18.10.2013 17:10

Originally posted by BS-Harou:

- fr localization
- fix for minho's bug with OPML import

Thank you very much, Martin. :up:
18.10.2013 16:10

Originally posted by ra-mon:

I'm starting french localization now...

Merci! :)
18.10.2013 16:10
options.html change :
<option value="fr">Français</option>

local.js change :
	fr: {
MARK_AS_READ: 'Marquer comme (Non)Lu',
DELETE: 'Supprimer',
UPDATE: 'Mettre à jour',
PRINT: 'Imprimer',
SEARCH: 'Rechercher...',
SEARCH_TIP: 'Recherche dans les articles. Utilisez le préfixe ':' pour chercher aussi dans le contenu des articles.',
NEVER: 'Jamais',
EVERY_5_MINUTES: 'Toutes les 5 minutes',
EVERY_15_MINUTES: 'Toutes les 15 minutes',
EVERY_30_MINUTES: 'Toutes les 30 minutes',
EVERY_HOUR: 'Toutes les heures',
EVERY_2_HOURS: 'Toutes les 2 heures',
EVERY_3_HOURS: 'Toutes les 3 heures',
EVERY_5_HOURS: 'Toutes les 5 heures',
EVERY_10_HOURS: 'Toutes les 10 heures',
EVERY_24_HOURS: 'Toutes les 24 heures',
EVERY_WEEK: 'Toutes les semaines',
USERNAME: 'Utilisateur',
PASSWORD: 'Mot de passe',
CANCEL: 'Annuler',
OK: 'OK',
LAYOUT: 'Disposition',
LINES: 'Liste des articles ',
SORT_ORDER: 'Ordre de tri ',
DESCENDING: 'Plus récents en haut',
ASCENDING: 'Plus anciens en haut',
ONE_LINE: 'sur une ligne',
TWO_LINES: 'sur deux lignes',
AUTO: 'Automatique',
FULL_ARTICLE: 'Consulter l'article complet',
REALLY_DELETE: 'Souhaitez-vous vraiment supprimer ce flux ?',
ALL_FEEDS: 'Tous les flux',
PINNED: 'Épinglés',
TRASH: 'Poubelle',
MARK_ALL_AS_READ: 'Tout marquer comme lu',
PROPERTIES: 'Propriétés',
UNDELETE: 'Annuler la suppression',
NEXT_UNREAD: 'Prochain non lu',
PREV_UNREAD: 'Non lu précédent',
MARK_AND_NEXT_UNREAD: 'Marquer et prochain non lu',
MARK_AND_PREV_UNREAD: 'Marquer et non lu précédent',
PIN: '(Détacher)Épingler',
PIN_QUESTION_A: 'L'élément "',
PIN_QUESTION_B: '" est épinglé. Souhaitez-vous vraiment le supprimer ?',
MARK_ALL_QUESTION: 'Souhaitez-vous vraiment marquer tous les articles comme 'Lus' ?',
ADD_RSS_SOURCE: 'Ajouter un flux RSS',
UPDATE_ALL: 'Tout mettre à jour',
FETCH_TITLE_TIP: 'Si le champ est vide, le titre du flux sera utilisé à la place.',
NAME: 'Nom',
ADDRESS: 'Adresse',
JANUARY: 'Janvier',
FEBRUARY: 'Février',
MARCH: 'Mars',
APRIL: 'Avril',
MAY: 'Mai',
JUNE: 'Juin',
JULY: 'Juillet',
AUGUST: 'Août',
SEPTEMBER: 'Septembre',
OCTOBER: 'Octobre',
NOVEMBER: 'Novembre',
DECEMBER: 'Décembre',
MONDAY: 'Lundi',
TUESDAY: 'Mardi',
WEDNESDAY: 'Mercredi',
THURSDAY: 'Jeudi',
FRIDAY: 'Vendredi',
SATURDAY: 'Samedi',
SUNDAY: 'Dimanche',
TODAY: 'Aujourd'hui',
LAST_WEEK: 'La semaine dernière',
EARLIER_THIS_MONTH: 'Le mois dernier',
MORE: 'Plus',
SETTINGS: 'Réglages',
EMPTY_TRASH: 'Vider la poubelle',
RSS_FEED_URL: 'URL du flux : ',
OPTIONS: 'Options',
UPDATING_FEEDS: 'Mise à jour des flux',

UNREAD: 'non lus',
TOTAL: 'total',
NEW_FOLDER: 'Nouveau dossier',
DOWNLOAD: 'Télécharger',
DELETE_ALL_ARTICLES: 'Supprimer tous les articles',
DELETE_ALL_Q: 'Souhaitez-vous vraiment supprimer tous les articles ?',
REALLY_EMPTY_TRASH: 'Souhaitez-vous supprimer définitivement tous les articles ?',
RENAME: 'Renommer',
FOLDER_NAME: 'Nom du dossier'
18.10.2013 16:10

- fr localization
- fix for minho's bug with OPML import
18.10.2013 16:10
I just fix some french bugs in previous post, sorry for bad reading :)
18.10.2013 16:10

Originally posted by ra-mon:

I just fix some french bugs in previous post, sorry for bad reading

No problem, it will be fixed in next build :)
18.10.2013 15:10
Great addon !

I'm starting french localization now...

[fr] : Traduction française en cours... :)
18.10.2013 08:10

Originally posted by Ice007:

I can not change the columns width if I use thin frame borders.
(Can´t grab the frame border)
If changing to "Thick frame borders" it works.

That should work, what if you change it from thick border to thin borders again? Or reopen the tab?
18.10.2013 01:10
I can not change the columns width if I use thin frame borders.
(Can´t grab the frame border)
If changing to "Thick frame borders" it works.
17.10.2013 17:10

Originally posted by pe73:

Thx for clarification, though a workaround should be feasible, so for instance make the shown number lesser or to incorporate a balloon pop-up when hovering over the badge.

I don´t want to play the headteacher. But what is the use of the knowledge that there are 100 or 250 new feeds? Totally unnecessary information, because you have to look yourself anyway.
"+" means there are feeds and more than 99 - that's enough information.
17.10.2013 17:10

Originally posted by Ice007:

what is the use of the knowledge that there are 100 or 250 new feeds

You might remember there used to be 248 unread articles and now there is 268 of them -> new unread articles :)
17.10.2013 17:10

Originally posted by BS-Harou:

Originally posted by Ice007:

what is the use of the knowledge that there are 100 or 250 new feeds

You might remember there used to be 248 unread articles and now there is 268 of them -> new unread articles :)

Exactly :up: :yes:
17.10.2013 17:10
I'd simply call it "too many" ... :lol:
17.10.2013 14:10

Originally posted by BS-Harou:

Originally posted by pe73:

would it be possible to have checkmark boxes on the left side (right besides icon of feed) for fast inclusion or omission of feeds from update?

In the]first v2 build I added posibility to multi-select feeds which should also allow you to update only some of the feeds at once :)

Thanks! It seems that you have linked old build, it says v1 or am I missing something?
17.10.2013 14:10

Originally posted by pe73:

Thanks! It seems that you have linked old build, it says v1 or am I missing something?

Nah, I just did not change the numbers yet :) It is the right build.
17.10.2013 14:10

Originally posted by BS-Harou:

Originally posted by pe73:

Thanks! It seems that you have linked old build, it says v1 or am I missing something?

Nah, I just did not change the numbers yet :) It is the right build.

Clear. :)
17.10.2013 13:10

Originally posted by pe73:

Let's see what Martin has to say.

Not much more. As I said in an earlier comment, the API does not allow to make the font in the badge smaller. It would be possible to build custom badge creator with canvas api but that is probably not going to happen any time soon :P
17.10.2013 13:10

Originally posted by BS-Harou:

Originally posted by pe73:

Let's see what Martin has to say.

Not much more. As I said in an earlier comment, the API does not allow to make the font in the badge smaller. It would be possible to build custom badge creator with canvas api but that is probably not going to happen any time soon :P

OK Martin, understood. If I see "+" in the badge I will at least know that I have more than 99 news :)

I have one more question ... would it be possible to have checkmark boxes on the left side (right besides icon of feed) for fast inclusion or omission of feeds from update? I know that you can disable update of each feed in its setting but this is quite lengthy and not so handy.
17.10.2013 13:10

Originally posted by pe73:

would it be possible to have checkmark boxes on the left side (right besides icon of feed) for fast inclusion or omission of feeds from update?

In the first v2 build I added posibility to multi-select feeds which should also allow you to update only some of the feeds at once :)
17.10.2013 12:10

Originally posted by QuHno:

Originally posted by pe73:

I have also noticed that the counter of posts in the icon badge doesn't show number above 99, so if you have for instance 120 new feeds, there isn't number "120" but "+" instead.

That is no bug but by intend because the badge can't hold much "text".

Thx for clarification, though a workaround should be feasible, so for instance make the shown number lesser or to incorporate a balloon pop-up when hovering over the badge. Let's see what Martin has to say.
17.10.2013 10:10

Originally posted by pe73:

I have also noticed that the counter of posts in the icon badge doesn't show number above 99, so if you have for instance 120 new feeds, there isn't number "120" but "+" instead.

That is no bug but by intend because the badge can't hold much "text".
17.10.2013 08:10

Originally posted by BS-Harou:

Originally posted by pe73:

That I meant.

Oh, now I got it. I will put it on my todo :)


I have also noticed that the counter of posts in the icon badge doesn't show number above 99, so if you have for instance 120 new feeds, there isn't number "120" but "+" instead.
16.10.2013 16:10

Originally posted by BS-Harou:

Originally posted by pe73:

Though have one suggestion ... it relates to an infinite loop when listing messages in the middle column. Would it be possible to disable this loop?

Infinite loop in JS would cause permanent freeze of the tab. Is that what is happening to you or do you mean something else?

I mean if you list between messages in the middle column and reach the last message the next move down brings you to the first message, so if you press PgDn you go through messages over and over again. That I meant.
16.10.2013 16:10

Originally posted by pe73:

That I meant.

Oh, now I got it. I will put it on my todo :)
16.10.2013 15:10

Originally posted by pe73:

Though have one suggestion ... it relates to an infinite loop when listing messages in the middle column. Would it be possible to disable this loop?

Infinite loop in JS would cause permanent freeze of the tab. Is that what is happening to you or do you mean something else?
16.10.2013 14:10

Originally posted by archive1:

I found as time goes by as my "all feed" folder starts filling up with hundred-thousand of feed, loading up smart rss become very laggy

Trashing and then removing old feeds doesn't help?
16.10.2013 13:10
I found as time goes by as my "all feed" folder starts filling up with hundred-thousand of feed, loading up smart rss become very laggy

To fix

- I export opml, NOT smart because I think smart includes all data in the feed instead of just the feeders you subscribed to

- clear data

- import opml
16.10.2013 12:10
Hello my Czech fellow!

Great extension, indeed! Well done! It more less resembles and replaces the old in-built RSS reader in Presto Opera.

Though have one suggestion ... it relates to an infinite loop when listing messages in the middle column. Would it be possible to disable this loop?

16.10.2013 11:10
Anonym writes:


nice extension. Would it be possible to sync the RSS list?
For example: @ work I read the news till 5 pm and then I want to read the news from 5 pm at home but there are the news till 5 pm also available. So therefore it would be nice to sync the news so i only get the news from 5 pm at home.
13.10.2013 11:10

Originally posted by hunter23071985:

...+ Reliability + And more features

Really? You sound like commercial :D ... and I don't believe it lets you *import* your old feed articles either. Anyway, good luck to you too :)
13.10.2013 10:10
I found an easier way: using a service forwarded RSS to Gmail.
This means:
+ All incoming information in one Internet place
+ Access from any devices (PC, mobile, etc.)
+ Flexible configuration
+ Customizable Interface
+ Reliability
+ And more features

Thanks and good luck!
12.10.2013 16:10

Originally posted by BS-Harou:

convert the O12 file to *.smart file and then use SMART import in SmartRSS.

How can I do this?
12.10.2013 16:10

Originally posted by hunter23071985:

How can I do this?

There is no simple way, you would have to make some converter :P
12.10.2013 15:10

Originally posted by BS-Harou:

In O12 it has to be somewhere in profile but I would have to google for the right file.

Here's some info just in case:

For Opera Mail, feed messages are in the store/accountN folder in the mail folder ("C:UsersuserAppDataLocalOpera (or Opera Mail)Opera (or Opera Mail)" for example) where N is the number for the "Feeds" account as seen in accounts.ini. In other words, they're all lumped together. But, in the UI, you can right-click each feed view to export all the messages in the view as a single mbox file (with mbs extension).

An mbox file is just an eml file that supports multiple messages by separating them with a "From " line.

The feed list is exported via "Menu -> settings -> import and export -> export feed list".

Update intervals for views are specified in index.ini in the mail folder under the index for each feed view.

The newsfeed folder in the mail folder contains a binary file for each feed. I think they contain the message ids for each message in the feed. Not sure if Opera uses this or something else to keep track of what articles have already been fetched.

omailbase.dat keeps track of messages and their statuses. (There are often statuses in the mbs files That can be decoded with this, but the statuses are often outdated compared to the ones in the database)

The indexer files specify what database IDs for messages should show up in a particular view.
12.10.2013 14:10

Originally posted by hunter23071985:

Where stored the content of new RSS feeds?
Maybe I'll be able to model the syntax of the file(s)...

In O12 or in SmartRSS? In O12 it has to be somewhere in profile but I would have to google for the right file. In SmartRSS it is stored in IndexedDB, which is again in profile (I think IndexedDB has its own folder there). You could also convert the O12 file to *.smart file and then use SMART import in SmartRSS.
12.10.2013 12:10
Where stored the content of new RSS feeds?
Maybe I'll be able to model the syntax of the file(s)...

Or at least make opportunity to download RSS from X date until today...
12.10.2013 11:10
Анонимно writes:

It is possible create this extension for chrome ?
12.10.2013 11:10

Originally posted by anonymous:

Анонимно writes:
It is possible create this extension for chrome ?

Yes, it is possible, but I won't do it because A) it would increase maintenance complexity B) I might want to use some opera only APIs in the future C) The extension was created to help people migrate from O12 to O15 and Opera users are less likely to complain that much about stuff introduced already by Opera in the RSS reader D) I simply don't care about Chrome.

Tip: Download the extension, rename it from *.nex to *.crx and drag it to Chrome extensions page. As long as i won't use anything opera specific it should work.
12.10.2013 10:10

Originally posted by BS-Harou:

Right now it is possible to import only the feed list.

But I have hundreds of feeds for many years!
They are very useful for me and I keep older feeds for future use.
I don't want to lose them.
Will there be an import feature in new versions of Smart RSS?
12.10.2013 10:10

Originally posted by hunter23071985:

Will there be an import feature in new versions of Smart RSS?

I'm sorry, that is not planned right now.
10.10.2013 22:10

Originally posted by BS-Harou:

Good news everyone. First highly experimental v2 build is here

Thanks, Martin.

I cant import an opml file from RSSOwl news reader.
Can you verify please?
10.10.2013 22:10

Originally posted by minho:

I cant import an opml file from RSSOwl news reader.
Can you verify please?

I can import OPML file from Opera 12, so the problem has to be with some speciallity of RSSOwl. Can you send me your opml file on bs-harou [at] myopera . com? thx :)
10.10.2013 22:10

Originally posted by BS-Harou:

Can you send me your opml file on bs-harou [at] myopera . com?

Sent! :up:
10.10.2013 21:10

Originally posted by anonymous:

1. How to export contents of the newsfeed folder from Opera 12?
(It contains selected posts from RSS in a few years; format - feed_12хххххххх, can be exported to MBS)

Right now it is possible to import only the feed list from opera 12 using the opml export.

Originally posted by anonymous:

2. Do you plan to make a similar Opera mail extension?

The extension API does not allow that. It might be possible with a bit of hacking and special exe file that would run some node.js/python server along with Opera or with some flash plugin, however creating such thing as M2 would take really huge amount of time so it is not possible to make it just in my spare time. sorry.
10.10.2013 20:10
Hunter23071985 writes:

Hi, Martin!

Thanks for extension, great job!
Two questions:
1. How to export contents of the newsfeed folder from Opera 12?
(It contains selected posts from RSS in a few years; format - feed_12хххххххх, can be exported to MBS)
2. Do you plan to make a similar Opera mail extension?
(It would be cool!)

Thank you!
10.10.2013 19:10

Originally posted by BS-Harou:

You should also be able to change the update interval of several feeds at once

Indeed. Sweet!
10.10.2013 17:10
You should also be able to change the update interval of several feeds at once :)
10.10.2013 16:10

Originally posted by BS-Harou:

You can also select feeds and specials

That's different. Tested it out. Pretty cool.
10.10.2013 15:10
Good news everyone. First highly experimental v2 build is here :)
Until I say otherwise you can again lose your data at any time.

- Improving code quality WP1 (modularization, documentation, integration tests (only few so far), js linting, css preprocesing, ...)
- Removed frames (except the sandbox iframe for article content)
- Feed list multi-select (if you select more than one feed you need to press enter or right arrow to show the items)
- You can also select feeds and specials (pinned, trashed, all). If you select e.g. one feed and pinned special then only pinned items from that feed will be displayed. However you can use only one special at once. If you select more only the first one will be used.
- Removed tooltips from articles in middle column
- fixes

Right now, I'm mainly looking for things that worked in v1 and doesn't work now :)
10.10.2013 12:10
10.10.2013 11:10

Originally posted by ZAHEK:

Martin, pls add an option "enable/disable previews" when mouse is on titles or threads. Sometimes it really annoying...

After some consideration, I removed the tooltips completely. It will be in next build, whenever that will be :P
10.10.2013 09:10
Martin, pls add an option "enable/disable previews" when mouse is on titles or threads. Sometimes it really annoying...
09.10.2013 21:10

Originally posted by Imurai:

Hi! Could you please add a column in "All feeds" view that says which feed that specific article comes from? (or add it to the header of the article, or both rather)

That is something I also always wanted (I always press "k" to see which counter increases/decreases).
07.10.2013 23:10
Hi! Could you please add a column in "All feeds" view that says which feed that specific article comes from? (or add it to the header of the article, or both rather)
07.10.2013 14:10
Анонимно writes:

I do not know, maybe someone has already asked it. Please add disabling images, setting up bars and color through CSS. Thank you for a job!
05.10.2013 15:10
Anonymous writes:

Thanks for your answer. Glad to hear the OS guys are decent people. Actually I'm not in a hurry, so take your time. All the same until thу 19-21 Stable appears it is hard to use Chropera as a default browser. Hope your ext will work in the future releases of Opera Blin!k
With best wishes
05.10.2013 15:10

Originally posted by BS-Harou:

thx, I definitely plan to release more version of this extension. Unfortunately, I'm reeally busy lately and I haven't been able to do almost anything for last week and a half. + I started to have a bit of headache last few days (probably too much time in front of pc) so I really need to get a break for a while.

btw, they did thank me and sent me a lovely flash drive from Norwegian wood :)

I always wanted one of these. Missed the Opera event at our university ~2 years ago. Some people got a wooden Opera USB flash drive.

But you really deserve this special Opera gift :yes:
04.10.2013 22:10
thx, I definitely plan to release more version of this extension. Unfortunately, I'm reeally busy lately and I haven't been able to do almost anything for last week and a half. + I started to have a bit of headache last few days (probably too much time in front of pc) so I really need to get a break for a while.

btw, they did thank me and sent me a lovely flash drive from Norwegian wood :)
04.10.2013 20:10
Anonymous writes:

Obviously, "the best ever" extension for Chropera. The Opera HQ bosses should at least "Thank you" for the job you've done for (or,perhaps, instead of...)them. :).
Hope you will not abandon the project and find some time in between your studies to make it even better.
There are some things, (not critical, but still...) I miss in your excellent ext.:
1. Is it possible to go back to the "old" Alt+S shortcut?
2. "shift + end and shift + home don't work in the message list."
3. Unlike the "classic" Reader while selecting several items in the 2 column you can view the contents only of the first selected item in the 3 column. It was a bit different in Presto.
Good luck!
01.10.2013 01:09

Originally posted by offcu:

I think that number won't increase after the smart import. Maybe a bug with smart import?

I'll investigate it. The "alarms" that are updating the feeds after x hours are automatically recreated when you do manual update off all feeds. So after updating all feeds it should work just fine even if there is a bug with smart import.
01.10.2013 00:09
I think that number won't increase after the smart import. Maybe a bug with smart import?

Originally posted by BS-Harou:

Originally posted by GÖKTÜRK:

Feeds not update automatically.Please add this feature

They do. Or at least they should. Default time is 3 hours (or 30s after Opera is started if it hasn't been updated for longer than its interval). You can set faster interval in feeds properties.

If it really doesn't work for you, please try following steps:
- Open Smart RSS tab
- Press CTRL+SHIFT+I to open web inspector
- Go to "Console" tab in web inspector
- Enter following code to console and press enter:
chrome.alarms.getAll(function(als) { console.log(als.length); });
It should give you number that should be same as number of added feed sources.

29.09.2013 22:09
Please add to wishlist:
Context menu option: "Add link to RSS". (or similar)
Makes sense if a site offers several RSS-links, and RSS Detector isn´t helpfull.
28.09.2013 11:09
thx for all the comments! I note it all, I might even have a new v2 build ready soon.
28.09.2013 07:09
Feature Request (by example):

I'm subscribed to <> to get "mail, chat and news" forum posts. When I've read a post, I permanently delete the feed message. This means that the message list for the feed can often be blank.

What I'd love is a field in the feed's properties to specify where I can then invoke that URL (in a new tab) by some means.

Another example of the same:

I'm subscribed to the "comments" feed <> for this post <>. When the message list for that feed has at least one message in it, if I want to load the blog post itself, I can load the full article link for one of the messages and then just scroll up to the top of the page. But, when the message list is blank, there's no way to get to the blog post itself. So, I either have to make sure to always keep at least one message in the list or make sure I'm subscribed to the feed for <> so that I can jump into it, find the message for the blog post I'm looking for and load the article link for it. (Or, I can just go to the <> and find it etc.)

In that case, I'd love to have a field in the properties for <> where I can specify where I can then invoke that URL (in a new tab) by some means.

As for how to invoke the URL, I can think of a few ideas:

* Double-left-click the message list toolbar.

Would work for me, but it's pretty subtle.

* Right-click the view in the panel and choose the option to launch it.

Less convenient but good enough.

* Icon on the toolbar.

Convenient and discoverable, but adds another button on the toolbar.

You might even be able to automate this a bit. For example, the channel link element in <> points to <>, which is exactly the URL I would specify in the new field if I was to do it manually.

It works with this comment feed <> too. The link element in it points to <>.

<> has a link element too. But, it unfortunately points to <> instead of <>.

For the TLDR:

It'd be cool if SmartRSS automatically added the <link> element's textContent (leading and trailing white-space trimmed) to a field (editable one) in the feed's properties where there's then some way to launch that URL.
28.09.2013 07:09
Something I ran into, but not too big of a deal:

* Right-click on a view in the panel and choose "properties".

* While properties is still open, select a different feed in the panel.

Expected: Properties should switch to the properties of the newly-selected feed.

Result: It's still at the properties for the old feed.
28.09.2013 07:09
Forget if this was mentioned, but right-clicking in the "address" field in the properties of the feed doesn't work.

Also, onfocus, the contents of that field should be selected (for easy copy/delete).
28.09.2013 07:09
shift + end and shift + home don't work in the message list. Range selections work with the mouse though.

(Think this is known, but just ran into it, so mentioning it.)
27.09.2013 23:09

Originally posted by QuHno:

A comparison between Google Chrome extensions with Opera Chromium extensions is not quite fair at the moment because Opera's implementation of the Chromium extension APIs is still not complete.

I see, my apologies then. I immediately assumed Opera would have inherited all APIs from Chrome by using the Blink engine.

Originally posted by QuHno:

That feed doesn't show any favicon in M2 too, seems it has none. The rendered feedburner site has the default feedburner icon, which is not that helpful too if you have many subscriptions to pure feedburner feeds.

I see, there's no way to fix this? Just for the sake of mentioning, the extension I used as example earlier can detect favicons perfectly, so would this be an API issue as well?

Originally posted by QuHno:

(should match the address bar icons quite well)

I quite like that one actually. It would be perfect if the option to choose your own was there. Please almighty Martin, hear my humble wish!

Also might I ask why there's 2 extensions instead of everything in one place? Is that another API limitation? Man APIs are scary.
26.09.2013 17:09

Originally posted by BS-Harou:

Originally posted by Unrealmirakulix:

What about a single symbol showing that there are unread feeds?
This wouldn't overlay the main extension bar icon

I guess I could add option to change the color-icon behavior. Right now the icon has color if any of the feeds has 'hasNew' state set to true. hasNew state is set to true when new articles are downloaded and set to false when the feed is selected or if you explicitly click on all feeds. It is also set to false when you mark all unread items as read. This is similar to what Opera 12 does. However, option to replace this behavior with simple 'are there any unread/unvisited articles' might be nice as well.

That would be great :D
26.09.2013 10:09
Not a big deal, but something I noticed:

Select multiple items in the message list and click the check mark icon on the toolbar above the message instead of the one on the toolbar above the message list.

Result: Only the message in the message pane is affected.

Expected: Each item in the selection should be affected.

Reason: Consistency with M2. M2 doesn't have the icon above the message list and the one above the message affects all items in the selection.

Further, having 2 trash icons and 2 read/unread icons is kind of redundant. They could be consolidated.

Also, you might be able to consolidate the 2 reload buttons to just the one in the panel. Clicking it would just update the selected view and clicking it when "all feeds" is selected would update all feeds. But, there could also be a drop-down next to the button to explicitly choose "update all feeds".
26.09.2013 07:09

Originally posted by niyawa:

1. It is possible to implement an option that gives you a global notification pop-up (just like Chrome's RSS Reader from

The chrome.notifications API is not yet programmed (the reader too doesn't show them in Opera, even if you activate the option) and I see only small chances that it will be in soon.

A comparison between Google Chrome extensions with Opera Chromium extensions is not quite fair at the moment because Opera's implementation of the Chromium extension APIs is still not complete. If I look at how long it took to implement the bookmarks API, which is still not officially documented, I wouldn't hold my breath that the notifications API will come any time soon.

Originally posted by niyawa:

This only happens with this specific feed:

That feed doesn't show any favicon in M2 too, seems it has none. The rendered feedburner site has the default feedburner icon, which is not that helpful too if you have many subscriptions to pure feedburner feeds.

Originally posted by niyawa:

A nicer address bar icon for the "RSS Detector" would be nice. Just compare it side-by-side with Speed Dial and Stash icons, it doesn't feel right... but that's just me.

It is a tiny bit too dark because the Opera 12 Icons were optimized for visibility and had good contrasts in opposition to the new Chromeish ones, but I would prefer one of those anyway:

(my personal favorite, at least it is clearly visible)

(should match the address bar icons quite well)

(same as above but 1px smaller content - fits better to the other icons imho)

All might have a vertical 1px positioning problem. I'd like to see one of the Opera Chromium skin icons in the original so that I can see the exact position (and transparency, if any) because the content of standard address bar icons is not quadratic - someone at Opera ASA seems to love prime numbers for dimensions :rolleyes:
26.09.2013 01:09
Apologies if this was already asked/answered, just passing by to give some suggestions.

1. It is possible to implement an option that gives you a global notification pop-up (just like Chrome's RSS Reader from I'm the sort of user that likes when my extension tells me there's something to read. It's kinda bothersome having to look at the icon to see if there's anything new or not.

2. Regarding the favicons of some feeds subscriptions. The first post mentions that we should have a cache ready if we want to see it, and I do, but I still can't. This only happens with this specific feed:

3. A nicer address bar icon for the "RSS Detector" would be nice. Just compare it side-by-side with Speed Dial and Stash icons, it doesn't feel right... but that's just me. If you want I could give you some icons suggestions or even make a new one based on Opera's design though.
25.09.2013 21:09

Originally posted by Unrealmirakulix:

What about a single symbol showing that there are unread feeds?
This wouldn't overlay the main extension bar icon

I guess I could add option to change the color-icon behavior. Right now the icon has color if any of the feeds has 'hasNew' state set to true. hasNew state is set to true when new articles are downloaded and set to false when the feed is selected or if you explicitly click on all feeds. It is also set to false when you mark all unread items as read. This is similar to what Opera 12 does. However, option to replace this behavior with simple 'are there any unread/unvisited articles' might be nice as well.
25.09.2013 20:09
What about a single symbol showing that there are unread feeds?

This wouldn't overlay the main extension bar icon :)
25.09.2013 13:09

Originally posted by BS-Harou:

Originally posted by Unrealmirakulix:

any chance to delete item by pressing del-Button on keyboard instead of (d)?

That should already work.

Originally posted by Unrealmirakulix:

The icon badge showing # of unread / unvisited items is far too big and also too dark. The main icon is almost hidden when this option is activated.

That is the reason why it is off by default and shows only "+" with 99+ items. The native API does not have any options to change font-size or font color of the badge. Only the text content and bg color. I could theoretically build my own API, but that would take some time.

thanks :)
24.09.2013 16:09

Originally posted by Unrealmirakulix:

any chance to delete item by pressing del-Button on keyboard instead of (d)?

That should already work.

Originally posted by Unrealmirakulix:

The icon badge showing # of unread / unvisited items is far too big and also too dark. The main icon is almost hidden when this option is activated.

That is the reason why it is off by default and shows only "+" with 99+ items. The native API does not have any options to change font-size or font color of the badge. Only the text content and bg color. I could theoretically build my own API, but that would take some time.
24.09.2013 14:09
any chance to delete item by pressing del-Button on keyboard instead of (d)?
24.09.2013 14:09
The icon badge showing # of unread / unvisited items is far too big and also too dark. The main icon is almost hidden when this option is activated.
23.09.2013 05:09

Originally posted by BS-Harou:

Opera 12 deals with this problem by selecting the last selected item from last time, not the first one in the list.

Note that while a lot of users love that, a lot of users wanted an option in M2 to turn that off and always focus the new message. So, being able to control this with an option would be great. M2 did have a workaround though as listed in <>.
22.09.2013 19:09
It's possible add option to disable automatic enter (focus) newest unread message when I click on icon Smart RSS in Opera bar?
22.09.2013 19:09

Originally posted by A.Mason:

It's possible add option to disable automatic enter (focus) newest unread message when I click on icon Smart RSS in Opera bar?

Opera 12 deals with this problem by selecting the last selected item from last time, not the first one in the list. I've got this on my todo list as well, but with low priority for now.
21.09.2013 09:09
The best ever addon for Opera. Very great and useful. Thank you Martin!

A request "Setting":
"Disable Automatic Update for all feeds".

I know, Every feeds have own update setting. For Turn off; right click->properties->Update->Never. But I have many feeds.
One by one update setting is very hard.
Could you add the global turn off update option?

I'm sorry, my bad English.
19.09.2013 20:09

Originally posted by GÖKTÜRK:

Feeds not update automatically.Please add this feature

They do. Or at least they should. Default time is 3 hours (or 30s after Opera is started if it hasn't been updated for longer than its interval). You can set faster interval in feeds properties.

If it really doesn't work for you, please try following steps:
- Open Smart RSS tab
- Press CTRL+SHIFT+I to open web inspector
- Go to "Console" tab in web inspector
- Enter following code to console and press enter:
chrome.alarms.getAll(function(als) { console.log(als.length); });
It should give you number that should be same as number of added feed sources.
19.09.2013 19:09
Feeds not update automatically.Please add this feature :)
19.09.2013 18:09

Originally posted by BS-Harou:

Martin KadlecBS-Harou # Friday, September 13, 2013 8:23:22 AM

Originally posted by burnout426:
Should we be able to save the blob as a file? Opera currently doesn't allow that.Strange, I really think I tried it when I was implementing it and it worked. But you are right, Opera does not allow to save it. This will be harder to fix. I'd like to avoid the mbox format

wonder if blob URLs are considered file URLs where allowing access to file URLs would enable saving.
19.09.2013 13:09

Originally posted by BS-Harou:

i added it to my todo

Thanks man.
19.09.2013 11:09
i added it to my todo
19.09.2013 10:09
Hi Martin, pls add an option to enable/disable for preview of titles when the scroll is gone over the title. Sometimes it is really annoying :)
19.09.2013 07:09
18.09.2013 20:09

Originally posted by ZAHEK:

Hi Martin, do you have a chance to add a pop up notification once new RSS comes such as O12...

I'd like to use Web Notifications API, but Opera doesn't support it yet. I was thinking about some hack like opening window pop-up but that doesn't work very well in Opera either. So I'll probably just wait untill WebNotif. are implemented :)
18.09.2013 19:09
Hi Martin, do you have a chance to add a pop up notification once new RSS comes such as O12...
17.09.2013 10:09

Originally posted by Icehawk:

Is ist possible to implement a switch, to delete automatically messages older than e.g. 14 days?

This is planned for v2 :)
17.09.2013 07:09
Icehawk writes:

Is ist possible to implement a switch, to delete messages older than 14 days?
17.09.2013 07:09
I am the unregistered user :-) Forgot to login

Christmas-Wish: Is ist possible to implement a switch, to delete automatically messages older than e.g. 14 days?
16.09.2013 17:09

Originally posted by kot-felix:

Hello. Is it possible to set news as read automatically? (after previewing)

Go to options page and check: Behaviour>"Automatically mark articles as read"
16.09.2013 16:09
Hello. Is it possible to set news as read automatically? (after previewing)
16.09.2013 15:09

Originally posted by Ice007:

Will Smart RSS be updated automatically?

If you installed it from addons.opera, it should. Just a few minutes ago they approved the latest update.
16.09.2013 14:09

Originally posted by BS-Harou:

Should be fixed in the 13.3 build.

Will Smart RSS be updated automatically?
16.09.2013 02:09

Originally posted by anonymous:

1. Would it be possible to get an option (properties) when right-clicking on a folder with feeds or selecting "All feeds" to be able to globally choose update time and not going through each rss individually?

That was another problem people had with M2. You couldn't set the update intervals for more than one (like all) at the same time.
15.09.2013 23:09

Originally posted by Ice007:

Shift+Del delete an entry but does not reduce the counter. Therefore you have to reload the feed. (simply "Del" works)

Should be fixed in the 13.3 build. I've already uploaded it to addons.opera, but moderators don't work during weekends :rolleyes:
15.09.2013 22:09
Shift+Del delete an entry but does not reduce the counter. Therefore you have to reload the feed. (simply "Del" works)
15.09.2013 18:09
Super cool guy writes:

Hello, i sent you my opml file and a screenshot to see that some of the feed names (that were manually edited) revert back to their respectful original names when importing.
15.09.2013 17:09

Originally posted by anonymous:

when importing rss feeds from an .opml file some names of rss feeds got messed up.

Can you send me your opml file on bs-harou [at] Thx :)
15.09.2013 16:09
Super cool guy writes:

Thank you for making this extension.

I'm currently using v1.0.3 on Opera 18 Dev build.

1. Would it be possible to get an option (properties) when right-clicking on a folder with feeds or selecting "All feeds" to be able to globally choose update time and not going through each rss individually?

2. Also, is it possible to add "Sort by name" option to sort all rss with one click?

3. I have noticed that when i import rss feeds from Firefox (Newsfox addon) that some of them are not sorted as they were sorted inside Newsfox while other are imported correctly (rss feeds inside Firefox were sorted by name but when they are imported inside Smart Rss some of them got thrown at the bottom or at the beginging).

4. Also, when importing rss feeds from an .opml file some names of rss feeds got messed up. For example, i have an rss feed inside Firefox's Newsfox addon called "Freeware file" (it was manually edited after it was added to Newsfox) but when i import the .opml, rss feed name changed to something else.

5. Also, is it possible to see rss feed as read when left mouse clicking on a title of a rss feed as well as to see it synced with list of unread feeds?

6. Is it possible to remove a small pop-out window when mousing over a title of a rss feed that shows the exactly same as a title?

Thanks again for this beautiful extension. Keep up the good working and thanks everyone for reading. Cheers.
15.09.2013 16:09

I apologize for the wall of text (i did arrange it tho) since i noticed after sending my comment that BBcode and HTML are turned off for anonymous users.
15.09.2013 14:09

Originally posted by BS-Harou:

Option to always check all feeds on start up might be nice idea.

Yeh, that'd be cool.

+1 ;)
15.09.2013 13:09

Originally posted by BS-Harou:

I wait 30secs after startup before the check

Ah, yes. That's what I'm seeing. I just wasn't waiting long enough.

M2 waits 5 seconds, but even that's too long for me. I set it to 1 second in accounts.ini to get things going as fast as possible.

Originally posted by BS-Harou:

Option to always check all feeds on start up might be nice idea.

Yeh, that'd be cool.
14.09.2013 19:09
Thanks Martin for your help. I uninstalled it completely and reinstalled the one in Opera add-ons and the auto-update works fine.

What I meant was that I wouldn't need to use any keyboard shortcut but simply middle click the title of the feed that I want (without entering the feed by left clicking) and it would open in a new background tab. Your way is also great, thanks for showing it to me, I kind of knew about it but never tried it lol. The only difference is that I have to use "ctrl" to select each one and then right click and press the Full article link, but that's fine.
14.09.2013 16:09

Originally posted by Ramseykal:

Should I clear all data and install the one from Addons?

It depends, builds on addons.opera are auto updated and should be more or less stable. The builds I'm uploading here are quite likely to be buggy - especially once I start publish builds for v2.

So if you'd like to use the extension without worrying about too many bugs, I think installing it from addons catalog is probably good idea. Don't forget to export your feeds to OPML before removing the old installation! :) (You don't have to use the "clear" button if you are going to uninstall the extension)
14.09.2013 16:09

Originally posted by Ramseykal:

middle click on the titles to open the article in a new tab instead of having to open each feed?

I'm not sure I fully understand you. You can use the "Full article" item in middle column context menu to open more articles at once on their original sites.
14.09.2013 15:09
I've been using it since August and kept updating over it, only once it deleted all my info but the other updates did not clear my RSS feeds and settings.

Opera was restarted many times, I also thought it could be that but no, it's been about a week that I'm experiencing that. Should I clear all data and install the one from Addons? I haven't used that official one yet because I keep thinking that the one here will be updated more. So which one will be updated more?

Do you think you can implement a button of Make all unread and a middle click on the titles to open the article in a new tab instead of having to open each feed? Thanks in advance.
14.09.2013 12:09

Originally posted by Ramseykal:

but even though I set an interval of 1 hour for all of my feeds, it never updates on Opera Next 17. I tried with 30 minutes and it doesn't update.

I just installed clean installation from addons.opera catalog and add two feeds. One with the "+" button and one with RSS Detector. I set their interval to 5 minutes and after 5 minutes both updated.

If you restart Opera can you reproduce it again? If so, re there any special steps you made like importing or something else?
14.09.2013 05:09
I am not sure if this was mentioned but even though I set an interval of 1 hour for all of my feeds, it never updates on Opera Next 17. I tried with 30 minutes and it doesn't update. I have to manually update them. Am I the only one with that bug?
13.09.2013 15:09

Originally posted by BS-Harou:

Strange, I really think I tried it when I was implementing it and it worked. But you are right, Opera does not allow to save it. This will be harder to fix.

Wonder if:

<a download href="blob url">test</a>

would work. If so, maybe dispatching a click event on it would automate it.

Or, I guess use a data URI.

Or, perhaps Opera should just allow one to save them.

Originally posted by BS-Harou:

I'd like to avoid the mbox format

That's cool. Understood.
13.09.2013 14:09
Tested the download button for a feed message. I see it opens a blob in a new tab.

Should we be able to save the blob as a file? Opera currently doesn't allow that.

Another *idea* would to save the messages as mbox files.

From: "SmartRSS" <>
Subject: Test
Date: Thu, 12 Sep 2013 21:53:08 -0400
Message-ID: <>
MIME Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/html; charset="utf-8"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">

the markup

(Windows newline format and
after </html>)

Could be multipart/alternative instead (see source of this for one example (that mixes in some attachments though)) so that it has a text/plain alternative part too. But, not super-necessary for a feed message.

Subject header value can just be 8bit. But, it shouldn't be hard to base64-encode it with "=?utf-8?B?" + btoa(unescape(encodeURIComponent(subject))) + "?=" (where encodeURIComponent is invoked on a UTF-8 page). Probably no need to fold long lines, but that can be done via <> with
, a space on the next line, and =?utf-8?B?rest_of_the_base64_data?= where =?utf-8?B?data?= on each line (including the =? etc.) is a total of 72 characters or less (what M2 does).

The body being 8-bit is fine and preferable.
13.09.2013 14:09

Originally posted by burnout426:

Should we be able to save the blob as a file? Opera currently doesn't allow that.

Strange, I really think I tried it when I was implementing it and it worked. But you are right, Opera does not allow to save it. This will be harder to fix. I'd like to avoid the mbox format
13.09.2013 13:09

Originally posted by burnout426:

* If I pin the SmartRSS tab and restart Opera, when Opera starts, it doesn't look like (I might be mistaken though) SmartRSS checks for new messages.

It should check for new messages on start up only in feeds that weren't updated in 3 hours (or whatever interval they use). Option to always check all feeds on start up might be nice idea. (I wait 30secs after startup before the check)

Originally posted by burnout426:

hit ctrl + a and then shift + delete to delete all the messages ... the unread count on the badge and in the panel didn't update

Yep, I can reproduce it. I will fix this hopefully today :)

Originally posted by burnout426:

Would be cool if the RSS Detector had an option to specify a different feed reader.

I have this already on my list for next version of RSS Detector, but right now I want to focus on refactoring Smart RSS before adding any new features to any of the extensions.

Originally posted by burnout426:

Everyone on the addons site is loving this. Great job!

Smart RSS is already #1 top rated extension for Opera 15. I'm really happy :)
13.09.2013 13:09
* Would be cool if there was a refetch button in the feed's properties to refetch all the articles that are currently on the feeds page.

It'd work like a reset of the feed (deleting the feed and resubscribing) except that the user chooses whether they want to delete the old articles (by manually selecting the ones the want in the list and shift + deleting the selection) for the feed (that are no longer on the feed page) or not first.

If the refetch produces duplicates, I think that's fine as the user could just delete them (there are only so many (usually 40) messages on a feed page at a time anyway). But, the extension could compare and only create new items for missing entries.

Use cases for this are to start over with a feed without having to delete it and resubscribe, or to get back messages that you permanently deleted that are still on the feed page (because you permanently deleted them on accident or changed your mind).

Maybe it could be called "repair" instead of "refetch".
13.09.2013 13:09

- fix for counters when shift+del is used or when moving feed between folders
- it also contains fixes and localizations (hu, nl) that are already in the version on

Originally posted by burnout426:

Would be cool if there was a refetch button in the feed's properties to refetch all the articles that are currently on the feeds page.

Noted, but with low priority for now
13.09.2013 12:09
Tried the versions from

* If I pin the SmartRSS tab and restart Opera, when Opera starts, it doesn't look like (I might be mistaken though) SmartRSS checks for new messages. I have to upin the tab, close it, open it back up to see new messages, or just hit the reload button. Might be cool to have a "check for new messages on startup" ("startup" being the loading of the tab of course) option to control this.

* I hit ctrl + a and then shift + delete to delete all the messages in a feed. This worked, but the unread count on the badge and in the panel didn't update till I hit the reload button to update feeds.

* Glad you provided an option to disable the previews in the RSS detector. Nice that the previews are there for people that want them, but I always thought the previews where annoying as I already clicked the icon in the address field to subscribe. This is another option that M2 should have.

* Would be cool if the RSS Detector had an option to specify a different feed reader. For example, it could be some web service (where you specify the http(s) link with the %s that gets replaced with the feed link percent-encoded). And, there could be a "Default System Feed Client" option where the detector would convert the feed link to a feed:// URL and load the feed URL in a tab. Then, Opera could be fixed to pass feed URLs to the default feed protocol handler on the system. Opera would also automatically close that feed URL tab after the URL was passed on. This would work great for Thunderbird. But, would also be nice if and when Opera Mail gets support for handling feed URLs.

* Everyone on the addons site is loving this. Great job!
13.09.2013 04:09

Originally posted by Rijk:

Looks great

The backend quality is nowhere near what you've done on M2 :D But one person can do only that much in 4 weeks :P

Originally posted by Rijk:

I tried to import an OPML-file with folders (nested outlines), but only the top-level items got imported. Am I missing something or is this not supported yet?

Subfolders are not supported but folders and items in these folders should be imported correctly. Items in subfolders should be imported to the top folder. (E.g. "Folder1 > Folder2 > Item" should result in "Folder1 > Item").

If this does not happen it is probably a bug. In that case, could you please send me your opml file on bs-harou [at] I promise I won't be sharing it with anyone :angel:
13.09.2013 03:09
Looks great :)

I tried to import an OPML-file with folders (nested outlines), but only the top-level items got imported. Am I missing something or is this not supported yet?
12.09.2013 23:09
This extension is awesome! :yikes: :hat: :yes:
Congratulations, guy!
12.09.2013 18:09

Originally posted by archive1:

is the icon badges buggy for anyone? Its showing a + symbol on it, not a number. Or maybe thats intentional

It shows "+" when there is more than 99 of unread/unvisited items.

Originally posted by leonmcg:

This is awesome! Well done on this.

Thx :)
12.09.2013 17:09
is the icon badges buggy for anyone? Its showing a + symbol on it, not a number. Or maybe thats intentional
12.09.2013 17:09
This is awesome! Well done on this.
12.09.2013 13:09
12.09.2013 12:09
Thanks for the Final extension! Nice and useful. A real helper.

But something is missing.

Missing a link for media in RSS

Some RSS has
<enclosure url="" length="24783365" type="audio/mpeg" />


Opera Opera 12 feedreader the article had an additional Download link for the Podcast.

Please add such link.

12.09.2013 12:09

Originally posted by GwenDragon:

Missing a link for media in RSS

At one point, I tried to add audio/video elements for podcast data, however Opera does not support mp3/h.264 so I did not do it. I haven't realized Opera 12 adds download link, that is nice idea. Noted :)
12.09.2013 02:09
Actually, Opera 12 RSS reader shows the HTML as well :)
12.09.2013 01:09

BUG: subscribe to atom or rss "feed for comments"
showing html codes on the topics

p class
blockquote class
11.09.2013 18:09
feature request: whenever we add a new feed, could you automatically send us to that folder in smart rss. Or an indicator that the new feed have been added. In Opera 12, I believe theres a popup window on the bottom right corner that indicate the feed have been added
11.09.2013 18:09

Originally posted by archive1:

whenever we add a new feed, could you automatically send us to that folder in smart rss.

11.09.2013 17:09

Originally posted by BS-Harou:

Originally posted by Ice007:

Now what? What do we do next?

Well new university semester is starting and I will have to shift my focus to studying, so the development of v2 will be nowhere as rapid as development of v1. I hope I'll be able to find enough time :)

Maybe I can do your homework for you ?:lol:
BTW is it possible to compact the headlines a little bit? Its wasting a lot of white space.
11.09.2013 17:09

Originally posted by knolle:

extension is not working on - surprise:

There's a "Opera Addons Portal" app interfering associated with that special page...‽

Object {
app: Object
launch: Object
web_url: ""
urls: Array[1]
0: ""
length: 1
description: "Opera Addons Portal"
key: "MIGfMA0G…QAB"
manifest_version: 2
name: "Opera Addons Portal"
permissions: Array[2]
0: "addonsPrivate"
1: "management"
11.09.2013 17:09

Originally posted by knolle:

extension is not working on - surprise:

I believe Opera blocks extension scripts from running on for security reasons.
11.09.2013 16:09
your rss detector addon
needs a link that points to your smart rss addon
11.09.2013 16:09

Originally posted by archive1:

needs a link that points to your smart rss addon

I put it into my review. Once I do an update I will put the link do description as well :)
11.09.2013 16:09

Originally posted by Ice007:

Now what? What do we do next?

Well new university semester is starting and I will have to shift my focus to studying, so the development of v2 will be nowhere as rapid as development of v1. I hope I'll be able to find enough time :)
11.09.2013 16:09
We wait OM2 extension :)
11.09.2013 16:09
extension is not working on - surprise:
11.09.2013 15:09
and ... WE were there! :headbang:
(Wir waren dabei!)

Now what? What do we do next? :rolleyes:
11.09.2013 13:09
Great man. ***** :)
11.09.2013 13:09
11.09.2013 11:09

Originally posted by ZAHEK:

What was the bug?

I just forgot to delay some "add" events when new folder or feed were created which led to all kind of issues :)
11.09.2013 09:09

Originally posted by BS-Harou:

While lying in bed trying to sleep I suddenly realized there is a bug in Smart RSS and I just had to fix it

What was the bug? :)
11.09.2013 03:09
While lying in bed trying to sleep I suddenly realized there is a bug in Smart RSS and I just had to fix it :P
11.09.2013 01:09
Is it possible to suppress or move browser's native pop-up status bar in the left bottom side of the window when in the extension tab? It overlaps with "updating feeds" status and visually foreign to the reader interface.
11.09.2013 01:09

Originally posted by DitherSky:

Is it possible to suppress browser's native pop-up status bar in the left bottom side of the window

I don't think there is any easy way to do it. :(
10.09.2013 20:09
thanks a lot, again :)

The only thing missing is auto update. Wanna see the extension on Opera AddOn page soon ;)

:love: Best Opera extension(s), Opera has to accept it tho there're some :bug:
10.09.2013 20:09

Originally posted by Unrealmirakulix:

The only thing missing is auto update. Wanna see the extension on Opera AddOn page soon

I'm just uploading both extensions to addons catalog. :)
10.09.2013 19:09
subscribe work now but I've found another bug
try subscribe using rss
preview work
try subscribe using atom
html codes, no preview
10.09.2013 19:09

Originally posted by archive1:

try subscribe using atom
html codes, no preview

I forgot to add atom mime types. I should really do my tests more carefully :right: I'm glad you are testing it as well :)
10.09.2013 18:09
the rss detector preview is working, but I can't seem to subscribe to any feed with it
10.09.2013 18:09

Originally posted by archive1:

the rss detector preview is working, but I can't seem to subscribe to any feed with it

check the id in detector options if it matches smart rss id.

edit: yep, I tried clean install of both extensions and there is something wrong. Investigating found the problem, thx :)
10.09.2013 18:09
the rss detector preview is a bit laggy/slow I found, it sends you to html codes, then preview. You can see the transition, it doesn't happen instantly
10.09.2013 18:09

Originally posted by archive1:

the rss detector preview is a bit laggy/slow I found, it sends you to html codes, then preview. You can see the transition, it doesn't happen instantly

I know, I'm not sure if I can do something about it. I'll see what I can do in v2 release :)
10.09.2013 18:09

Ok, the subscribe button should hopefully work now :)
10.09.2013 16:09

Change log: time & date options

rssdetector.2013-09-10.2.nex & smartrss.2013-09-10.1.nex are final RC 1. Unless some serious bug is found I will upload them on

Thank you all for your support and testing! :)
10.09.2013 14:09
Testing RSSDetector it doesn't add the feed to the Smart RSS when I click in Suscribe button when the previous version did.
Changing the Smart RSS ID (illkpfekdjkecbojjjhmbhhfbcddokef) in Options with the one in the original version (ejccalkadfpjaipfldcmpmnklmloaeeg) makes it work.

Can you reproduce the issue???

THANKS for the updates!!!...
10.09.2013 14:09

Originally posted by man0000:

Changing the Smart RSS ID (illkpfekdjkecbojjjhmbhhfbcddokef) in Options with the one in the original version (ejccalkadfpjaipfldcmpmnklmloaeeg) makes it work.

Oh, thanks! I'm an idiot. 'illkpfekdjkecbojjjhmbhhfbcddokef' is ID of my development version. I will fix this immediately :)
10.09.2013 14:09

Originally posted by BS-Harou:

I checked and it seems to work. Are you sure you have focus in middle column? I also realized it downloads ALL feeds when folder is selected and fixed it. It will be in next build. Please give the "R" shortcut one more try to check if i really doesn't work for you.

Sorry but it doesn't work.
Reproduce: :)
I deleted extension.
Install again.
Imoported opml file
After all content loading , I cilicked one RSS title in the middle column (2nd column)
Press R but no work

Originally posted by BS-Harou:

It does show some content/summary below the titles, doesn't it?

No just shows like this.

10.09.2013 14:09

Change log:
- Added 'Update! to folder context menu. Pressing R or clicking on update button in middle column when folder is selected will also update only sources in the folder.
- Fixed for: Feeds can't disappear when dragged to newly cerated folder
- Replace dev. libraries with production versions

Change log:
- Replace dev. id with public id
- Option to disable previews
- Remove HTML tags from titles
10.09.2013 14:09

Originally posted by ZAHEK:

Press R but no work

What keayboard layout are you using? en or tr? If tr, does changing to to en helps? Otherwise I have no idea why it doesn't work for you :(

Originally posted by ZAHEK:

No just shows like this.

This is a screenshot of Smart RSS, I thought we are talking about the detector?
10.09.2013 14:09

Originally posted by BS-Harou:

Originally posted by ZAHEK:

Press R but no work

What keayboard layout are you using? en or tr? If tr, does changing to to en helps? Otherwise I have no idea why it doesn't work for you :(

Originally posted by ZAHEK:

No just shows like this.

This is a screenshot of Smart RSS, I thought we are talking about the detector?

Sorry but I am confused a bit I noticed two different extension :)

Ok now reload with R working.
Previews on RSS detector is working.
I am talking previews of RSS message list but maybe no necessary :)
10.09.2013 13:09

Originally posted by ZAHEK:

it seems you will need a helpfull page to explain shortcuts

Well 90% of the shortcuts is the same as in M2. I will mention the rest on addons.opera. I was also thinking about list of shortcuts with customization in options page but that will require some time (perhaps in v2 or v3) or something like in ubuntu when you press "win" and after a while overlay with all the shortcuts is displayed. This will require to get rid of the frames which is planned in v2.

Originally posted by ZAHEK:

- R shortcut in middle column to update (reload) current feed
Pls check this, it is not working here.

I checked and it seems to work. Are you sure you have focus in middle column? I also realized it downloads ALL feeds when folder is selected and fixed it. It will be in next build. Please give the "R" shortcut one more try to check if i really doesn't work for you.

Originally posted by ZAHEK:

RSS previews: This is nice but no usefull like this. Why?

Because that is what Opera 12 do :D Also it will make the extension useful as standalone extension.

Originally posted by ZAHEK:

maybe it can show some content of body

It does show some content/summary below the titles, doesn't it?

Originally posted by ZAHEK:

option to "Disable RSS Previews"

Planned :)
10.09.2013 12:09
RSS previews: This is nice but no usefull like this. Why?
This is now just showing title and the date and we can see it over the list and it is a bit annoying like this. maybe it can show some content of body (I am not sure if it is usable) or maybe you need to add an option to "Disable RSS Previews"...

What do you think?
10.09.2013 11:09
Martin, it seems you will need a helpfull page to explain shortcuts at least of extension becouse it is getting bigger everyday :)

- R shortcut in middle column to update (reload) current feed
Pls check this, it is not working here.
10.09.2013 11:09

Originally posted by BS-Harou:

Instead of immediately subscribing to feed, when you select a feed source from button popup, rss preview is display like in Opera 12. You can click on "Subscribe" button to subscribe to the feed. If you find some rss page where the rss preview doesn't work, please let me know :)

Hey, it is so amazing :)Thanks.

But it woud be better doing this without any other RSS button extension :) (Yes I know not possible now :) )
09.09.2013 20:09
Today there are only few updates to Smart RSS, but I have also a new RSS Detector build :)

Change log:
- R shortcut in middle column to update (reload) current feed
- Changed font family for labels
- Fixed html decoding in opml import

Change log:
- icons
- option page with option to change id of smart rss (handy for custom builds of smart rss)
- rss previews

Instead of immediately subscribing to feed, when you select a feed source from button popup, rss preview is display like in Opera 12. You can click on "Subscribe" button to subscribe to the feed. If you find some rss page where the rss preview doesn't work, please let me know :)
08.09.2013 18:09
08.09.2013 17:09

Change log:
- Several important fixes mostly related to feed removal
- 1,2,3 shortcuts to switch between columns changed to shift+1,2,3 to prevent collisions with Opera shortcuts
07.09.2013 19:09

Originally posted by BS-Harou:

Change log:
- optional badge with # of unread (bold) or unvisited (blue)
- IDs of folders & feeds changed from integers (1-n) to random hashes. This should allow smooth SMART import without clearing data in future.
- Improved speed of removing article views (+-3x)

I changed quite a lot in this build, please report any bugs :)

Wow! Thank you for the badge option. It works nicely for now!
Great work!
07.09.2013 18:09

Change log:
- optional badge with # of unread (bold) or unvisited (blue)
- IDs of folders & feeds changed from integers (1-n) to random hashes. This should allow smooth SMART import without clearing data in future.
- Improved speed of removing article views (+-3x)

I changed quite a lot in this build, please report any bugs :)
07.09.2013 11:09
May I just say 'thanks a pile'?!
07.09.2013 00:09

Originally posted by Cjcr:

Originally posted by BS-Harou:

Originally posted by Cjcr:

Can you add a badge text in the extension icon with the number of all unread feeds?

Already tried that, problem is it doesn't work very well with >999 numbers :( even >99 numbers look a bit weird

Can you make it optional, maybe? or if value is >99, then print +99 or something.

Ok, I'll give it another try :)
06.09.2013 23:09

Originally posted by BS-Harou:

Originally posted by Cjcr:

Can you add a badge text in the extension icon with the number of all unread feeds?

Already tried that, problem is it doesn't work very well with >999 numbers :( even >99 numbers look a bit weird

Can you make it optional, maybe? or if value is >99, then print +99 or something.
06.09.2013 22:09

Originally posted by Cjcr:

Can you add a badge text in the extension icon with the number of all unread feeds?

Already tried that, problem is it doesn't work very well with >999 numbers :( even >99 numbers look a bit weird
06.09.2013 21:09
Thank you for all the updates!

Can you add a badge text in the extension icon with the number of all unread feeds?

You can use Chrome.browserAction.setBadgeText() for that.
06.09.2013 18:09

Originally posted by XAntares:

On QWERTZ-keyboards the (h,y) shortcut pair does not come too handy.

I know, (Czech keyboard is also QWERTZ). I will probably make Y/Z do the same things :)
06.09.2013 16:09

- more shortcuts (middle column: J,U next/prev article, N - Undelete items, CTRL+F to focus search. left column: shift+arrow left/right to open/close all folders)
- Double click on folder opens/closes it
- Option to make thicker frame borders
- Fix for the links on feed
- extension icon in address bar is animated while updating and on extension start (for a little while)
06.09.2013 16:09
Yeah, "Disconnect" extension breaks adding and downloading rss from my.opera
06.09.2013 16:09
On QWERTZ-keyboards the (h,y) shortcut pair does not come too handy.
06.09.2013 15:09

Originally posted by archive1: use this for notes.

Only thing I'm waiting for is importing bookmarks

It is a quite nice :)
06.09.2013 14:09

Originally posted by anonymous:

Now only I hope for NOTES and BOOKMARKS come any way...)
THANKS!!!... use this for notes.

Only thing I'm waiting for is importing bookmarks
06.09.2013 13:09

Originally posted by archive1:

btw, does this extension work as an extension in chrome browser? I think the chrome browser also lack a good rss reader

Unfortunately, it does. I'm trying to figure out a way how to break it in Chrome :)

Originally posted by archive1:

news feed "full article" link don't work here

Fixed internally
06.09.2013 13:09
man0000 writes:

I was going crazy...
As I haven't seen any comment here, I thought it was something I was doing wrong. I explain:
I noticed it after you made the separators thinner. It is a little not to easy to move them but, no problem clicking so I have the . But, I wasn't able to make it move. Sometimes I was able but soon I wasn't.
First I thought it was a bug but no report here I come to think it was I had done.
Today, with more time to experiment, I have realized it is an issue related to the size of the window.
When you have the window at 100%, all works as expected and I can move the columns separators without problem.
NOW, when you have a size different from 100%, almost always you can't move one or any of the separators.
Can anyone confirm this???

THANKS for a great extension BETTER even than the original feature and dropped by Opera because it was TOO complicated to include (and one user alone has been able to do it when a full team couldn't?. Now only I hope for NOTES and BOOKMARKS come any way...)
06.09.2013 13:09

Originally posted by anonymous:

When you have the window at 100%, all works as expected and I can move the columns separators without problem.
NOW, when you have a size different from 100%, almost always you can't move one or any of the separators.

I can't repro, however I will add an option for "thick frame borders" :) It will be in next build. (Off by default tho.)
06.09.2013 10:09
bug: news feed "full article" link don't work here
It gives me a bunch of html code gabbage and webpage won't load

btw, does this extension work as an extension in chrome browser? I think the chrome browser also lack a good rss reader
06.09.2013 05:09

Originally posted by archive1:

opera v12 news feed have a counter at the top showing unread feed.

You mean the counter for the feed itself in the tab title or the counter for all unread in the bar in the left column if you collapse the complete feed view in O12?
If you hover over all feeds you can see the count of unread messages ...

Originally posted by archive1:

opera v12 news feed has an interesting way of displaying time/dates.

One of the things I never liked—full 24h ISO format for me—and I can imagine that it can make sorting slower, which could be critical for people who are hoarding thousands of messages (like I do for testing reasons now) ...
06.09.2013 00:09
- just wondering why is shift left click all feed a hidden short cut to show all unread feed. Maybe this shortcut should appear by right click all feed folder

- opera v12 news feed have a counter at the top showing unread feed. Maybe this counter could also appear on the extension notification icon itself as well

- opera v12 news feed has an interesting way of displaying time/dates. If feeds are today, it shows only the time e.g 01.00PM, if the feed is days old, it show time and day e.g Tue 09:45pm ; if its last week the feed show day/date and month e.g Tue 26 Aug; if feeds are months old it the date are shown 25/06/2013

Other than the above differences I think this news feed is pretty much spot on with v12 newsfeed. I could update to opera v17 without worry about losing a very important v12 feature
05.09.2013 21:09
please add gestures again :(

Thanks for new versions again, so fast :)
05.09.2013 21:09

Originally posted by Unrealmirakulix:

Thanks for new versions again, so fast

There were more builds today because of the beta release. The number of builds will decrease now as I want to only polish things until final is ready :)

Originally posted by Unrealmirakulix:

please add gestures again

I might add it again once they will enable to do it without external server. However, you can clone or fork my git repository and checkout the "gestures" branch :) I still play with the gestures on the server side though, hopefully improving it, but I might also break it at any time and never fix it again.
05.09.2013 20:09

Originally posted by DitherSky:

Bug: when manually deleting all items from any subscription last one doesn't disappear until next click on this subscription in the sources frame.

Yup, I can reproduce it. :bug:

Edit: fixed,
05.09.2013 18:09
Bug: when manually deleting all items from any subscription last one doesn't disappear until next click on this subscription in the sources frame.
05.09.2013 16:09

Originally posted by BS-Harou:

Originally posted by kapsi:

Opera Desktop Team blog rss doesn't work for me.

Atom? RSS2? Both? And how does it _don't work_?

Both. The detection button activates on the blog, but when I add it, it shows in the list as "" with 0 messages.
05.09.2013 16:09

Originally posted by kapsi:

Both. The detection button activates on the blog, but when I add it, it shows in the list as "" with 0 messages.

And this happens every time you try it? And if right click on the feed and select update from the context menu, do the items load?
05.09.2013 16:09
After disabling and enabling all extensions it works now...
I think it's the "Disconnect" extension.
05.09.2013 16:09

Originally posted by kapsi:

After disabling and enabling all extensions it works now...

Ok, let's hope it was just some onetime issue :)
05.09.2013 15:09

Originally posted by kapsi:

Opera Desktop Team blog rss doesn't work for me.

Atom? RSS2? Both? And how does it _don't work_?
05.09.2013 15:09
love the gestures, tho every now thinks I'm crazy ^^ And yes, it's really 40-70cm... :(
05.09.2013 15:09

Originally posted by Unrealmirakulix:

love the gestures, tho every now thinks I'm crazy ^^ And yes, it's really 40-70cm...

I'm glad it still works, I was messing with the algorithm last night a bit because it suddenly didn't work with different light :P If I would work on it for few days I could probably make it work with different lights, distances and speeds, but as it was only _proof on concept_ I don't want to give it that much time.
05.09.2013 14:09

- added NEW_FOLDER localization string
- left column line height now respects UI font size
- font size step (when clicking on the arrows) is 10 instead of 1 now
- check for existing *alarm* even when ajax download fails
05.09.2013 14:09
Opera Desktop Team blog rss doesn't work for me.
05.09.2013 13:09

Originally posted by Ice007:

The only thing I could think of would be to combine the two extensions (Smart & Detector).

Unfortunately, as I said in the blog post, it is not possible to add both buttons with one extensions. Also I plan to add RSS previews to the detector which will allow people to read the RSS without subscribing, so the RSS Detector will be useful even as a standalone extension :)
05.09.2013 13:09
One request. Can you add a function to open folders when we clicked two times with mause leftclick
I know we can do with arrow on left side of folder but I do know know why but I try to open folders list with double click :)
05.09.2013 13:09

Originally posted by ZAHEK:

Can you add a function to open folders when we clicked two times with mause leftclick

That shouldn't be a problem :) I will note it for the beta->final phase :)
05.09.2013 13:09
Thanks man and pls check your emal.
05.09.2013 12:09

Originally posted by BS-Harou:

I was feeling a bit bored and lazy so I decided to do something funny instead of working on some serious tasks :P

It seems you will be create face gestures in short :)
05.09.2013 12:09

This is Beta RC, unless you find some serious bug I'll call it Beta later today and move to beta->final process :)
05.09.2013 12:09
The only thing I could think of would be to combine the two extensions (Smart & Detector). Not really necessary, but practical. Maybe that's still possible somehow? (I don´t know nothing about how to...)
05.09.2013 12:09

Originally posted by Ice007:

Maybe that's still possible somehow?

The Opera APIs sadly do not permit that.
05.09.2013 07:09
zava writes:

Hei, Karolina, I'm currently using the separate mail client from Opera+O17 and it's pretty ok that way.
I tested Firefox with Simple mail and RSSfox extensions, hoping a perfect replacement of O12, just to see myself returning to Opera software 1 week later. Bad implementation, poor search functions, primitive icons, crappy keyboard shortcuts etc.
Opera mail client is 95% perfect :) and spatial navigation can be used on O17 (that was especially important to me) so the whole package is workable.
04.09.2013 19:09
I was feeling a bit bored and lazy so I decided to do something funny instead of working on some serious tasks :P

In this build only, you can activate *control by hand gestures*. It will be removed for various reasons from next builds.

There are only two gestures:
- move hand (or anything else) from right to left -> next article
- move hand from left to right -> prev article

It doesn't work very well tho. as my gesture recognition algorithm isn't finished yet. It also requires hidden iframe linking to my own server, because it is not possible to ask for webcam permission in sites using chrome-extension protocol. :(

To activate it, click on the "webcam" button in middle column toolbar, allow webcam usage and wait for few seconds for the hidden iframe to load.

The gestures should take around 2 seconds (so slow movement), it should be from far left/right to far right/left and about 40-70 cm in front of the webcam.

I also included latest fixes, optimizations and three new appearance options to configure font sizes and to switch off date groups :)

04.09.2013 18:09
Yes, but I used Opera only because RSS and client. Now there is no reason to stay. Until some kind of extension will be available. :(
04.09.2013 16:09

Originally posted by Karolina84:

I've been using it for ten years and now i had to find another browser

Well, no other major browser has built-in mail client, so switching browser won't help you much :P
04.09.2013 15:09
Yeah, I understant.
It's bad luck Opera decided to reduce the browser. I've been using it for ten years and now i had to find another browser and client :(
04.09.2013 14:09
Hello Martin, I like the extension, but I want to ask you - do you plan to add the e-mail client functionality? It would be great to have these two functions in one UI as before :)
04.09.2013 14:09

Originally posted by Karolina84:

Hello Martin, I like the extension, but I want to ask you - do you plan to add the e-mail client functionality? It would be great to have these two functions in one UI as before

Hi, I would love to add M2 functionality, but unfortunately it is not currently even possible. It would require new *socket API* which is something that would allow the extension to communicate on mail protocols. Also, creating an e-mail client would be way much harder than creating a RSS reader :angel:
04.09.2013 12:09

You can then select one or more items
in the list (with the standard ctrl +

this is one of the things I plan for V2 :)
04.09.2013 08:09
In Foobar (<>), after enabling the Media Library and the "Album List Viewer" tab, the tab will show a list like this:

All Music
Artist1 - Album1
Track 1
Track 2
Artist2 - Album1
Track 1
Track 2


You can then select one or more items in the list (with the standard ctrl + click and shift + click etc.). When you do, the playlist pane gets populated tracks from all selected items. It's really cool.

With that said, in SmartRSS, in the feeds list pane, you currently can only select one view at a time and the list will be populated with the articles in that view. But, it'd be cool if you could select multiple feed views at a time to populate the list with articles from more then one feed.

You can already do this when creating a folder, putting those views in the folder and then clicking on the folder. But, that's a lot to do for something you only want to do temporily.

Would be something to experiment with at some point to see if everyone likes it.
03.09.2013 22:09

Originally posted by anonymous:

Of course the final product would look somehow different (and hopefully better lol)

I'm afraid that what you are seeing is something very similar to the future final version :D Sorry for not fulfilling your expectations :P

I will look into the shortcuts, but I'm afraid not everything is possible (like zooming only the right column).
03.09.2013 22:09

Originally posted by anonymous:

Of course the final product would look somehow different (and hopefully better lol)

No, the final product would look as similar to M2 as possible :P

Originally posted by anonymous:

TAB and shift+TAB doesnt work properly (TAB doesnt go focusing on "full article" and backwards shift+TAB stays blocked on "search", not focusing on feed title or feed name)

Did you try the keys 1, 2, 3 to switch between the panes and then the arrow keys?

BTW: I love the SPACE key to step through the articles - multi function:
Goes to the next unread, marks it read, scrolls the article frame one page down if beeded and when it is at the end of the article, it goes to the next unread etc.

Originally posted by anonymous:

zooming affects all the columns

Zooming is done natively by Opera, no code inside of the extension is involved.

Originally posted by anonymous:

scrolling (PAGE UP/DOWN)doesnt work on preview feed content,

it does if you click in the article preview text before (needed so that the focus is in the restricted iframe, which prevents execution of (malicious) scripts that could otherwise harm your computer) - but I am sure Martin will work a miracle in no time ;)
03.09.2013 21:09

Originally posted by BS-Harou:

Originally posted by Unrealmirakulix:

I think it was from 31.08. or 01.09., not sure sorry. But definitly not from the last one you posted, I missed to upgrade the first time

It shouldn't be a problem to upgrade from whatever build you want (unless I write in changelog there might be some issue). So it was definitely a build with IndexedDB ... if you change the lang. to German again, does it stay after restart?

stays german now :)
03.09.2013 21:09
zava writes:

Thanx for your long waited initiative :)
Of course the final product would look somehow different (and hopefully better lol) but, as I am a shortcuts geek, there are some ergonomical issues on O17 (that were not present on O12) :
- TAB and shift+TAB doesnt work properly (TAB doesnt go focusing on "full article" and backwards shift+TAB stays blocked on "search", not focusing on feed title or feed name)
- zooming affects all the columns, not just the preview feed.
- scrolling (PAGE UP/DOWN)doesnt work on preview feed content, and some of it really need it

Anyway, it's good enough for start :)
03.09.2013 19:09

Originally posted by BS-Harou:

- Huge perf. boost to SMART import + info while importing

Yepp. Feels like > ten times :up:

Marking a huge number of items and switching between folder views with many items is fast too.
03.09.2013 15:09

- Counters (unread, total) are now not saved to db, but are only in memory and computed on start.
- Huge perf. boost to SMART import + info while importing
- Frame border width reduced to 1px (it is a bit hard to grab the line now, but it is prettier :) )
- Fixed some issue when expired transactions were used
- Frames are hidden until settings is loaded (so that resize/layout change on load isn't visible)
- in left column, "left arrow" key now opens/closes folder and "right arrow" key shows feed content without moving focus to middle column (you can press enter to show+move focus)

Note: It is still advised to clear all data before SMART import, otherwise there will be very likely id collisions.
03.09.2013 00:09

Originally posted by BS-Harou:

- Fix the "frame width" bug mentioned few comments above

Yep. Fixed now. Thanks.

On startup of Opera, I can see the frame resizing to the saved width, so it's slightly visually unpleasant that I can see it resizing. But, it's not a big deal at all.
02.09.2013 22:09

Originally posted by BS-Harou:

Can you try if disabling/enabling the extension or restarting Opera has some similar effect?

Tested. No, then everything works well.

Originally posted by QuHno:

@Ice007: feed?

No heise included. You can test it by yourself. Here is my IndexDB
02.09.2013 20:09
@Ice007: feed?
02.09.2013 18:09

Originally posted by Ice007:

after updating from 09-01.4 to 09-02.3 already as read marked feeds are unread and some already deleted appear again (new loaded?) in the list.

Can you try if disabling/enabling the extension or restarting Opera has some similar effect?
02.09.2013 17:09

after updating from 09-01.4 to 09-02.3 already as read marked feeds are unread and some already deleted appear again (new loaded?) in the list. :confused:

That´s also funny because there seems to be no pattern?
02.09.2013 16:09

Originally posted by BS-Harou:

Originally posted by Unrealmirakulix:

newest build did reset the language setting from German -> English

From which build did you make the update?

I think it was from 31.08. or 01.09., not sure sorry. But definitly not from the last one you posted, I missed to upgrade the first time
02.09.2013 16:09

Originally posted by Unrealmirakulix:

I think it was from 31.08. or 01.09., not sure sorry. But definitly not from the last one you posted, I missed to upgrade the first time

It shouldn't be a problem to upgrade from whatever build you want (unless I write in changelog there might be some issue). So it was definitely a build with IndexedDB ... if you change the lang. to German again, does it stay after restart?
02.09.2013 15:09
newest build did reset the language setting from German -> English ;)


would be great if the extension asks for UN+PW if it's needed, e.g.


if no Name for the RSS is given, the extension could get it from webpage meta title ;)


02.09.2013 15:09

Originally posted by BS-Harou:

- Fixed

Thanks, it works now.
02.09.2013 15:09

Originally posted by Unrealmirakulix:

newest build did reset the language setting from German -> English

From which build did you make the update?

Originally posted by Unrealmirakulix:

would be great if the extension asks for UN+PW if it's needed, e.g.

You can set the UN+PW in properties (as you probably know). But I agree it would be nice you would be prompted automatically.

Originally posted by Unrealmirakulix:

if no Name for the RSS is given, the extension could get it from webpage meta title

Adding feeds via RSS Detector is still in very early stage. I'd like to make Smart RSS v1 before I'll start working on RSS Detector again :)
02.09.2013 14:09

Originally posted by XAntares:

The console for the SmartRSS-tab opened that way reads:

This error isn't actually an real error. I use sandboxed from to display the rss article and prevent all javascript execution (and before I change it to anything the first url is about:blank which contains some javascript as well).
02.09.2013 13:09
I can confirm that latests version doesn't work in latest Opera 17 Dev.

SmartRSS tab doesn't open.
02.09.2013 13:09
I concur to confirm that on O17dev.

But as Classic Tabs does not work there either, I suspect there's an issue with chrome.tabs api and events... Haven't found time for further investigation, though.
02.09.2013 13:09
I can see the problem in O17 as well. Investigating :sherlock:
02.09.2013 13:09
The tab opens via your RSS-discovery extension, though. But then, nothing is functional upon clicking.

The console for the SmartRSS-tab opened that way reads:

Blocked script execution in 'about:blank' because the document's frame is sandboxed and the 'allow-scripts' permission is not set.

Maybe that helps.
02.09.2013 13:09

- Fixed

The problem was that the extensions is waiting for everything from IndexedDB to load to memory before you can open the smartrss tab. But it failed when there was nothing in DB. I did not see this issue on O16 because I already had some data in all IndexedDB objectStores :)
02.09.2013 13:09

Originally posted by BS-Harou:

- Fixed

Yay! is fixed! Thanks
02.09.2013 12:09

Originally posted by BS-Harou:

Originally posted by ZAHEK:

Pls confirm if it is working with O16 now?

Hi, so the 2013-09-01.4.nex doesn't work for you? How? The Smart RSS tab won't open? The feeds/items won't load? Something else? I am doing all my testing in latest Opera Next, which is still Opera 16 :)

Yes even if I clear datas , SmartRSS tab doesn't open.
02.09.2013 12:09

Originally posted by ZAHEK:

Yes even if I clear datas , SmartRSS tab doesn't open.

Can you PM me on Jabber? This will need a bit of investigation :)
02.09.2013 12:09
In the meantime:

Change log:
- One IndexedDB transaction per objectStore per on tick (should lead to much faster IndexedDB operatioins)
- Don't render not-in-view items on first load
- Fix the "frame width" bug mentioned few comments above
02.09.2013 11:09

Originally posted by ZAHEK:

Pls confirm if it is working with O16 now?

Hi, so the 2013-09-01.4.nex doesn't work for you? How? The Smart RSS tab won't open? The feeds/items won't load? Something else? I am doing all my testing in latest Opera Next, which is still Opera 16 :)
02.09.2013 11:09

Originally posted by burnout426:

Result: Message list pane width resets to default.

You are right. I will look into it :) -> edit: fixed internally :)
02.09.2013 10:09
Pls confirm if it is working with O16 now?

Edit: just works 2013-08-31.1.nex version.
02.09.2013 08:09

Originally posted by BS-Harou:

Don't think it's new to this build, but:

* Pin the Smart RSS tab.

* Resize the Message List pane (make it wider than default)

* Close Opera.

* Restart Opera.

Result: Message list pane width resets to default.
01.09.2013 21:09

- if you leave Smart RSS tab opened before closing Opera it will work now after opening Opera again (it might take some seconds before data are laoded from db tho.)
- Optimized "Mark All As Read" actions (feeds, folders, CTRL+SHIFT+A)
01.09.2013 00:08
Thank you for this extension. That's exactly what I've missed after installing Opera 16!
31.08.2013 23:08
I stumbled upon an evil bug in smartrss.2013-08-31.1.nex causing permanent 100% CPU load and HDD I/O activity on my system when trying to mark a folder as read. One block of the feed data seems to be b0rked and causes this. I've zipped up the whole DB folder and sent it for an analysis.
31.08.2013 18:08
no worries, I think I figured out why. I took out the offending feed that was causing the stuck
31.08.2013 18:08

Originally posted by archive1:

no worries, I think I figured out why. I took out the offending feed that was causing the stuck

It would still be helpful to know what feed it was? .. I know there might be some issue when you use bad protocol, but perhaps there might some other problem as well.
31.08.2013 18:08
it was this feed, but I deleted it, export the entire feed list, clear the data, then reimport the feed list and its fixed. I even resubscribed to the feed again and it everything seem to work now
31.08.2013 17:08
installed 31.1.nex and stuck updating feed is back again. Last version that didn't have this problem was 27.3.
I have 186 feeds and its always stuck at 114 feed
31.08.2013 17:08

Originally posted by archive1:

installed 31.1.nex and stuck updating feed is back again. Last version that didn't have this problem was 27.3.

Ok, to fix this I'm going to need a better way to communicate with you. Do you use any IM messenger? (jabber, icq, ...)? Also your OPML export might be helpful :)
31.08.2013 16:08

Originally posted by QuHno:

Originally posted by BS-Harou:

I use the "?12345" thingy to prevent caching. Trying to figure out another way to prevent caching now

Looking if there is a ? and if it is just adding &SmartRSS=UUID should help (I ran into the same issue with one of the first versions of my extension too :D). Using ?SmartRSS=UUID instead of ?12345 would be fun too - depending on how the server log is set up it should be visible in the logs.

The server should ignore that and if not,]it should teach them something about requestURI sanitation :devil:

Originally posted by archive1:

Bug: Also, did you know clicking full articles link for atom feeders won't load the website. Only work on RSS feed

I think he means the link below the article in pane 3

Some Atom feeds link to the feed generator page in their internal source, which is not really helpful.

A test link of such a feed to look if there is the real URL of he article anywhere could help ...

Yes, thats what I mean

The bug could be replicated here
31.08.2013 16:08
Thanks, you are right. I will look into it :)
31.08.2013 16:08

Most important change: I replaced localStorage with IndexedDB. Data are not automatically moved from one to the other, so if you want to keep your list of feeds do a OPML export before updating to this version :)

It also contains several important fixes, like the atom urls :)
31.08.2013 15:08

Originally posted by BS-Harou:

Originally posted by archive1:

Also, did you know clicking full articles link for atom feeders won't load the website. Only work on RSS feed

Don't understand this. Can you perhaps reformulate it a bit? :)

Theres two types of RSS feeders, ATOM and RSS

When I subscribe to RSS feeds. I could read the article in SmartRSS and click "full article" and it will direct me to the website and it will load up correctly

When I subscribe to an ATOM feed. I could read the article in SmartRSS, but when I click "full article" it gives me a bunch of garbage, html codes

e.g go here

subscribe using RSS and subscribe using ATOM
and click "full article" links for both
31.08.2013 14:08

Originally posted by BS-Harou:

I use the "?12345" thingy to prevent caching. Trying to figure out another way to prevent caching now

Looking if there is a ? and if it is just adding &SmartRSS=UUID should help (I ran into the same issue with one of the first versions of my extension too :D). Using ?SmartRSS=UUID instead of ?12345 would be fun too - depending on how the server log is set up it should be visible in the logs.

The server should ignore that and if not, it should teach them something about requestURI sanitation :devil:

Originally posted by archive1:

Bug: Also, did you know clicking full articles link for atom feeders won't load the website. Only work on RSS feed

I think he means the link below the article in pane 3

Some Atom feeds link to the feed generator page in their internal source, which is not really helpful.

A test link of such a feed to look if there is the real URL of he article anywhere could help ...
31.08.2013 13:08
Bug: Also, did you know clicking full articles link for atom feeders won't load the website. Only work on RSS feed
31.08.2013 13:08

Originally posted by QuHno:

Everything in CDATA and all content in the "description" as child of an "item" instead of the "atom:content" or "atom:summary" as child of an "entry" element?

That all actually shouldn't be a problem. the actual problem here is that when a string like "?12345" is added to url. No items are returned. I use the "?12345" thingy to prevent caching. Trying to figure out another way to prevent caching now :)
31.08.2013 13:08

Originally posted by archive1:

Also, did you know clicking full articles link for atom feeders won't load the website. Only work on RSS feed

Don't understand this. Can you perhaps reformulate it a bit? :)
31.08.2013 12:08
I don't know what happened but this extension is bugged out for me. First, I started receiving old feeds again, even though we're past those dates. Now its stuck at updating new feeds. Disabled/enable and reimporting and updating the feed didn't seem to help.

I think the problem started around the time I updated my v17 developer build to latest version or .4 extension version when 24hrs timestamp was introduced
31.08.2013 12:08

Originally posted by archive1:

I don't know what happened but this extension is bugged out for me. First, I started receiving old feeds again, even though we're past those dates. Now its stuck at updating new feeds. Disabled/enable and reimporting and updating the feed didn't seem to help

There has been several changes during developement that could cause the item article duplication. Stucked updating is probably a worse bug - some javascript error must happen in your background process. Did you click on the "clear" button before import?
31.08.2013 12:08
yes, i used clear button before importing, didn't help. I moved back to .3 version. I think that fixed it
31.08.2013 11:08

Originally posted by QuHno:

woops - I should do the translation when I am awake. Sorry about that!

Deep in the night, the eyes are getting smaller. I also translate some programs and know this. :-)

(de):Tief in der Nacht werden die Augen immer kleiner. Ich übersetze auch einige Programme und kenne das. :-)
31.08.2013 10:08

Originally posted by myOnno:

I have found some little typing mistakes in german translation

woops - I should do the translation when I am awake. Sorry about that!

Originally posted by davi807:

also please look at this feed

Everything in CDATA and all content in the "description" as child of an "item" instead of the "atom:content" or "atom:summary" as child of an "entry" element? :eyes:
The feed describes itself as Atom 2.0 and if I read the specification right, there is no "description", so it can be assumed as "foreign content":

Originally posted by

When unknown foreign markup is encountered as a child of atom:entry, atom:feed, or a Person construct, Atom Processors MAY bypass the markup and any textual content and MUST NOT change their behavior as a result of the markup's presence.

We didn't have a feed like that before during the test phase, and while SmartRSS conforms to the spec in this case, the behavior is still annoying from the users perspective. Seems like a hack is needed ...
31.08.2013 07:08
Very useful extension :up:

also please look at this feed
31.08.2013 03:08

Originally posted by myOnno:

I have found some little typing mistakes in german translation

Thanks! Fixed internally :)
31.08.2013 00:08
Hello! :-)

I have found some little typing mistakes in german translation in line 217, 226 and 246.
Here are the right words:
217: Adresse
226: September
246: Feeds aktualisieren
30.08.2013 18:08
CERBERUS writes:

Work fine in opera 16 estable !
thanks !!
28.08.2013 22:08

Originally posted by BS-Harou:

Hi, thanks for suggestion but I can't really imagine how could that work in the smart rss tab. But perhaps I just don't fully understand your request. By "list of feeds" you mean the actuall feed sources or feed articles? And by "the button to list all feed items that haven't been viewed" you mean shift+click on "all items"? Also what would be the advantages (in one case or another) to the current way it works?

The feed articles, I'm currently messing around with a chrome extension in opera developer 17 that allows using a bookmark folder for RSS article links the only problem I have with that extension shown though is that there isn't a way to indicate if things have been updated(in bookmark folder), plus I'd like article links deleted once viewed.
28.08.2013 08:08

Originally posted by Ice007:

That's less work for you too!

I don't think so ...

... he must build them because someone must try to break them before you get them :pirate:
28.08.2013 08:08
27.08.2013 23:08
Proposal: How about only max. one build a day? (except fatal error)

Your assiduity honors you. But today I updated Smart-RSS three times. I think you do not need to introduce each change individually by an extra build. A summary in the morning or evening is enough. That's less work for you too! ;)
27.08.2013 23:08

Originally posted by Ice007:

Your assiduity honors you. But today I updated Smart-RSS 3 times.

:D I'm sorry. I can see how that can be frustrating. (Though now one is forcing you to install each of the builds ;) ). I'll try to reduce the number of new builds a bit :)
27.08.2013 23:08

Originally posted by BS-Harou:

Though no one is forcing you to install each of the builds ;)

Yes, I must! It´s like a "compulsion". You know that; if we were not such kind of users, we would not use Opera 17 Developer as default browser, but Opera 15 (now 16) Stable. But we do not ...

27.08.2013 21:08

2 new datetime options:
- 12 vs 24 h format
- full date in middle column
Alsou enter or doubleclick on article in middle column will open new tab with an url of the article. (Shift dblclick & shift enter will work in next build :D )
27.08.2013 20:08
Naprosto skvělé, přesně tohle mi chybělo abych mohl přejít z Opery 12 na vyšší verzi. Díky!!!

Absolutely excellent. Exactly what i missed to move to the higer version of Opera browser. Thanks a lot!!!
27.08.2013 19:08
could we have a folder that show all "unread" feed only and if we right click the folder, we could select read all

"all feed" folder also need a read all when you right click
27.08.2013 19:08

Originally posted by archive1:

could we have a folder that show all "unread" feed only and if we right click the folder, we could select read all

"all feed" folder also need a read all when you right click

Hi, you if you shift+click on "all feeds" you will get all unread feeds. Context menu for "All feeds" is on my todo list. Right now you can use the CTRL+SHIFT+A shortcut inside of the middle column to mark all feeds as read.
27.08.2013 17:08

- support for ttl
- build number/version and commit in options page

TTL - unlike suggested I do not limit users in any way when rss has ttl set. But if a site has larger ttl than the extension-default 3 hours I will increase the time.

I built a *makefile* in node.js that packs the files and changes the version for me so it should be always up to date :)
27.08.2013 16:08

Originally posted by burnout426:

* Would be cool to be able to double-left-click an item in the message list to read just that message in a new tab.

For now, it'd be cool if ENTER and double-left-clicking on a message-list item (or selection) would invoke "open article link". That would lessen the need for the "full article" link to be above the message (although that'd still be cool too).

Then, at some point *if* opening a message in a new tab (as a feed message, not as an http link to the full article) is implemented, the ENTER/Double-left-click behavior could be configurable.

Double-click/Enter list item action: open article link | open message in new tab. Have no suggestion on which one should be default. (With shift still being a modifier for background tab)

(The reason I'm focusing on the article link feature so much is that M2 suffers from the article link only being accessible at the bottom of a message and users have complained about it for years.)
27.08.2013 15:08

Originally posted by BS-Harou:

- experimental panel toggle (off by default due to blink bugs)

Still works pretty good though.
27.08.2013 15:08

Originally posted by BS-Harou:

- shift + click on "Open aritcle link" context menu item will open the article(s) in background

27.08.2013 14:08
- shift + click on "Open aritcle link" context menu item will open the article(s) in background
- experimental panel toggle (off by default due to blink bugs)

The bugs are:
- I can't remove the "frameborder" when panel is disabled because it is not possible to turn it back on
- When you resize the left column to be wider and hide it, there will be blank white space next to panel toggle.
- I decided to get rid of frames early in V2 as they are just too many bugs with it :D
27.08.2013 13:08

Originally posted by burnout426:

At some point, maybe shift key could be used as a modifier to open the tabs in the background.

Done :) Will be in next build.

Working on the panel toggle now. It is finished actually, but there are unfortunately two ugly blink bugs breaking stuff :(
27.08.2013 12:08

- scroll to top on feed change (at least until i implement the 'remember last scroll position of feed' thingy)
- option to mark items as read on select
- fixed arrow navigation in left column (arrow right now opens and closes folders)
- when all new unread items are marked as read, remove the hasNew state -> should change icon back to grey
- move trash button to right (last left) in middle/right column
- 'open article link' in article list context menu
- option to disable asking before opening 10+ tabs at once (you have to turn this both on/off in options page because i'm lazy to reimplement the whole confirmation dialog)
- added option to reload feed every 5 minutes
- fixes
27.08.2013 12:08

Originally posted by BS-Harou:

option to mark items as read on select

Thanks especially for above one :)
27.08.2013 12:08

Originally posted by BS-Harou:

- 'open article link' in article list context menu

So, so awesome! I hope M2 devs see how awesome this is.

At some point, maybe shift key could be used as a modifier to open the tabs in the background. But, the features is already so awesome.

Originally posted by BS-Harou:

option to disable asking before opening 10+ tabs at once (you have to turn this both on/off in options page because i'm lazy to reimplement the whole confirmation dialog)

All works fine how it is. Awesome.
27.08.2013 11:08

Originally posted by burnout426:

Quickly checked it out. Really, really Nice!

Thx, and good morning to you too :coffee:

To keep things short, I went through all you suggestions and reports and I'll see what I can do about them :) Not everything will probably make it to V1 or at all, but I'll try to deal with as much as possible :)

Note: The options in the options page does not immediately affect already displayed articles in opened smart rss tab. So it is good idea to reopen or reload the tab :) (Mostly switching between two feeds should work as well, but e.g. language change needs reload)
27.08.2013 11:08

Originally posted by QuHno:

so that I can "space" through the articles and mark it as read and jump to the next as soon as the article is scrolled to the bottom ...

since commit on "Aug 17 12:09:17" you should be able to space through even with focus in middle column :)
27.08.2013 09:08

Originally posted by QuHno:

Oh, I thought you wanted to open a bunch of them at once and each of them in a new tab ...

I do. For example, I want to ctrl + a to select all items in the message list, right-click the selection and choose "open article link" so that it goes through each item in the message list and opens its http article link in a new web page tab.

Originally posted by QuHno:

If the first: That would mean a rewrite of the article list pane because that information is not in it now...

I see. Yeh, something like feed[0].listItem[0].articleLink would need to be available for example.

Originally posted by QuHno:

We would also like to have the native performance of M2 or Thunderbird - but JS and DOM sadly do not perform half as well as soon as they have to handle a lot of items ... /sigh
May be Martin can conjure a small wonder ...

Understood. Those are my ideas anyway though. :)

Originally posted by QuHno:

Right, that is not yet implemented for the pure hh:mm time format.

I see.
27.08.2013 08:08

Originally posted by QuHno:

Originally posted by burnout426:
Maybe make the subject above the message a link to the full article. (...)

The subject would be fatal for me, as I need a space to click in the article pane to activate it so that I can "space" through the articles and mark it as read and jump to the next as soon as the article is scrolled to the bottom ...

K. A link somewhere up top instead. It's a very popular wish for M2.

Originally posted by QuHno:

Originally posted by burnout426:
An "open article link" option in the right-click context menu (for the message and message list).

You mean something like a "open marked articles" checkbox that allows you to skim through the list and when done open all in full article view in new tabs?

No checkbox. Just an item in the context menu that performs the action opening the article link for each message selected in the list in a new tab.

"Open article link" is a good name for the action as it can work on a single message too, just like right-clicking a bookmark folder in Opera 12.16 says "Open in new tab" instead of "Open in new tabs" where there could be only 1 item or 20.

Originally posted by QuHno:

Originally posted by burnout426:
Options to customize the message list text (unseen, seen and read state colors, font-family and font-weight).

font family could only be one of the >90% fonts or a generic

Yeh, that'd be acceptable.

Originally posted by QuHno:

Originally posted by burnout426:
5-minute check interval. (...) (as most pages only show the latest 40 or so.)

That could fill up the storage quite rapidly if those are high message volume feeds

5 minutes is pretty much a requirement for me and is available in M2 and Thunderbird for feeds.

Originally posted by QuHno:

Didn't check, but honor the feed pages TTL and not allow the user to set a lower check interval for that feed.Is the TTL really the minimum time in which the feeds are updated? I know of at least a few web pages that have a TTL set to e.g. 24h but refresh more often ...

Not necessarily. It' is indeed up to the feed author/generator to specify it correctly. But, M2 honors the TTL so that when the author of the feed doesn't want your client checking too often (bandwidth concerns), it doesn't.

Originally posted by QuHno:

Changing the date format doesn't seem to affect already-fetched messages.Works for me.

Did you click the reload button in the address bar to reload the complete tab to reparse the items for display?

No. Didn't think to try that. Think I probably assumed too much how each article is processed and stored.

But, I made a mistake. I was thinking the date format controlled the time too. I was trying to get the time for articles to display in 12H format instead of 24H. Doesn't look like that's possible at the moment. Not a big deal though.

Originally posted by QuHno:

Resize the message list pane to shrink its width a lot.Sounds like a design limitation: A minimum width is required so that the right-click context menus can be displayed because they can't overlap the frame borders ...

Could be, but I think it's a bug. Try this:

Make the message list pane 45px wide for example. That's enough to display a subject of "Background Color in Text Block of email" in full. Then, close the tab.

Then, open up the rss tab and resize the message list panel to 170px for example. Then, click the print icon.

What happens is when clicking the button, the message list pane auto-resizes back to 45px. It's as if the message list width of 170px wasn't saved yet and clicking the print icon causes a reflow of the page based on the last saved width of 45px.

Originally posted by QuHno:

All in all it looks like there are two different workflows while reading feeds. While it would be coold to have an "Eierlegende Wollmilchsau" 2) it possibly would be better to build 2 different RSS extensions. Combining all of the wishes ported from "life bookmarks" or other features might slow down the extension to a crawl, because every added element has to be rendered and handled. This is quite costly especially with a well filled article list pane.

Yeh, if a feature makes the extension run horrible, the feature might not be worth the trouble.
27.08.2013 08:08

Originally posted by burnout426:

Just an item in the context menu that performs the action opening the article link for each message selected in the list in a new tab.

Oh, I thought you wanted to open a bunch of them at once and each of them in a new tab ...
Aditional question, just for clarification:
By article you mean the full article in the web or the downloaded RSS article?
If the first: That would mean a rewrite of the article list pane because that information is not in it now...

Originally posted by burnout426:

5 minutes is pretty much a requirement for me and is available in M2 and Thunderbird for feeds.

We would also like to have the native performance of M2 or Thunderbird - but JS and DOM sadly do not perform half as well as soon as they have to handle a lot of items ... /sigh
May be Martin can conjure a small wonder ...

Originally posted by burnout426:

(...) the time for articles to display in 12H format instead of 24H. Doesn't look like that's possible at the moment.

Right, that is not yet implemented for the pure hh:mm time format.
27.08.2013 06:08

Originally posted by burnout426:

Maybe make the subject above the message a link to the full article. (...)

The subject would be fatal for me, as I need a space to click in the article pane to activate it so that I can "space" through the articles and mark it as read and jump to the next as soon as the article is scrolled to the bottom ...

Originally posted by burnout426:

An "open article link" option in the right-click context menu (for the message and message list).

You mean something like a "open marked articles" checkbox that allows you to skim through the list and when done open all in full article view in new tabs?

Originally posted by burnout426:

Collapsible date groups with remembered collapsed state. (Per-feed setting with a global way to apply to all feeds)

Hm - as the date group sorting is dynamic, that could have some impact on performance, which is already a problem if you have a huge list of high traffic feeds - but it would be cool :D
May be that could be integrated in combination with a setting for:
Delete all article links older than ### d/w/m in this feed
to keep the performance impact low.

Originally posted by burnout426:

Thin toggle strip at very left-edge of the feeds list pane to expand/collapse the pane with one click. The toggle strip plus pinning the tab would be great together.
Would be cool to be able to double-left-click an item in the message list to read just that message in a new tab. A "Message List only" layout to go along with that.

Nice idea and should be not too costly to implement (not my workflow when reading feeds, but I can see the benefits)

Originally posted by burnout426:


@Martin: /me scrolls through the IM history (private joke :D)

Originally posted by burnout426:

Would make exporting the list for other clients a little funky though.

There are other clients? Blasphemy! :P :D
Only if you want to keep the sorting, but sorting after importing is way easier to do than adding all of the feeds manually, so it might still work out ...

Originally posted by burnout426:

Options to customize the message list text (unseen, seen and read state colors, font-family and font-weight).

font family could only be one of the >90% fonts or a generic as Opera doesn't allow to check for the installed fonts at the moment (at least not without a really ugly and performance hogging hack) - and believe me, almost nobody has the same fonts installed on his system. Yes, I know that there are webfonts etc. too, but I always found them being slow and several of them are incomplete (not everyone reads ASCII coded messages only ;)) and I don't want to dl more than necessary ...

Originally posted by burnout426:

(...) as in, always show full date and time for example


Originally posted by burnout426:

5-minute check interval. (...) (as most pages only show the latest 40 or so.)

That could fill up the storage quite rapidly if those are high message volume feeds, which might cause problems. Sadly indexDB doesn't allow a full text search like webSQL or localStorage 1), so switching the back end could result in different problems ...

Originally posted by burnout426:

Didn't check, but honor the feed pages TTL and not allow the user to set a lower check interval for that feed.

Is the TTL really the minimum time in which the feeds are updated? I know of at least a few web pages that have a TTL set to e.g. 24h but refresh more often ...

Originally posted by burnout426:

Changing the date format doesn't seem to affect already-fetched messages.

Works for me.

Did you click the reload button in the address bar to reload the complete tab to reparse the items for display?

Originally posted by burnout426:

Resize the message list pane to shrink its width a lot.

Sounds like a design limitation: A minimum width is required so that the right-click context menus can be displayed because they can't overlap the frame borders ...

A sidenote from an internal build 2) tester point of view:

All in all it looks like there are two different workflows while reading feeds. While it would be cool to have an "Eierlegende Wollmilchsau" 3) it possibly might be better to build 2 different RSS extensions. Combining all of the wishes ported from "life bookmarks" or other features might slow down the extension to a crawl, because every added element has to be rendered and handled. This is quite costly especially with a well filled article list pane.

Sadly Chromium fires a lot more events than Opera 12-- did, if I understood some of Martin's comments during the development right (don't sue me if not). The latest performance improvement came at quite a huge development cost (time) and many builds with hard to reproduce bugs 4) in between. A glimpse on the tricks that had to be used:
  • Build a logic that renders just the visible parts
  • Reuse DOM elements already rendered in other views and just change the contents.
  • ...

All that was necessary because webkit/blink does not cope well with redrawing or adding and deleting of many DOM elements. Short tests with a few messages don't reveal that, but as soon as you are in the higher 4 digit numbers, you can see it clearly, and I am speaking about speed improvements of the factor 2 and more in some cases. IMHO Chromium cheats to get better results in the benchmarks.

1) Big problem. Thank you, Mozilla, for pushing that crappy and not well thought out indexDB specification!
2) ... and there were a lot ...
3) German proverb, similar to: jack of all trades device. Literal meaning: An animal that delivers eggs like a chicken, wool like a sheep, milk like a cow and flesh and piglets like a sow.
4) I still wonder how Martin could keep staying so focused and quiet when I send him the next regression or bug ... :left:
27.08.2013 04:08
Quickly checked it out. Really, really Nice!

Jumping the gun, but a few things that'd be cool eventually:

* Full Article link at top instead of bottom.

Maybe make the subject above the message a link to the full article. Or, just have a link somewhere up top.

* An "open article link" option in the right-click context menu (for the message and message list).

When done on the message list, "open article link" would work on the selection and open the article link for each message.

A shortcut for it would be cool too so that you could ctrl + a and then hit that shortcut.

A "Do you want to open N tabs?" warning could be displayed when you do that if necessary. But, it should have a "don't warn me again" checkbox (that you can reverse in options).

(Basically, take the cool parts from Live Bookmarks)

* Remember last selected feed and feed message so that when you open the SmartRSS tab again, the message you had selected before is still selected and in view.

* Collapsible date groups with remembered collapsed state. (Per-feed setting with a global way to apply to all feeds)

* Thin toggle strip at very left-edge of the feeds list pane to expand/collapse the pane with one click. The toggle strip plus pinning the tab would be great together.

* Would be cool to be able to double-left-click an item in the message list to read just that message in a new tab. A "Message List only" layout to go along with that.

* You can add feed folders like in M2. However, just like an M2, I always thought it'd be great to use tags/labels there so that a feed can be in more than one at a time. Would make exporting the list for other clients a little funky though.

* Options to customize the message list text (unseen, seen and read state colors, font-family and font-weight).

* More tweaks for time format. For example, use the same format for messages in each date group (as in, always show full date and time for example).

* Full build number listed in options might be cool.

* 5-minute check interval. Used for lots of fast-updating feeds to grab the messages before they disappear from the feed page (as most pages only show the latest 40 or so.)

* Didn't check, but honor the feed pages TTL and not allow the user to set a lower check interval for that feed. But, have a way to turn that off in options or something.

Two issues:

* Changing the date format doesn't seem to affect already-fetched messages.

* Resize the message list pane to shrink its width a lot. Then, close the tab. Then, open the rss tab back up. Then, resize the message list pane again to make it a little (not a lot) wider. Then, click the print icon on the toolbar above the message. Result: Message list pane resets to the previous width. If the width of the pane is wider than a certain point, I can't reproduce. This is on Opera Developer + Win7 x64 + smartrss.2013-08-26.1.
26.08.2013 23:08

Originally posted by DitherSky:

Also a bug: when I use feeds 'Full text' links point to the original atom feed instead of the article.

Hi, I tried to investigate this, but I am not able to reproduce it. Can you send me an url of the rss you have this problem with?
26.08.2013 20:08
Its looking really nice, got one request though, would it be possible to have a list of feeds shown as links in a pop-up format(like live bookmarks in firefox) using the button to list all feed items that haven't been viewed?
26.08.2013 20:08

Originally posted by shoust:

would it be possible to have a list of feeds shown as links in a pop-up format

Hi, thanks for suggestion but I can't really imagine how could that work in the smart rss tab. But perhaps I just don't fully understand your request. By "list of feeds" you mean the actuall feed sources or feed articles? And by "the button to list all feed items that haven't been viewed" you mean shift+click on "all items"? Also what would be the advantages (in one case or another) to the current way it works?
26.08.2013 19:08

- optimization - This build does not fully render (in most cases) items that are not in view and renders them only once they get to view when scrolling. This might cause sometimes little lags while scrolling, but I will try to improve this in future builds.
26.08.2013 08:08
Automatic by the SmartRSS reader extension? No. That is a limitation of the Chromium APIs - but:

RSS adresses can be caught by the RSS Detector (the second extension linked in the blog post). They are and inserted to the main SmartRSS reader extension if you click on the little RSS icon that shows inside of the address field and select the feed you want to add ...

(edited. ZAHEK answered too fast for me, he caught me while editing :D)
26.08.2013 08:08

Originally posted by QuHno:

from inside of the extension? No. That is a limitation of the Chromium APIs. RSS adresses can only be caught by the RSS Detector (the second extension linked in the blog post) and inserted to the main SmartRSS reader extension by a click on the little RSS icon inside of the address bar...

Hımm, thanks.
26.08.2013 07:08

Originally posted by BS-Harou:

Changelog: folders (no subfolders yet tho.)

That's so nice now. I imported feeds as in Opera12 with folders. Thanks.
26.08.2013 07:08
Will it be possible to catch RSS adress with extension to add automatically into it?
24.08.2013 22:08
Awesome performance!
24.08.2013 20:08
12 days plus some days of internal builds before, 22 public builds, I forgot to count how many internal builds but there were a lot, 200(!) commits to github alone for the master branch and some for the indexDB branch.

Well done, Marin, very well done! Thank You! :up:
24.08.2013 19:08

Changelog: folders (no subfolders yet tho.)
24.08.2013 01:08

Originally posted by BS-Harou:

Originally posted by Cjcr:

Yes, I know that, but a button that do that seems better

I might add context menu on "All feeds" in future :)

Will be very welcome. Thanks!
23.08.2013 23:08

Originally posted by BS-Harou:

Originally posted by Ice007:

I guess he means automatic mark as read (after x sec.)

Oh, I see. Noted.

Yes, that is. Thanks.

"go to "all feeds" and press CTRL+SHIFT+A".

Yes, I know that, but a button that do that seems better :)
23.08.2013 23:08

Originally posted by Cjcr:

Yes, I know that, but a button that do that seems better

I might add context menu on "All feeds" in future :)
23.08.2013 22:08
Thank you so much.

For now I miss an option to mark all items as read .. an also an option to mark item as read when is selected.
23.08.2013 22:08

Originally posted by Cjcr:

For now I miss an option to mark all items as read

go to "all feeds" and press CTRL+SHIFT+A

Originally posted by Cjcr:

option to mark item as read when is selected.

Don't understand this one. You can select whetver article you want and press "k" or button/context menu item and it is marked as read. Or do you mean something else?
23.08.2013 22:08

Originally posted by BS-Harou:

Or do you mean something else?

I guess he means automatic mark as read (after x sec.)
23.08.2013 22:08

Originally posted by Ice007:

I guess he means automatic mark as read (after x sec.)

Oh, I see. Noted.
23.08.2013 16:08
- Feed tooltips (count of unread and all items in the feed)
- Button to open new tab with current article (so you can download it as mhtml)
- fixes

Note: special feed sections (all feeds, pinned, trash) don't have tooltips. Feeds added in older builds will show wrong number of all articles until they are updated.
22.08.2013 23:08

Originally posted by QuHno:

Originally posted by Unrealmirakulix:

-> a white box overlays the area where the settings dropdown was

... let me guess: Opera 17?

If yes: Known redraw bug in O17. Opera ASA must fix that, nothing Martin can do about that.

correct :king:
22.08.2013 21:08

- Russian translation
- no more crashes when downloading large exported data
22.08.2013 20:08
Here is Russian translation for the extension:

Doesn't Chrome's core have i18n JSON-based engine for translations though? Maybe it's better to use native extension translation method...

Also a bug: when I use feeds 'Full text' links point to the original atom feed instead of the article.

And the suggestion: please add button or menu item to save selected article(s) as HTML/MHTML. Here is the good template for this that supports multiple articles:
22.08.2013 20:08

Originally posted by DitherSky:

Here is Russian translation for the extension:

thanks! I'll investigate the liverjournal feed and note the download as html in my todo :)
22.08.2013 20:08
Thank you too. I really appreciate your work on this extension.
22.08.2013 17:08

I forgot to escape urls when exporting to opml. This should fix it :)
22.08.2013 16:08

- feeds in left column with unread items are bold
- I replaced the opera:cache thingy with google service to get favicons. In future I'd like to do some *mutation* of both, but the google service is probably better option for now.
22.08.2013 15:08

Originally posted by Unrealmirakulix:

-> a white box overlays the area where the settings dropdown was

... let me guess: Opera 17?

If yes: Known redraw bug in O17. Opera ASA must fix that, nothing Martin can do about that.
22.08.2013 14:08
go to Settings -> Switch to the other layout :)

go to Settings -> click on the layout that is already chosen :bug:

-> a white box overlays the area where the settings dropdown was



...mouseover on buttons and text...


...again mouseover on buttons and text...

22.08.2013 14:08
Anonym writes:

Nice work. Please keep working on this, I will use it once new-opera is out for linux. Thanks!
22.08.2013 13:08

- import/export in options page (*.smart format backups all your feeds & article, *.opml only feeds. Unless you really want to keep your old articles backed up you should use the opml format).
- clear all data button in options page
- title on article items in middle column
22.08.2013 13:08
That's great.Test now :)
22.08.2013 13:08
Now it is really nice and I think just need t omake folder structure :)
21.08.2013 18:08

- I discovered some serious rendering bugs when new items where fetched, this build should fix that
21.08.2013 14:08

- fixed feeds ordering
- shift + click on feed shows only unread items
- on load only unread items from all feeds are displayed
- other fixes and bit of optimization :)
21.08.2013 07:08

Originally posted by BS-Harou:

- I also played a little with the one-line layout /CC @Nimesh

Thanks. It looks good now :up:
21.08.2013 01:08

Originally posted by BS-Harou:

Originally posted by Unrealmirakulix:

you have to click on just added feeds to replace the URL with the actual feed name

Can't reproduce that, here it changes from url to title automatically once the feeds are fetched.

added some more feeds now. :bug: just appeared at first feed I added to clear old version upgraded to newest build.


now I installed it completely clean and this time it just took about 0.5 sec to shown the title instead of the url. :)

so everything seems just fine :cheers:
20.08.2013 22:08
you have to click on just added feeds to replace the URL with the actual feed name, e.g. add from the feed "Film Bain's Feed" via button next to the speeddial and stash icons in the address bar. -> go to RSS Reader overview -> see url as feed name -> click on feed name -> see "Film Brain's Feed" as new name.

Great work :)
20.08.2013 22:08

Originally posted by Unrealmirakulix:

you have to click on just added feeds to replace the URL with the actual feed name

Can't reproduce that, here it changes from url to title automatically once the feeds are fetched.
20.08.2013 21:08
Trust me. It will be one of the best extension made ever.
20.08.2013 20:08

Optimization begins
- This build contains a fix for a bug that caused major performance regressions when new items were fetched
- It also fixes a bug which made the "U - Undelete" shortcut work outside of trash.
20.08.2013 19:08

Originally posted by brucelawson:

Very nice, Martin, very nice. Email me your postal address and I'll send you a small gift made of Norwegian pine.

That's great! Thank you very much.

You've got new mail :)
20.08.2013 18:08
Very nice, Martin, very nice. Email me your postal address and I'll send you a small gift made of Norwegian pine.
20.08.2013 16:08

- I updated the translations as requested, please make sure all is up to date everyone! :)
- I also played a little with the one-line layout /CC @Nimesh
20.08.2013 15:08
When we opened SmartRSS page , all rss would have been updated automatically? Otherwise we need to press button each time.

Of course I am not sure if any slowing with this action...
20.08.2013 15:08
Will you make M2 as well? :P
20.08.2013 15:08

Originally posted by kapsi:

Will you make M2 as well? :P

Oh yes, Oh yes, Oh yes!!!
20.08.2013 15:08

Originally posted by ZAHEK:

When we opened SmartRSS page , all rss would have been updated automatically? Otherwise we need to press button each time.

The RSS feeds should be updated automatically every 3 hours (or whatever you set later in properties).

Originally posted by kapsi:

Will you make M2 as well?

Imagine RSS Reader as a banana :banana: and M2 as our solar system. That's how much harder M2 would be to create :)
20.08.2013 15:08

Originally posted by Ice007:

Originally posted by kapsi:

Will you make M2 as well? :P

Oh yes, Oh yes, Oh yes!!!]

We should wait till next many years :)
20.08.2013 14:08

Originally posted by BS-Harou:

Originally posted by ZAHEK:

Interesting, I can reproduce something similar in O17. Seems to be a redraw issue in Opera.

Yes it is in O17 and maybe some problems with dev. version. Maybe no need more investigate.

Originally posted by BS-Harou:

- Turkish translation
- New icons in middle column context menu

Thanks ang looks nice.
Icons are so nice :)

One more suggestion. When you clicked search box, tooltip doesn't hidden till press keyboard. I think it would be usefull, to be hidden when you clicked there with mouse without typing something? What d oyou think?

20.08.2013 14:08

Originally posted by ZAHEK:

tooltip doesn't hidden till press keyboard. I think it would be usefull, to be hidden when you clicked there with mouse without typing something?

That is default browser behavior, I use the placeholder attribute. So I probably let this as it is. Sorry :angel:

- Slovakian translation added. That is the last I was waiting for before alpha.
- One fix in Eng. translation

Unless I'll find some serious bug, this build is going to be alpha version :)
20.08.2013 14:08
Pls add my last strings changes on github in TR fes minutes ago before release. They are important :)

Thank you for your great effort as always.
20.08.2013 14:08
Bug: Author Names are not in line when the feed length is more
20.08.2013 14:08
It seems, one more string is still missing.
20.08.2013 12:08

Originally posted by ZAHEK:

have a problem. When you second clicked right menu on any thread, threads are being hidden. Do you have suych a problem?

Interesting, I can reproduce something similar in O17. Seems to be a redraw issue in Opera.
20.08.2013 12:08

- Turkish translation
- New icons in middle column context menu
20.08.2013 11:08

Originally posted by Ice007:

If I see it correct, now (19.2 > 19.5) the color is completely gone again.

The icon is supposed to have a color only when new articles are fetched and you haven't yet clicked on "All feeds" explicitly or on each of the feed sources with new items.
20.08.2013 11:08
I have a problem. When you second clicked right menu on any thread, threads are being hidden. Do you have suych a problem?

And will you add some icons for some strings ond context menu?
For. exm. "Nest unread + previous unread"
20.08.2013 11:08

Originally posted by ZAHEK:

I have a problem. When you second clicked right menu on any thread, threads are being hidden. Do you have suych a problem?

This looks serious, but I haven't managed to reproduce it yet. Investigating right now.
Edit: Can you reproduce it with HWA off? (There is switch in Opera settings)

Originally posted by ZAHEK:

And will you add some icons for some strings ond context menu?
For. exm. "Nest unread + previous unread"

I use icons from Opera 12, but unfortunately they don't have any icons for these actions either. I'll try to search in the skin for some other icons that could be used :)
20.08.2013 11:08
20.08.2013 09:08
Cant, confirm, the icon still changes the color as soon as new items arrive...
19.08.2013 23:08

- option to change color of new-feeds-icon
- link to options page from settings in smart rss tab
- Polish translation
- Trash context menu
- More fixes

Unless I'll find some serious bugs then once I receive Slovakian and Turkish translation I will release alpha version of Smart RSS.

The main focus between alpha and beta version will be optimization.
19.08.2013 23:08

Originally posted by BS-Harou:

- option to change color of new-feeds-icon

If I see it correct, now (19.2 > 19.5) the color is completely gone again.

Otherwise: Very good work!!! :yes:
19.08.2013 19:08

- several important fixes
- German translation
19.08.2013 19:08

Originally posted by BS-Harou:

Beautiful extension icon made by QuHno

Display the beautiful icon on post too

Great to see such an improvement in just one week :up: :cheers: :yes:
19.08.2013 19:08
Excellent work! :up:
19.08.2013 15:08

Originally posted by BS-Harou:

- Date groups
- Options page (localization, date format)
- Sort asc./desc.
- Beautiful extension icon made by QuHno. Special thanks!
- fixes

- Currently only English and Czech localizations are working. German, Turkish and Slovakian translations should be in very soon.
- I changed the way item IDs are generated to fix some issues. So if you have some items that are still in RSS sources they will get duplicated on update. To prevent this, go to "all feeds" and delete all items completely (SHIFT+DEL) before updating to this new version. I'm sorry for the trouble :P
- The new extension icons are under Free License :)

What a great work!! THANKS!
19.08.2013 14:08

- Date groups
- Options page (localization, date format)
- Sort asc./desc.
- Beautiful extension icon made by QuHno. Special thanks!
- fixes

- Currently only English and Czech localizations are working. German, Turkish and Slovakian translations should be in very soon.
- I changed the way item IDs are generated to fix some issues. So if you have some items that are still in RSS sources they will get duplicated on update. To prevent this, go to "all feeds" and delete all items completely (SHIFT+DEL) before updating to this new version. I'm sorry for the trouble :P
- The new extension icons are under Free License :)
18.08.2013 00:08
thanks. Could you please put in a new version number each time to make it easier for us while testing? Atm I always have 1.0 in my extensions overview...
17.08.2013 21:08

- Some more work on the close/open bug mention in next build
- Frameborder position saving
- Some other fixes
16.08.2013 16:08

Originally posted by QuHno:

and one-line and two-line(s) is exchanged

16.08.2013 15:08
... and one-line and two-line(s) is exchanged :D

(I did a clean install and re-subscribed to the feeds - import and export to a tab delimited list or so would be welcome ...)
16.08.2013 13:08

- option to force one-line/two-lines layout (there is Two-Line instead of Two-Lines in select box, will be fixed in next build :P )
- probably the most important fix since pre-alpha. Until now the extension was practically unusable when the RSS tab was closed and opened again. Clean install might be good idea :faint:

Edit: Actually I just realized the bug is not fully fixed. Don't reuse the tab for anything else and if possible don't refresh the tab :D I will try to fix it completely as soon as possible :)
16.08.2013 12:08

Originally posted by QuHno:

Something that might become a problem in future:

Yep, I know about this. What I want to do is to check on each update if the item in db is still in the rss source. If not, I can safely remove it from db because I know I won't be fetching it again. (Unless there is some weird RSS that changes # of items with every fetch).
16.08.2013 09:08
Something that might become a problem in future:

I deleted all items but they stay in the database - just the content is set to an empty string as long as the entry belongs to a subscribed feed. If you delete the feed, it seems that a more or less empty key-value pair stays in the DB. I can imagine that this behavior leads to problems after some time. May be some garbage collection or compacting is needed.

Possible solution: Delete the entries, remember the time of the last feed download/update, compare it with the time when the items inside of the new downloaded content were written and discard entries that older than the last update ...
16.08.2013 08:08

Originally posted by ZAHEK:

Hi Martin, do we chance to add more rss adress at the same time? Or can we edit any file to add them?

Not yet.

Originally posted by Ice007:

The actual build should be served at the top of the blog

Thx, done.
16.08.2013 07:08
Proposal: The actual build should be served at the top of the blog and not between the comments. For "us" tester / user of the first hour it´s not a problem. New interested parties who visit this blog probably install the version above in the blog ("Download links:";) and only afterwards realize that they have installed the old version.

-just my 2 cent-
15.08.2013 23:08
Hi Martin, do we chance to add more rss adress at the same time? Or can we edit any file to add them?

BTW , RSS button works but no adding in RSS screen in case of it says RSS adress added.
15.08.2013 23:08

Originally posted by QuHno:

Don't uninstall the old version, download the new version, open the folder in Explorer, open the Extensions tab in Opera (Ctrl+Shift+E) and then drag and drop the downloaded extension file right from Explorer to there. Done :)

2 wishes (low priority :D):
1) An extra button in the middle column: "Hide read items"
2) The general preference: "Mark as read after ### seconds" would be really handy when space-ing through the articles.


Thanks :)
15.08.2013 20:08
how can I update the extension without uninstalling and installing the new build?
15.08.2013 20:08
Don't uninstall the old version, download the new version, open the folder in Explorer, open the Extensions tab in Opera (Ctrl+Shift+E) and then drag and drop the downloaded extension file right from Explorer to there. Done :)

2 wishes (low priority :D):
1) An extra button in the middle column: "Hide read items"
2) The general preference: "Mark as read after ### seconds" would be really handy when space-ing through the articles.


15.08.2013 18:08

- prevent ajax caching
- improve multi-selection in middle column
- context menu for middle column
- d'n'd of items to trash
- Make CTRL+SHIFT+A work in trash/pinned sections.
- 1,2,3 (above Q,W,E) keys to switch between columns
- Space pressed with selected item scrolled to bottom moves you to next item

Note that last two changes does not work perfectly. That is because the actually content (not header with title and other stuff) are in special sandboxed iframe to prevent any scripts from running. This means no malicious code will get executed but it also means I can't catch any key events there. So if you click on the content with mouse no shortcuts will work there. However, ff you click on the header or use "3" to move to the right column all shortcuts should work fine :)
14.08.2013 16:08

Originally posted by QuHno:

no embedded players working, e.g. (Film Brain's Feed)

And they probably won't ever. For security reasons the frame with the messages is sandboxed and such no JS execution is allowed. Most players need JavaScript.

What about using webview? I mean pre-process feeds by replacing iframe/embed/audio/video tags to corresponding webview code.

And question to the author: what this extension uses as storage? I heard localStorage is very limited in Chrome and its clones. So is 50Mb of subscriptions content but a dream?
14.08.2013 16:08

Originally posted by DitherSky:

And question to the author: what this extension uses as storage? I heard localStorage is very limited in Chrome and its clones. So is 50Mb of subscriptions content but a dream?

Yes I use localStorage though I'd like to use IndexDB in future. However, there is an "unlimitedStorage" permission for extensions which I just added to manifest file so 50MB shouldn't be a problem. Actually, it is, because having 50MB of RSS would make the extension probably reeeally slow :P

Edit: actually, it seems the unlimitedStorage works only with IndexDB/WebSQL ... one more reason to get rid of local storage as quick as possible :P
14.08.2013 14:08
Mpph. Copy&Paste wrong feed url, i was erroreanous.
I mean

14.08.2013 14:08
Got it, thx! I've been looking for "update" element instead of "updated". :rolleyes:

- fixed the updated element
- when error happens in bg process it gets displayed in log in bottom right corner. it should help to hunt some more bugs and will be removed (at least by default) from final version.
14.08.2013 13:08

Bug: Date is wrong in Atom feed at
14.08.2013 13:08

Originally posted by GwenDragon:

Bug: Date is wrong in Atom feed at

I don't see it. Do you have a screen?

First time I added the feed it got, from some reason, redirected to my.opera login page and did not get downloaded, no idea why. But when I clicked on update it downloaded ok and the dates seems fine as well. What timezone are you in? Perhaps it got changed to yours.
14.08.2013 06:08
The count# bug reminds me of a similar one from 2013-08-12 06:46
I should have tested it again before the initial release :awww:

Originally posted by Ice007:

After an update the old "builds" remain in the extension directory, similar to the browser itself.

I think didn't remove the last ones manually during the initial test phase and it seems the old ones are deleted by some garbage control after some time - but we should watch that behavior and if they stay forever it is worth filing a bug report to Opera ...

I just looked again, with the last update the old version was deleted after it was started once and after the next one or two Opera restarts.

User wish (german)
The user wishes for optional automatic highlighting or deleting of feeds that are inactive for some time, or displaying the date in the left column when the feed got its latest new items.

He subscribes to comment feeds and those tend to slow down to zero messages or get closed after a certain time. He uses them as "throw away feeds" that are only good for short term information. Highlighting feeds where the latest message is older than ### d/w/m (could be a preference) or displaying the time would ease up feed management, automatic deleting (optional) would help keeping the feed list tidy.

I personally think that is a good idea.
14.08.2013 03:08
Your last .nex release is wrong linked:

Link-Adress: .../smartrss.2013-08-12.3.nex
Link-Name: ...../smartrss.2013-08-12.4.nex

14.08.2013 03:08

Originally posted by Ice007:

Your last .nex release is wrong linked:

I should better upload a new update to fix this :)

- fix ratio thingy for images with fixed size in css
- fix for the wrong count number with trashed items
- add support for del,shift+del,shift+d shortcuts
- add pin button to right column
14.08.2013 03:08
Ok - then i try this one! ;)

(Also removed my link in the last post, in order not to confuse the users)

Btw - Info: After an update the old "builds" remain in the extension directory, similar to the browser itself. So - if you want it "clean" you should delete the old ones from time to time.
14.08.2013 02:08
I think I managed to fix it :)
13.08.2013 23:08

30 feeds? where are they? Think I finally found a :bug:
13.08.2013 23:08

Originally posted by Unrealmirakulix:

30 feeds? where are they? Think I finally found a

Can you give me url for the feed?

Edit: if you close/open the buggy behavior tab does it persist?
Edit2: If you encounter some similar bug look in web inspector (CTRL+SHIFT+I) for some other than "Blocked script execution in *" errors.
13.08.2013 23:08

Originally posted by Unrealmirakulix:

30 feeds? where are they? Think I finally found a :bug:

Confirmed. Had this also a few hours ago.

Different reasons/solutions:
Unread deleted Feeds (Trash) still are counted in feed-overview: Open Trash and mark them as read (G) or delete them.
If still some are left: Undelete one feed that belongs to the "damage" feeds so it appears in the feed-folder and reload the single feed folder. (not the general reload)

Nochmal auf Deutsch:
Ungelesene gelöschte Feeds im Trash-Ordner werden weiter mitgezählt: Als gelesen markieren (G) oder löschen.
Wenn das auch nicht hilft: Einen der gelöschten Feeds eines betroffenen Ordners wieder herstellen und den "Neu laden"-Button im Feed-Ordner drücken (Nicht den generellen für alle Feeds)

It´s a annoying bug!
13.08.2013 22:08
I know, what it means! WTF? :devil:
13.08.2013 20:08
... enter it here: :D
13.08.2013 19:08

Originally posted by BS-Harou:

"fixes for strange wtf bugs"

That is a scientific term.
Code quality is measured in WTFs/minute
13.08.2013 19:08
13.08.2013 17:08

Originally posted by Velmont:

Cool beans! Are you hosting this on GitHub or something? It'd be quite nice.

Not yet, I do have a git repo and active github account so it is a matter of seconds. However, unlike usually, I did not focus much on nice commits messages and structure. One night when I was really sleepy and just had to deal with the strangest bugs, I made a commit called something like "fixes for strange wtf bugs". What I want to say is, I'm not really proud of this repository :D

Edit: I pushed it to github. Url in blog post.

Originally posted by Velmont:

Also, rather than local storage, I guess IndexedDB would be a better fit down the road.

Yes, it definitely would. Problem is there isn't any high quality IndexDB module for Backbone.js. I will probably have to write my own and that will take some time. Hopefully in some feature release :)
13.08.2013 16:08
This extension makes me fall (a bit more) in love with new Opera 15.
13.08.2013 16:08
Cool beans! :D Are you hosting this on GitHub or something? It'd be quite nice.

Also, rather than local storage, I guess IndexedDB would be a better fit down the road. Being async and all (tho' the Chromium implementation arguably needs some love).
13.08.2013 15:08

Originally posted by BS-Harou:

Try it and let me know how it works

And it works! :yes:
Even from O16/Win to O17/OS X ;)

In fact "double easy", because the extension-ID is identical - so you only have to migrate the two matching ID files from local storage (localstorage & -journal).
13.08.2013 15:08
ok thanks. Love this pre-alphaor whatever it's called / meant to be :drunk:
13.08.2013 13:08

Originally posted by GwenDragon:

Umpf, i did never complain about relative addresses.

You did, "/test/pic/img1.png" is a relative address :P ... Does it work in the updated version? (see my previous comment)
13.08.2013 13:08
Works in smartrss.2013-08-13.1.nex now! Thanks. :yes:

Bug: Pictures do not resize proportionally.
1. Fetch

2. Resize Opera 16 windoww to 1024x768
3. In rigtht pane with content of first article picture is squeezed in width

May be you can fix this later with some CSS.
13.08.2013 13:08

Originally posted by GwenDragon:

Pictures do not resize proportionally.

Damm, I thought I fixed this already. It seems I missed something. Thx!
EDIT: fixed internally, will be in next update :)
13.08.2013 13:08

Originally posted by BS-Harou:

- relative addresses
- support for date element
- close Smart RSS when the tab is focused and button is pressed

Just install "over" the existing? Or remove the former one first?
(Btw. A release number would be helpfull! The installation file has one, but the extension still is 1.0)
13.08.2013 13:08
Could be great to have an unread feeds counter in extension icon ;)
13.08.2013 13:08

Originally posted by Ice007:

Just install "over" the existing? Or remove the former one first?
(Btw. A release number would be helpfull!)

"Install over" should work (it should also keep all your current data).

My _release_ numbers consist of a date and a counter as you can see in the name of file :)
13.08.2013 13:08

Originally posted by BS-Harou:

"Install over" should work (it should also keep all your current data).

Yes - it does. Thanks.

Another question: The data files (to migrate data to an other installation/PC) are the two extension files in "Local Storage" or do i need other ones?
13.08.2013 13:08

Originally posted by Ice007:

The data files (to migrate data to an other installation/PC) are the two extension files in "Local Storage" or do i need other ones?

I store all data in local storage. However I never tried moving an Opera 15+ extension to another installation with data and all so I don't really now. Try it and let me know how it works :up:
13.08.2013 12:08

Originally posted by GwenDragon:

Feed parser bug: shows wrong Date

Thx, just fixed it internally :)

Originally posted by GwenDragon:

Media in Feed as images should load from same domain if there's no scheme and authority in URI.

Can you point me to some RSS which uses relative addresses? :) (Nevermind, QuHno already gave it to me and I fixed it internally ;) )
13.08.2013 12:08

- relative addresses
- support for date element
- close Smart RSS when the tab is focused and button is pressed
13.08.2013 12:08

Originally posted by BS-Harou:

Can you point me to some RSS which uses relative addresses?

Umpf, i did never complain about relative addresses.

Please have a look at feed at

Browesers Feedreaders IE 10, FF 22 and Opera 12 fetching the picture, your extension does not ;)

//EDIT: Works in bugfixed version now! :up:
13.08.2013 10:08
Feed parser bug: shows wrong Date, always 01.01.2000.
Feed uses dc:date for Date information, i. e.

13.08.2013 09:08
Fine. Thanks a lot.

Bug: Media in Feed as images should load from same domain if there's no scheme and authority in URI.

That means:
<img src="/test/pic/img1.png">
should load

Other Feedreaders do load this content. ;)
13.08.2013 07:08

Originally posted by Unrealmirakulix:

favicons are missing

Not really, as Martin already described in the blog post. The extension uses the favicons for the feeds from Opera's icon cache. Open the preferences of the feed, copy the URL, paste it into a new tab, hit enter and close the tab. After that you can see the icons if you reload the reader tab by hitting the reload button in the address bar or if you press F5.

Originally posted by Unrealmirakulix:

no embedded players working, e.g. (Film Brain's Feed)

And they probably won't ever. For security reasons the frame with the messages is sandboxed and such no JS execution is allowed. Most players need JavaScript. If Martin hadn't done it on his own, I would have already asked him during the test phase to do so.

  • Extensions are based on JavaScript and that can rip up security holes (direct attacks on the extension's code, cross site scripting, sniffing, etc.).
  • Feed servers can be hacked too (and already were in the past) and can deliver feeds that contain malicious code.
  • 90% of all fly-by attacks need at least a little portion of JS to work, sadly embedded players do so too.
Believe me, you don't want the malicious code. ;)

The extension IS buggy and you might lose all your data while using it or upgrading to next version.

I had the chance to test it for some weeks before this public release went live and I must say that I never lost any data while upgrading the extension - but of course it still might happen, so don't sue me for saying that :D

Originally posted by slan1:

Can you add support for localization?

Problem with localization:
No one of us speaks all languages, so translators are needed, which leads to a problem:
Will the translators be available every time the extension is updated?
(I experienced that problem with my extension too, the initial translation was no problem, but having to nag the translators to keep up with the translation was a PITA, especially if there are help files with much text and changes happen in those)

@Martin: I told you that someone would ask for localization :P
Hint: Most of the used strings should be in the lng files of O12 - the same numbers are the same strings. That should ease up the localization of the extension a bit ...
13.08.2013 02:08
Wow! That´s really awesome! :star: :star: :star: :star: :star:

I guess you know, if this "Baby" is ready it will be the first No.1 - Extension of "Opera - The Next Generation"! With this extension you might enter Opera´s history books! ;)

Each user who was not using M2 because of mail, but because of RSS, now is a big step further, to have nearly a complete substitute to Opera 12.

Awesome work! :yes:
13.08.2013 00:08
testing with O17 dev on W8x64...

* del-key doesn't delete. don't like d-key to delete
* favicons are missing
* no embedded players working, e.g. (Film Brain's Feed)

That's all I found today ;) Very good work :wizard:
12.08.2013 23:08
Great!Thanks :yes:
Can you add support for localization?
12.08.2013 22:08
Thanks! I think many people waited for it. :)

Is it supposed to work in Opera 15 or 16? (I guess not – I get some obvious bugs after installing it there and they don't support some extra APIs Opera 17 does.) It's worth mentioning in the text that it requires Opera 17.
12.08.2013 22:08

Originally posted by Saskatchewan:

It's worth mentioning in the text that it requires Opera 17.

I did not test it in O15, but It should work in O16. None of the extra APIs are needed.

What kind of obvious bugs are you talking about? Perhaps I spent so much time ignoring them I forget to fix them :)
12.08.2013 22:08
Great Start :up:
So Opera has no plans to build RSS reader (or something like that) on top of Blink?
12.08.2013 22:08

Originally posted by nimeshthakkar:

So Opera has no plans to build RSS reader (or something like that) on top of Blink?

Nothing I'm aware of.
12.08.2013 22:08
It really works like the Opera's RSS reader!

I love it! :)
12.08.2013 22:08
Ok, I updated the download url with new version that should hopefully work in O15. I had to add webkit prefixed CSS property for all flexbox properties, because O15 does not support flexbox without it. With a bit of luck I did not miss any property that needed prefixing. :)
12.08.2013 22:08

Originally posted by BS-Harou:

What kind of obvious bugs are you talking about?

In O15 toolbar buttons are displayed wrong (something like: 1px height, 100% width).

You're right – it works in O16. After subscribing the first channel messages were not downloaded, but I tried again with the same one and it worked.

Edit: Ah, you fixed it already. I opened the page and was doing something else for a while, so I didn't see your answer before posting this.

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